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Zapisi od Bessie


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    Ready or Not is a tactical first person shooter which places you in the boots of an elite SWAT team, tasked with diffusing hostile situations in intense, claustrophobic environments. It’s set in a nondescript modern America, where an income disparity between the classes have become unsustainable and the country has been plunged into havoc. Bring order to chaos with up to 8 players in cooperative play, battle enemy squads in a close player-vs-player environment, or command AI in a striking single-player mode.

    Ready Or Not has been in development since June 2016, and includes an array of unique features. Today, we’re going to run through some of the already included features we’re most excited about.

    Current features include:

    Incremental lean system
    Our most prominent feature involves the players ability to maneuver around obstacles, opening up infinite possibilities regarding tactical positions. Players can duck under low cover to avoid oncoming fire, or peak above high cover in order to spot and return fire upon the enemy. The assigned keys can be tapped in any order to “peek”. On top of this, we have also included a classic quick-lean system seen in many shooters.

    Incremental Door control system
    This gameplay feature allows for doors of multiple types such as sliding, swinging, and revolving doors, to be manipulated by the mouse wheel at any time. Provided the door is unlocked, players can interact and incrementally move them.

    Modular speed control
    Our final mouse-wheel-based feature involves the control of the player’s speed by scrolling up or down. This allows for precise movement in a close-quarters environment, which may mean the difference between life and death in a hostile situation. This, of course, can be re-bound to suit our users needs.

    Simulated and detailed third person inventory
    In a real life situation, each item has its place in a loadout. We wanted to ensure this level of replication, so we included detailed animations and systems which show your teammates exactly what you’re doing. Magazines, grenades, and items are retrieved and returned to their specific pouches, with the pouch flaps opening and closing in synchronicity with the players reload or draw, respectively.

    Convex collision armour, allowing for precise protection
    Armour collision in Ready or Not is calculated based on the mesh coverage on the player, allowing for accurate levels of realistic ballistic protection.

    Projectile dynamics, bullets penetrate, ricochet, and deteriorate
    Rounds have realistic range, drag, and tumble velocity. Calibers and ammunition types affect how far and how well a projectiles penetrate and exit. All rounds have the ability to ricochet based on surface materials and angle of impact, and deflection has recently been included as a feature. Less-than-lethal rounds will be unlikely to penetrate, but can sometimes still kill depending on proximity and impact area.

    Responsive damage system and effects
    If a player is shot in the legs, movement is slowed down based on the level of damage. Arm damage will decrease accuracy and increase draw times. Head damage, provided it is survived, can intermittently “haze” the players vision. This is all shown via a passive (read: hidden unless needed) indicator at the bottom of the screen.

    Visceral gore
    Deaths need to be impactful to the end user and we’re committed to providing an experience like no other. If characters in the game are hit, parallax bullet holes spawn on flesh, and blood will then seep out into surrounding fabrics. A gory bullet hole also becomes an emitter, as individuals who knock their wounds onto objects create a small splatter, based on bone velocity. In the future, we plan to implement an entire bodily destruction system.

    Highly detailed weapons, characters and environments
    As seen in our gallery and teaser, Ready or Not’s assets aren’t camera-shy. A realistic and high-detail representation of all assets is necessary in immersing the player in our world. Weapon edges are smooth and seamless, environmental detail is minute.

    Massive selection of items
    As of pre-alpha, we currently have over 30+ items in total, with plans to greatly expand this selection monthly. Concerns may arise over balance issues, but each item will have its place and value considered in order to avoid having duplicate functioning (but visually different) gear. These items include weapons, devices, grenades, and deployable items (read: items that can be selected in our planning phase)

    Fully supported competitive servers based on Amazon Gamelift API
    Ready or Not features a fully competitive set of gamemodes to test your mettle against other squads in PvP. However, players can still host listen servers and play with custom game rules.

    Plans to support squad competitive play
    Create a squad with up to ten friends for PvP and Coop. Work as small groups to reap squad rewards, and compete in yearly leader-board competitions to earn unique skins. A passive pointscore system allows players to work together to level and earn more squad points, opening up options in a mission’s planning phase.

    Tactical Analysis
    All missions begin with a tactical analysis and planning phase, currently allowing teams to shut off power grids, blockade entrances, create or choose new entry points, and spawn unique devices including ballistic shields, heavy rams, and telescopic ladders.

    We hope you stick with us through our journey in making a true-to-life tactical shooter that can be held up to the greats. We’re excited to share our work over the course of this year.


