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Zapisi od Bessie

  1. Fans of Nintendo’s classic titles will be delighted by games from the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Super Nintendo (SNES) and Nintendo 64 (N64), including Mario Kart 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Street Fighter II: World Warrior (CAPCOM), Super Probotector and the hugely popular Super Mario World.

    SEGA is treating its fans with the release of a host of popular games including Streets of Rage, Bio-Hazard Battle, Bonanza Bros. and Comix Zone. Hudson will also be entertaining gamers with a selection of its best titles from Turbografx (PC Engine) including Soldier Blade, Double Dungeons and New Adventure Island.

  2. LOL


    Xbox 180 - $175

    Reply to:

    Date: 2006-12-25, 10:14PM CST

    X Box 180

    Like new, barely used

    Will sell with games


    * Location: Converse

    * It's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

    drgače pa

    The Xbox 180 (cute new nickname for the original Xbox that is sweeping the nation)

    It was also thought that, during the time, Microsoft was working on a portable gaming handheld, dubbed, the "Xbox 180" or simply, "Xbox 2.0". However, when word of the product becoming a music player leaked onto the internet, the portable gaming system was debunked.
  3. Danes em na nintendovi strani opazil opozorilo:

    Eligibility for Nintendo VIP 24:7 and/or club member status on this site is exclusive to residents of the UK and Ireland. If you are not a resident of UK or Ireland please choose your country of residence by clicking on the "change country" button above.

    Nikjer pa ne povedo kaj narediti, če ni nikjer tvoje države, vsaj Others bi lahko imeli. :annoyed:

  4. To je tudi mene zezalo, namig nekaj kar poči lahko pobereš in vržeš tja. Porabil sem skoraj cel dan da sem pogruntal to neumnost.

    Zdaj sem pri koncu tretje teme in moram premagati vodnega žužka. Igra mi je dobra kot da bi zmiksal ICO in Shadow of the Colossus plus še kaj...(dogs life npr.) vendar pa kake inovativnosti (razen nadzora) ni.

  5. HD Advance

    Sam imam HD Advance 3.0, ki je namenjen bajsiki z vgrajenim diskom in zadeva je super, deluje celo kot povezava med pc-jem in PS2, v tem primeru je PS2 file server in lahko v PC vtakneš originalno PS2 igro ter skopiraš preko mreže na disk, Igro potem lepo pospraviš na polico ali predal kjer se ti na njej nabira prah. Zaganjanje iger iz diska je fantastično hitro in skoraj neslišno (imam 40G Matrox HDD), ne rabiš nobenega mod chipa. Odkar imam HD Advance se je življenje polepšalo.

    Imam pa še eno zadevico, ki mi je tudi polepšala življenje, še posebej, ko TV ni na voljo imenuje se Adaptec GameBridge AVC-1400


    s tem priklopim video/audio izhod PS2 na PC preko usbja in uporabljam monitor namesto PC-ja.

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