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  1. Some of the features in the new Xbox experience (8 person chat, VGA support and more)

    Xbox LIVE GM Marc Whitten (Notwen) has sent me the following letter to share with the Xbox LIVE Community. I goes into a little more detail about some of the new features that are coming as part of the new Xbox Experience this Fall. I'll work on getting Marc on a future show to discuss further.

    Dear Xbox LIVE Member,

    When we launched Xbox 360 in November 2005, Xbox LIVE was integrated directly into the console. Back then, Xbox 360 was the first system to deliver access to experiences beyond just the disc in the tray. With the Xbox guide and dashboard you had access to everything on your console as well as your community.

    We also imagined that Xbox experience would continuously improve over time, through the power of software.

    Since launch, you’ve always pushed us to continuously innovate. It is because you spoke with one loud voice that we added new features like background downloading, 1080p support, movies and TV shows, video chat, a Marketplace blade and instant messaging.

    Over time, as we’ve delivered more and more content into the Xbox LIVE Marketplace, we’ve heard from many of you that it has become increasingly difficult to find the games and content you want.

    And that brings us to today.

    Because of your feedback, we started rethinking the entire Xbox experience. What we discovered was that we could not only provide a better experience for you, but also something that reaches out to new audiences.

    What John Schappert unveiled for the world on stage at E3 was just a sneak preview, so I wanted to share some deeper details on some of the new features in the new Xbox experience.

    Here is a look at some additional features you will find interesting:

    · Play from hard drive. Copy your games from the game disc and play directly from the hard drive. Not only will the drive not spin, but load times are quicker, as well. Of course, you will still need the disc in the tray to prove you own the game.

    · Access Xbox LIVE Marketplace on the Web. Browse and purchase Marketplace content whenever you want from and it downloads automatically to your console. Purchase that new map, television episode, the latest Xbox LIVE Arcade game or set up a movie to watch when you get home from work.

    · Dashboard built into the new Xbox Guide. For everyone who loves the blades interface, it’s not going away; they are now built directly in to the new Xbox guide. Every feature and option is available right from the guide. You can even access your full games library at all times. No matter where you are (in dash or in game), immediately call up your games played list and directly launch a game.

    · LIVE Party system. Create a party of up to eight friends, and stay with them from one game to another, or watch a Netflix movie together, or share a slideshow of your personal photos. It works with all Xbox 360 titles, not just upcoming games. LIVE Party allows up to eight people to chat in the dashboard, so you can meet up before playing.

    · Xbox LIVE Primetime. This whole new category of games is going to give you more reasons to get online with your friends. Games will support everything you’d expect, like Achievements and leader boards, but many of these games will include real prizes. You can invite your friends, and even set a reminder for an upcoming show. Each game is broadcast simultaneously, so everyone is answering the same questions. Many events will have a live host, calling the shots as they happen.

    · Avatars. Your online identity started as a Gamertag - it then grew into a personalized Gamercard. Now, it has evolved even further into avatars. You can express your style, check out new outfits and share this with the community. Avatars will also be integrated into Xbox LIVE Arcade games, LIVE Party, as well as retail games.

    · New display support. Because you asked for it, we are adding 16X10 over VGA or HDMI, and support for 1440x900 or 1680x1050.

    This is only the beginning. Over the next few months, we will share more details on the upcoming changes.

    Haha torej rumorji od prej le niso bili fejk.

  2. Novi dash zgleda dosti preglednejši in funkcionalnejši. Sicer ayd ti avatarji so mi bol jajc pa dobro.

    Škoda, da niso najavili kake čisto nove igre, čeprav tista z F13 je bila res nepričakovana.

    Drugače pa Gears 2 brutalno, ste vidli Lips fukneš si bilo kaki song z prenosne konzolice in imaš karaoke, me prav zanima kak bo to točno delovalo. Tole bo party legenda.

  3. Vglavnem od 14-17 julija bo potekal e3, začelo pa se bo z Microsoftovo konferenco tam 14.7.2008, večer enkrat po našem času, bo pa tudi direktno prenašal konferenco.

    Torej Lips je že razkrit in je bil eden izmed rumorjev. Gre za prvo pravo karaoke igro za xbox 360, poleg zaznave govora bo tudi zaznava gibov. Vglavnem hudo. ... -game.html

    V pripravi bi naj bil tudi 360 motion controller, I couldnt care less pa vseeno pravijo, da boljši kot wiijev.

  4. Hehe eni so to napovedovali in zgodilo se bo. Ena nova mapa bo zastonj.

    Monday is Bungie day!

    Bungie (and Halo) fans, be sure to mark your calendar…since Monday (7/7) is Bungie Day. That means all sorts of Bungie related activities will be kick off, including:

    * 7 Exclusive new gamerpictures and a Bungie day theme will be available on Marketplace. These are available for one day only.

    * Cold Storage, a free new Halo 3 multiplayer map inspired by the original map Chill Out found in “Halo: Combat Evolved”

    * The Legendary Map Pack will drop in price to 600 points

  5. Mnja špil je bil narejen za ps3, tam so standardi nižji, na 360 pa je žal to premalo.

    Mah brez lobbya, da moraš neke tipke držat za govor je žalostno, glede na to, da gre striktno za online naslov.

  6. Mah tole je jajc, sem gledal zdej nek stream, gameplay je ql, ampak ni nobenega matchmakinga. Z playeri te poveže tako kot v Gears of war, kar je čisto za časom. Kot zgleda sploh z grupo ne moreš it v ranked igre. Joj kaj bi dal za halojev matchmaking za vse dobre multiplayer igre, hvalabogu ga bo Gears 2 imel.

  7. Mnja itak odkar ima Apollo optiko in host je halo igrat res fun. Nič bullshita enostavno dela. Zdej mislim, da res ni problema prit do levela 50, če se le malo držiš taktike pa skupaj, sam ayd to že pride, ko se malo uigraš.

    Sam Snowbound je treba vetat, pa Standoff tale Standoff je verjetno najbolj random mapa na halu ever. Res enkrat zmagaš, enkrat zgubiš.

  8. Zadnje čase nam v halo 3 sploh noče več dat hosta. Nevem ampak meni je dajalo host kar precej, zdej pa smo včeraj igrali ene 20 iger, guess what niti enkrat nisem bil host. Čudno je, ker sta Morbid in Daddy igrala na isti mašini z tako kot jaz 1mbbs uploada in nismo hosta dobili niti enkrat. Namesto tega nek amer z 256 kbbs uploada dobi in smo vsi v rumenem. Pač, ko igraš tam od 40-45 levela se host advantage že kar čuti od 45-50 pa odloča igre, v lokaciji kjer mi živimo. Zdej odkar so updatali preefer good connection ta deluje v 85% iger, ampak tu dobiš problem, da potem gejma sploh ne dobiš.

    Apollo je rekel, da zdej dobi optiko, tako, da potem bi nam res moralo host dajat v 95% iger, isto smo igrali enkrat s phenomom in je imel optiko in smo res od 20 iger host dobili v 20 igrah. Igralo se je fantastično pa človek živi v Nemčiji, tako, da bo še boljše.

    Drugače pa Daddy in pravtako Macro sta nazaj na sceni. Daddy gamertag je zaenkrat Morbid v2, hehe.

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