    • za (+1) 1
  2. V petek 12.5.2017 ob 21h Battlefield 1 "clan war" pa3k bo uredil squade glede na prisotnost, tema je namenjena konkretnemu debatiranju o konkretnem CW.


    [BAR] ALPHA squad







    [BAR] BRAVO squad







    [BAR] CHARLIE squad







    [BAR] DELTA squad







    [BAR] ECHO squad




    [BAR] FOXTROT squad





    Vodje v obvezno naredite partyje na PS4 z imenom squada npr. [BAR] FOXTROT squad in pošljite povabila svojim članom, party lahko tudi zaklenete, če ne želite, da bi vas motili morebitni "padalci".


    Splošna tema o razporeditvi  je TUKAJ in je osnova za Pa3ka, da lahko naredi razporetitev za CW...

  3. V petek 5.5.2017 ob 21h Battlefield 1 "clan war" pa3k bo uredil squade glede na prisotnost, tema je namenjena konkretnemu debatiranju o konkretnem CW.


    [BAR] ALPHA squad







    [BAR] BRAVO squad







    [BAR] CHARLIE squad








    [BAR] DELTA squad







    [BAR] ECHO squad








    [BAR] FOXTROT squad










    Vodje v obvezno naredite partyje na PS4 z imenom squada npr. [BAR] FOXTROT squad in pošljite povabila svojim članom, party lahko tudi zaklenete, če ne želite, da bi vas motili morebitni "padalci".


    Splošna tema o razporeditvi  je TUKAJ in je osnova za Pa3ka, da lahko naredi razporetitev za CW...

    • za (+1) 1
  4. Zaradi omejitev na BF1 strežnikih zna bit vse skupaj malo konfuzno... praktičnoi nič se ne da urejati glede igralcev...



    We give you a lot of control over how you set up your server.

    You can customize:

    Player Count
    Ticket count
    Bullet damage
    Game modes
    Map Rotations
    Kill Cam
    Minimap Spotting
    Friendly Fire
    Regenerative Health
    3D Spotting
    Nametag visibility
    You can also vote on maps, kick and ban players, and sever admins now have prioritized access to the server.


    tako, da držimo pesti, da nam uspe spetljat to bitko...


    Verjetno bo bolje, ko bo BF1 poodpirar tudi platoone, to obljubljajo za naslednji patch...


    Clan Support Arrives With Battlefield 1 Platoons



    • za (+1) 1
  5. Navedek



    imamo server najdete ga pod imenom:




    ...... nekaj map je nastavljenih (mix).......


    ne morem pa nastavit Admine-ne gre (beta verzija)


    .... in še to....


    Klan War .....BAR vs RW je prestavljen na SREDO 26.4.2017... naš server ob 21:00.....


    igarta se dve mapi


    .... Amines2X in Monte Grapa2X....


    CQ large, no rules, no glitching, 20 vs 20


    .... mogoče pa bo zdaj kateri od stare garde le lahko prišel ;)......


    javte še 1X gardisti , če lahko kdo izmed vas pride v sredo 


    • za (+1) 1
  6. V petek sredo bo prvi Battlefield "clan war", ker ne bomo vsi prisotni bo pa3k tukaj uredil squade glede na prisotnost, tema je namenjena konkretnemu debatiranju o konkretnem CW.


    [BAR] ALPHA squad

    Leader:TastePain (tankist, support, medic, sniper)


    Grekov (medic, assoult, support) 

    UrSasSLO (medic, assoult, support)



    [BAR] BRAVO squad

    Leader:TK982410 (medic, assoult, support)


    ZIGA_1991 (assault)

    mistress3riple (medic, support)

    sesk27 (medic, assault)


    [BAR] CHARLIE squad

    Leader: TwentyNineGuy


    El_ninjo (medic, assoult, support)

    menik (sniper, medic)

    Rivček (medic) 


    [BAR] DELTA squad

    Leader: pa3k3132005 (support, pilot fighter)




    Slyzz (medic, support) 


    [BAR] ECHO squad

    Leader: Vasjalonewolf (sniper)


    Shardi007 (assault)




    [BAR] FOXTROT squad

    Leader:CocaColaHolc (Medic,Assault,Support)

    priba (assault, support, medic)












    Vodje v sredo obvezno naredite partyje na PS4 z imenom squada npr. [BAR] FOXTROT squad in pošljite povabila svojim članom, party lahko tudi zaklenete, če ne želite, da bi vas motili morebitni "padalci".


    Splošna tema o razporeditvi  je TUKAJ in je osnova za Pa3ka, da lahko naredi razporetitev za CW...

    • za (+1) 2
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