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Vsi zapisi od Zurbum

  1. Zurbum

    Xbox 360 vprašanja !

    Regional kode je tam prav z namenom, da ne mores igrati NTSC na PAL in obratno. Na legalen nacin se temu ne mores izognit.
  2. Zurbum

    Xbox 360 vprašanja !

    Kolikor sem zasledil, je kompatibilen le z 50Hz. Xbox nastavi na 50Hz, pa poskusaj. Sam sem imel enak problem z Nba06.
  3. [TABLE=width: 578] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Left 4 Dead 2: Cold Stream (Valve)[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, align: center]3-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]560[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Mass Effect 3: Firefight Pack (Electronic Arts)[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, align: center]7-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]160[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3: Collection 3 (Activision)[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, align: center]9-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]1200[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Rocksmith: Bass Expansion (Ubisoft)[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, align: center]14-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]2400[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Quantum Cunumdrum: The Desmond Debacle (Square Enix)[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, align: center]15-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]240[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Scott Pilgrim: Online Multiplayer+Wallace Pack (Ubisoft)[/TD] [TD=class: xl69, align: center]19-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]400[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=width: 578] [TR] [TD=class: xl72, width: 389, bgcolor: #D9D9D9]Gold Exclusive Deal of the Week[/TD] [TD=class: xl73, bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: center]Discount Dates[/TD] [TD=class: xl73, bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: center]Price[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl74]Electronic Arts[/TD] [TD=class: xl75, width: 102, align: center]7-Aug to 13-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl76, align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Teeth of Naros[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl77, align: center]400 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Legend of Dead Kel[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl77, align: center]400 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning – Weapons & Armor Bundle[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl77, align: center]200 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389][/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl77, align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Family DOTW: Bejeweled 3 (PopCap)[/TD] [TD=class: xl75, width: 102, align: center]7-Aug to 13-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl77, align: center]600 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389][/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]THQ[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]14-Aug to 20-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Saints Row: The Third – Genkibowl VII[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]280 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Saints Row: The Third – Gangstas in Space[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]280 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl68, width: 389]Saints Row: The Third – The Trouble with Clones[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]280 (50% off) [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] [TABLE=width: 578] [TR] [TD=class: xl72, width: 389, bgcolor: #D9D9D9]Special Sales[/TD] [TD=class: xl73, bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: center]Discount Dates[/TD] [TD=class: xl73, bgcolor: #D9D9D9, align: center]Price[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl79, width: 389]Kinect Central: Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 13 11 Course Pack (Electronic Arts)[/TD] [TD=class: xl80, width: 102, align: center]7-Aug to 13-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]1920 (40% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl79, width: 389]Kinec Central: Carnival Games: MSMD – Coasterama Pack (2K Play)[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]14-Aug to 20-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]160 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl81, width: 389][/TD] [TD=class: xl78, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl78, align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl79, width: 389]Square Enix[/TD] [TD=class: xl70, align: center]14-Aug to 20-Aug[/TD] [TD=class: xl78, align: center][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl79, width: 389]Just Cause 2: Black Market Aerial Pack[/TD] [TD=class: xl78, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl76, align: center]80 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl79, width: 389]Just Cause 2: Black Market ‘Boom’ Pack[/TD] [TD=class: xl78, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl76, align: center]80 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl79, width: 389]Just Cause 2: Scorpion Animated Pet[/TD] [TD=class: xl78, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl76, align: center]80 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl79, width: 389]Deus Ex: Human Revolution Missing Link[/TD] [TD=class: xl78, align: center][/TD] [TD=class: xl77, align: center]600 (50% off)[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  4. Cool novica, jaz bi pa svojega takoj zamenjal za tega čeha 4000
  5. MS akcija do 16.07.2012. Hydrophobia - 200 MSP Hydro Thunder Hurricane - 600 MSP Section 8: Prejudice - 600 MSP The Splatters - 400 MSP Toy Soldiers: Cold War - 600 MSP
  6. Jaz sem bil tam v soboto....nisem vedel za tole, če ne bi šel še 1x.
  7. Nic me ni cakalo v nabiralniku kaj ta posebna posta pusti kaksno obvestilo?
  8. Jaz sem pred pol ure dobil email, da so mi poslali. Mogoče jih dobim že jutri??
  9. Zurbum

    Xbox 360 vprašanja !

    Tu imamo bolj zaklenjene xbox-e, tako da.... Kolikor vem, ti včasih profila niso banali, nevem pa kako je to sedaj oz. je to izključno v M$ domeni.
  10. Niti ne, pri vsej tehnologijo oni preverjajo ročno order za orderjem.... sigurno bodo potrebovali nekaj tednov, če ne mesecev...
  11. Jaz nisem kreiral accounta. Poglej na LINK Vpiši ordernumber in tvoj email naslov.
  12. Moje prav tako. Tudi tisto od kolegov iz UKja. Kot sem rekel. Očitno bo kar trajalo nekaj tednov, ampak me ne moti, ker pik po taki ceni ne bom mogel nikjer drugje dobiti.
  13. Kolikor vem, traja kar nekajčasa, predenj jih dobiš v nabiralnik, kot ti je že matej prej povedal.
  14. A si nabavil? Ker če bi, bi videl, da tista promo koda poštnino postavi na 0. Mene je prišlo z vsemi stroški 24,50 GBP.
  15. MS Points 4200 za 24.50 funta !!! Akcija velja do 5.6.2012 !!! LINK Pri checkout-u vpišite promocijsko kodo jubileeoffer. Sprejemajo tudi PayPal.
  16. Seveda, 450+ igralcev. Med njimi vsaj 4 kolegi, so pa nekateri ozmed njih to delali s tremi konzolami...
  17. Zakaj naj bi bil Zavvi off? Poglej še in
  18. Forces of Nature DLC achievements: Natural Selection (20) - Complete all 12 waves of Beast on all Forces of Nature maps. Horde Natural (20) - Complete 20 waves of Horde on any Forces of Nature map without going down or dying. Unstoppable Force (25) - Complete all 50 waves of Horde on any of the Forces of Nature maps. Elemental (25) - Get 25 kills with any of the hidden elementally charged Cleavers in Horde. Stock Piled (20) - Achieve the maximum level on all fortifications in Horde mode. Force Multiplayer (25) - Win a match of Guardian on all Forces of Nature maps. Witty Repairtee (25) - Build or repair 50,000 worth of fortifications as Mechanic Baird LE. Hunter Gatherer (20) - Bag and Tag 20 opponents while playing as the Savage Hunter in Versus multiplayer (any mode). I've Got This! (20) - Kill 10 opponents as the leader in a round of Guardian on a Forces of Nature map. Force Multiplier (50) - Kill a Lambent Berserker with a team comprised of 5 Forces of Nature characters in Horde.
  19. Znižanje Xbox GOLD LIVE za 12 mesecev Amazon - $39.99 Prices valid through 2/11 12-Month Membership Card 12-Month Membership [Digital Download] Best Buy - $39.99 Prices valid through 2/11 in-store or online 12-Month Membership Card 12-Month Membership Card (Modern Warfare 3) 12-Month Membership Card (Gears of War 3) 12-Month Membership [Digital Download] Gamestop - $39.99 Prices valid through 2/14 in-store or online 12-Month Membership Card 12-Month Membership [Digital Download]
  20. Na žalost so ceno povišali na 50$.
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