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Zapisi od SlashSpeed

  1. Imam eno vprašanje. Če hočem rešiti mojo celotno posadko, moram iti do Collectorjev takoj, ali grem lahko delati še Legion Loyalty guest, po tem, ko jih ugrabijo? Ker brez tega potem odpade, da moja ekipa preživi(verjetno Legion umre?). I'm confused :bleh:

  2. Evo, je ratalo. Držal sem se tovornjaka na desnem koncu mape. Garrus in Grunt sta se začuda držala malce stran, tako da ni prišlo do incidentov. Za barrier sem uporabljal Impact Shot od obeh teamatov in mojo SMG. Armor sem pa zbil z Inferno Ammo+Auto Shotgun. Sweet :D

    Zdaj se jebam z Geth Prime. Shield, Armor in Health, + shotgun, + rush. Deadly. Mi še ni ratalo, bom pa poskušal. :tepen:

    Hvala za pomoč, R3lix! :car:

  3. Jaz sem že totalno zgubil živce z Praetorian na planetu Horizon, kjer prvič srečaš Collectorje. HOW THE FUCK ga naj premagam? Sam Praetorian ni težek, fora je v tem, da se moja soborca(Grunt in Garrus) ves čas nastavljata pred njim. Kar pomeni, da si ves čas recharga preklet Barrier. Nekaj časa kasneje jih še ubije in ostanem sam, on pa 3/4 življenja z full barrier. I mean wtf?

    Ma kdo kak nasvet? Moja retarda *kreh* mislim soborca sploh ne ubogata mojih ukazev. Jih pošljem v kritje, onadva pa še kar za mano. obup -.-

  4. Uff, igra je na Insanity "pain in the ass". Najbolj mi najedajo Heavy Mech-i. Ne, da jih je težko ubiti, imajo tako veliko armorja, da porabiš večino metkov, da sestreliš samo enega. Pa smešno je, ko na Instanity opaziš koliko glitchev igra sploh ima. Par primerov. Grunt je ostal 10m v zraku in na mestu tekel. Druga, ustrelim Blue Sun Heavy-a(ki ima polno življenje) ga odnese v zrak 30 m umre in pade dol(me je močno nasmejalo :D ). Tretje, vam je že ratalo priti vn iz mape z Vanguard Charge? :D In še veliko več. Ampak nima veze, igra je še vedno 1A :thumbup:

    Ne smem pozabiti misije, ki ti jo, da Aira, kjer greš iskati njene zaloge. Trije fucking heavy mech-i so tam, zdaj nevem ali sem jaz tako slab, ali na Insanity ni načina, da jih ubiješ...da sploh ne omenjam, da te napadejo ob istem času..rape :tepen:

  5. Ne zamudite priložnosti, da dobite te stvari(jaz jih že mam :D ):




    Navodila, bolj enostavno ne mora biti:

    You've all heard about the Dr. Pepper/EA promotion going on with a certain game called Mass Effect 2 right? You also might know that each Dr. Pepper drink you buy includes a code for one of three ingame items in Mass Effect 2. What you didn't know was that the codes are static. Unlike other EA codes and Xbox Live codes, these codes can be used over and over again. And you know what else? You don't even need to drink Dr. Pepper to get them because ta-da, we have some for you right here.

    The codes are as follows:





    All you have to do to redeem these codes is to create a Dr. Pepper user account here: and then jsut fill in all the information with fake data and a fake email address. Jsut remember what the username and pass is jsut in case. After you are done, you will need to log into your real EA account to claim the DLC. Easy. Just reapeat two more times.

    What items will you get? You can choose either the Umbra Visor, the Recon Hood, or the Sentry Interface. Just repeat all the steps above 3 times to get all 3 items.

    Happy gaming.

    Recon Hood je badass :lol:

  6. En super quote o Battlefield Bad Company 2:

    If you dont have fun while playing this, you played far to much MW2 and play it wrong. You can't just run around a kill guys left and right or camp somewhere the whole round.
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