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  1. Left 4 Dead is an upcoming multiplayer co-operative survival horror first-person shooter game by Valve Corporation. The game has been built using Valve's Source engine and will be available on Steam and the Xbox 360.

    Left 4 Dead puts four human playable or AI controlled survivors of an apocalyptic pandemic against hordes of aggressive "Infected" zombies in a cinematic backdrop in which the players "star" as each character in a fictional movie (eg. No Mercy.) The Survivors' goal is to help each other make it through various scenarios to safety. The Infected are controlled by an AI that dynamically balances difficulty and mood depending on the players' progress and situation. In an alternate game mode, human players can control up to four different monsters with special abilities and cooperate to stop the Survivor players.

    The expected release date for Left 4 Dead is November 18, 2008 in the United States and November 21, 2008 in Europe.


    9.5/10 OXM

    9/10 Edge

    Zgleda še eno presenečenje te zime. Kaj je zanimivo, da bo igra nucala dedicated serverje, tak, da se ne bo treba jebat z nikakvimi hosti, lepo od valva tudi čas, da bi drugi nehali škrtarit in to vključevat v igre. Prisoten bo tudi 180 stopinjski flip, dobrodošlo za kontroler, hehe. Sicer pa, če kdo hoče probat demo je že nekaj časa na liveu.

  2. Sem pomislil tudi sam na to, ampak sem nekje bral, da je cache izklopljen, pa to nekako nima smisla, da bi šli nardit, da iz diska na disk snema. Lahko, da je sam špil, ker za fable 2 pravijo, da vse dela bolje. Pa tak za take in drugačne sodbe bo treba do 19.11 počakat, da naložim kompletno zadevo in patcham tudi Gta4, ker sta en ali dva patcha vmes izšla.

  3. Ok sem malo več igral Gta 4 in moram povedat, da so pop upi slabši kot pri igranju s ploščka špil enostavno pop upa več. Mislim tak mešani občutki, nekje, kjer z ploška pop upa na disku ne in obratno, sam overall je malo slabše z diska. Nevem kaj bi bla tehnična podlaga tega, mogoče bo kak patch rašil, ko pride dodatni content. Je pa res, da loading med misijami in začetni loading je krajši.

  4. Ne svoje izbe ampak bi lahko postala del halo 3 izbe, recimo halo 3 in gears 2. Bo treba Aljoši težit, da preimenuje :) Pol pa samo halo 3 teme dobijo pred sabo znak [H3], gears of war 2 teme pa [G2] problem rešen.

    Do I smell vurberg lan enkrat kmalu hehe :)

  5. Malo sem bral vtise o multiplayeru in moram reči, da komaj čakam. Net Koda je precej izboljšana, shotgun ni več random jajc ampak metki vedno isto letijo, sniper z active relodom ne zbije nasprotnika dol, ko ga vstreliš v telo, host advantage je manjši tko, da to bo prava stvar. Aja pa vozil ni v multiplayeru :bowdown:

    Se čujemo kaj na liveu po dolgem času, nisem bil gori že 5 mescov se mi zdi.

  6. Eni pa imamo to srečo, da lahko do vsega contenta dostopamo preko slovenskih ipjev, sam verjetno mora bit kaj povezano, da imam jaz live že 5 let in kreditno not, ko še niso preverjali kreditnih. To je edina razlaga, ki se je spomnim, zakaj lahko jaz iz vseh ipjev dostopam. Jaz bom verjetno probal netflix naštimat si, ko pride, vsaj za par mesecev, ker je dokaj drago.

  7. Po izbrisanem cachu in inštaliranem Gta 4 nisem opazil nobenega tekstura popinga (skoraj vedno, ko si umrl je ona bolnica pop upala po inštaliranem pa ni več) mogoče res tu in tam kaj sam si moral prav pozorno opazovat in iskat. Je pa res, da bodo verjetno to razvijalci še izboljšali zdaj, ko lahko računajo, da se igra inštalira na disk in jo temu primerno prilagodijo. Zdi se mi pa tudi, da je framerate malo pridobil, mislim ne zaj pričakovat nevem kaj pač čuti se kot da bolj tekoče dela, po drugih forumih poročajo podobno za še nekatere igre.

