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Zapisi od SlashSpeed

  1. Res? Podaj mi par primerov prosim. :?

    vzemi si pol ure cajta, pa preglej mal forum...

    današnja mladina je res navajena, da ji mama vse prinese k riti... :no_no:

    Če misliš odklepe konzol in custom firwari za PSP-je se krepko motiš. To ni piratstvo. Poganjanje kopiranih iger na tem pa je piratstvo. Se razumeva? :?

  2. Bi lahko nekoga prosil, naj me registrira na strani Sem poskušal že večkrat pa ne gre. Ko po prvem koraku kliknem Continue me vrže nazaj na prvo stran(kjer so ponudbe in te zadeve). Domnevam, da naslov in podatke lahko kasneje spremenim, zato lahko pod to pišete kar "BLA BLA" ali karkoli drugega. Geslo in Ime mi prosim pošljite na ZS. Upam, da si bo kdo vzel čas, saj bi rad prednaročil Mass Effect 2 še danes(da ga dobim na dan izida).

    Že v naprej hvala! :innocent:

    Edit: Sem raje vzel na Jebeš Gameplay :eviltongue:

  3. Izpod rok mojstrov Bioware(Dragon Age: Origins, Mass Effect, itd.), naslednji teden, prihaja ena izmed najbolj pričakovanih iger leta 2010, Mass Effect 2. Zasluži si uradno temo! :thumbup:


    Uradna stran:

    Mass Effect 2 begins in 2183, not long after the events of Mass Effect. While on patrol for geth, the protagonist Commander Shepard's ship, the Normandy, comes under attack by an unknown assailant. The ship suffers extensive damage, forcing the crew to evacuate in escape pods. Shepard is the last to escape the ship before it is destroyed completely, but eventually asphyxiates and dies while drifting through space. Commander Shepard's body is retrieved by the Shadow Broker, a secretive buyer of information, selling it to the highest bidder, who has been employed by The Collectors, an enigmatic and xenophobic alien race who serve as the game's primary antagonists. In the events of Mass Effect: Redemption, former squadmate Liara T'Soni is employed by Cerberus, a pro-human group, to get the body for the organization, before it is delivered to the Collectors. After this, Cerberus works to revive the Commander through a project known as "Lazarus." Two years later in 2185, Shepard is awakened aboard a Cerberus space station that is under attack, and aids Cerberus agents Miranda Lawson and Jacob Taylor in escaping. Shepard is taken to Cerberus' headquarters and granted an audience with the Illusive Man, who explains that Shepard was "upgraded" and asks for the Commander's help in combating a new threat which has been abducting entire human colonies. Shepard and his team are dispatched to the recently attacked colony of Freedom's Progress in the Terminus Systems to investigate. There, the group encounters Tali, one of Shepard's former squad members, and discovers that the mysterious insect-like Collectors were behind the attack. Shepard reports this to the Illusive Man, who then reveals what Shepard's previous squad members are up to. After receiving command of the Normandy SR-2decides to begin recruiting a new team to discover the Collectors' plan.

    Igra bo vključevala ogromno stvari, tule je par omembe vrednih.

    -Svoj save game lahko prenesete iz Mass Effect 1, kar pomeni, da boste Mass Effect 2 igrali z istim karakterjem kot v ME1. Zgodba v ME2 bo tudi temeljila na odločitvah, ki ste jih določili v ME1.

    -Igra bo vsebovala naboje(nič več neskončno streliva in pregrevanja).

    -Grafika je "njami

    -V igro bo vključenih več različnih zgodb, ki bodo temeljile na vaših odločitvah in za spremembo od ME1, lahko v ME2 postanete resnično "zlobni"

    -Heavy weapons za Soldier Class

    -In še mnogo, mnogo, mnogo več...


    Je kdo zadevo prednaročil? Ter iz kje? Na dan izida bo na voljo one-day DLC, ki bo zastonj.

  4. "Level Down" Servers Plague Modern Warfare 2

    UPDATE: This also seems to be affecting users on the PC version as well.

    Original: In what seems to be the ongoing saga that is Modern Warfare 2, a new issue has popped up amongst the community. Recently a number of players have reported coming across hacked "level down" servers during their gaming. These servers give extreme amounts of negative experience per kill or round that will generally reset players to single digit rankings. This issue first popped up on the IW forums the other day with video evidence (Video 1, Video 2) to support the claim.

    This comes from someone who claims they started out a round as a second prestige rank 50 and ended as a rank 1.

    ME and my clan (SC) went into a game of HxC SnD, we found a group of tenth prestiges, we thought they were merely boosters, we were very wrong.

    We knew something was wrong when they just waltzed out of their spawn in Highrise and let us kill them.

    After we won that round, they said "AWW look at the level 1's" and we noticed...

    Killing them made us LOSE xp.... we won the match cause they ended it.

    Match Results: -899999453xp....

    As of right now, it seems to only affect Xbox 360 gamers but that is not to say the same issue won't pop up on the PC or PlayStation 3 versions of the game.[/quote:2ym71sst]

    Pazite se :lol:

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