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Zapisi od SlashSpeed

  1. Če bi imel jaz npr. NTSC Wii kot tale možakar in bi kupil PAL napajalnik(15€ na, bi to delovalo?

    Glede na to, da Stane ni odpisal, domnevam, da je?

  2. OpenDNS offers DNS resolution for consumers and businesses as an alternative to using their Internet service provider's DNS servers. By placing company servers in strategic locations and employing a large cache of the domain names, OpenDNS usually processes queries much more quickly,[1] thereby increasing page retrieval speed. DNS query results are sometimes cached by the local operating system and/or applications, so this speed increase may not be noticeable with every request, but only with requests that are not stored in a local cache.

    Other features include a phishing filter, domain blocking and typo correction (for example, typing "wikipedia.og" instead of ""). By collecting a list of malicious sites, OpenDNS blocks access to these sites when a user tries to access them through their service. OpenDNS also launched PhishTank, where users around the world can submit and review suspected phishing sites.

  3. Klinc, zamudu sm redeemption za ene 10min :( in nism več mogu dobit DSi-ja, za une filme je pa tut brezveze devat 1400 točk...

    Btw, tist k je naroču iPhone skin. Ne paše ravno najbolj na iPod Touch, ker je iPhone debelejši od Toucha. Da se dat gor, sam ne bo čist obdajal. Vem k ma frendica tk :)

    Boš mel pa naslednjič dosti za en debel, masten in pošten PS3 :beer:

  4. Lockerz:

    The redemption is now over. Thank you for joining us! For those who didn't get a chance to redeem, we will have more redemptions soon, and later this year, PTZ PLACE will be open 24/7 for you to use your PTZ for your favorite brands and products.

    Zanimivo. Vprašanje je kakšne bodo zaloge...

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