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Na bolhi je biu en prodajalec ku je rekel da prodajajo vse.iphone,nokia 95...NAto sem mu poslal email, pa vprašal koliko je xbox in koliko je wii.Tole njegovo sporočilo:


Thanks so much for the mail and the interest you have in the

Consoles,we have the Consoles in stock for sale.

The Consoles comes in Brand new with one year warranty and three

months return policy.

we are Located in Usa

The consoles is ready for use in Your Home immediately it is delivered

to your house by FedEx courier service.

Order Summary.

Nintendo wii ....$140Usd

Xbox 360....$150Usd

shipping cost( FedEx)......$50Usd

Total cost $340Usd.

The consoles will be shipped once we confirm your payment via Western

union money transfer.and we deliver the consoles to you in Netherlands

in 48 hrs(2 days).

So get back to me with these informations.

1. Full Name

2. Full Address.

3. Full contact phone #

So get back to me with all details so that i can proceed with the

shipment of your order.


Sales Manager,

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Cena je prenizka, nobena budala ne bo prodajala zadev pod tržno ceno, ker od tega nima nič. Poleg tega je uporabil še magično besedo "Western

union". Nategnil te bo in boš ob denar. You've been warned.

Lepo bi bilo, če bi se v prihodnosti malo zadržali s temi "neverjetnimi ponudbami z interneta", da ne bo ravno čisto vsak scamming oglas treba obdelati, ker jih ni malo.

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