  8. EUROPE ONLY: Gears of War 2 Bundles Arrive for Xbox 360

    Friday 7 November 2008 sees the arrival of a new bundle pack for the highly anticipated sequel to the 5 million-selling blockbuster third-person tactical action game, and one of the most popular Xbox 360 games in history, Gears of War 2. Picking up six months after the events of Gears of War, this action packed sequel thrusts you back into a deep and harrowing story of humankind's epic battle for survival against a nightmarish force of underground creatures known as the Locust Horde. Available in France, Spain, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Russia, Portugal, Hungary and the Czech Republic, this critically-acclaimed title will be on sale with the 60GB hard-drive Xbox 360 Pro console at an estimated retail price of €269


  9. Nihče ne bo banan, če ima tole prej, kaj, če je kdo čist tak sploh ni vedel pa dal frendu njegov disk na frendov xbox je zadevo updejtalo in to je to. Microsoftov je tu sam zajebal, ker ni naredil nekakšne protekcije in zato ne rabiš nobenega firmware ali pa kaj kompletni legit box je lahko in ti updejta.

    To so samo butasti rumorji faušljivega ameriška folka iz interneta, ki v življenju nikoli nič ne riskirajo, pol pa sami sebe tolažijo, da pač so lahko banani in si ne bodo dali gor :)

  10. Edino kar mi ne sede najbolj pri tem updejtu je novi guide button, jaz sem mislil, da boš med samim špilom lahko hodil po marketplajsu in podobno, spreminjal nastavitve konzole, tako pa ti vedno piše, če hočeš zapustit igro. Enostavno nima smisla tega pol imet in mi je pri starem bilo bolše. Plus tega se, da frend lista pri guide buttonu kako pomanjšat, ker vidiš samo deset frendov, ko so pa tako velike ikone.

  11. Drugače pa je ta dashboard fantastična zadevica, pregledno in najbolj pomembno precej bolj odzivno in hitro. Aja, če si hočeš 0 gamescore zbrisat stisneš guide button, greš na games, na achievements in tam, ko je 0 stisneš X.

    Zdej sem igral Gta 4 iz hdd, praktično nobenega pop upa, krajši loading časi med igro pri meni za polovico ampak ima 8X dvd drive, hudo vglavnem, sploh za benq userje, ker vem, da so tam bile neke težave.

    Imam pa eno vprašanje nisem probal, če igro inštaliraš na hdd moraš vedno potem tam Y stisnit in play from hdd ali ti vedno zažene iz hddja recimo, ko vklopiš izklopiš konzolo?

  12. Zadeva je povsem legalna lahko si vsak updejta, ampak potem ne moreš na live do 19.11.2008. Jaz si bom jutri updejto verjetno.

    Microsoftov odgovor:

    In participation with this program, you should not move your storage device (hard drive, or memory unit if you do not have a hard drive) to any other console as it will also update that console. If an unregistered console is updated with the NXE update, that console will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the NXE has been officially released on November 19th.

    Primerjanje loading časov pri Lost odysseyu, mislim, da se bom končno lotil špila.

  13. -=Excerpt=-

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    While 1 minute and 20 seconds might not be a long time, when you’re itching to roam the streets of Liberty City, it can seem like a small eternity. That’s how long it took to go from the dashboard to taking control of Nico. Could help be on the way? I certainly hoped so. After waiting a little over 10 minutes to install the game, I gave it another shot. The verdict? The hard-drive installation saved me about 25 seconds. Better yet, it was whisper quiet, which was a nice change of pace from the racket that the DVD drive usually spat out. Load times between missions were also reduced, and the whole experience felt tighter overall.

    Halo 3

    After see how GTA fared, I was stoked to see if Halo 3 would benefit from the same treatment. The initial time was 1 minute and 3 seconds from title screen to gameplay—shorted than GTA IV’s stock time, but still a little slow. The install time was shorter this time, with the 6.8 GB file taking around at 7 minutes and 18 seconds to install, but the results were a disappointment. One minute and 3 seconds. To be fair, it’s not like Bungie advertised time savings, and there aren’t any guarantees.

    Viva Pinata 2: Trouble in Paradise

    Viva Pinata 2 enjoyed the most dramatic time savings in my experiment—going from 1 minute and 2 seconds to 35 seconds after a 9-minute install. Loads throughout the game were reduced, too, which is a boon to anyone who enjoys fiddling around in the virtual garden but gets tired of watching spinning load boxes. It took 5.2 GBs of space on my hard drive to install the game files.

    Fallout 3

    I was originally pretty happy with how quickly the game loaded up, and while 48 seconds doesn’t exactly set any land-speed records, it beats some of the other loading times out there. After waiting 8 minutes and 37 seconds for the 5.9 GBs worth of files to install, I gave it another shot. The second time around, times were cut to an even better 25 seconds from the dashboard menu to the action. I also timed the loading times for transitioning between inside and outside game environments. Before installing the game, these transitions took about 20 seconds; afterward, it was halved. If you’re planning on spending a serious amount of time with the game, that time savings is going to stack up over time.

    Zakon zakon, loading time po novem dashu.

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