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  1. PlayStation Home Open Beta Launches Tomorrow Posted by Jack Buser // Director, PlayStation Home The day we’ve been waiting for is here! And this is just the beginning… Today we announced that PlayStation Home will enter into open beta, and will be available to everyone tomorrow. This milestone represents the very beginning of a long journey together, as PlayStation Home is an ever evolving, always changing, organic experience — full of new friends to meet, new events to enjoy, and new content to explore. If this will be your first time in PlayStation Home, be sure to talk to folks that have been around for a while, as they can show you the ropes. We also have a tutorial built in that will get you started with the controls, as well as help menus for you to reference in the Menu Pad. If you don’t have a USB keyboard or Bluetooth headset paired with your PlayStation 3, now is the time to do so – either option will allow you to easily talk and meet everyone. One of the first things that you’ll notice that there are always things going on – parties, tournaments, events – some of which will be announced, and some of which that will just happen. You’ve got to be there to be a part of the party, so make sure to log in often to see what is going on. If you want to know what’s coming up, check out the PlayStation Home forums, as we will be announcing events, tournaments, content updates, and feature revisions there, and by actively participating, you will be the first to know. You’ll also find that the PlayStation Home forums are alive with conversation from the PlayStation Home community discussing everything from feature requests to new clubs to join. Many of you will have already seen the news regarding participation in PlayStation Home from your favorite game publishers and brands, including Activision, Disney, Eidos, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts, THQ and UBISOFT as well as Sony Pictures, Paramount, Red Bull, Ligne Roset, and Diesel. As you can imagine, with this many partners already on board, PlayStation Home will grow rapidly, so you’ll need to check back often to see what is new. We’ll do our best to keep you informed on what is going on, but with so much happening in PlayStation Home, there will always be new surprises and secrets to discover. If we simply told you about everything, then it just wouldn’t be as fun for you to discover… For those of you that have been in PlayStation Home for a while, I wanted to take a moment to discuss something very cool that you will notice right away. Once you get in, you’ll see that a redesigned Central Plaza is there to greet you - we’ve made major upgrades as a result of your community feedback. Thank you! First of all, the Central Plaza now features a new 4 player mini-game called “Saucer Pop,” where each player launches a flying saucer from a take-off pad and flies around popping bubbles. These bubbles contain stars that have points attached, but watch out for the bubbles with bombs which will take you out if you’re not careful. You also must keep an eye on your saucer’s fuel gauge and collect bubbles with fuel cells or else you will quickly meet a watery fate. Success is all about the high scores, so good luck out there! I’ve been playing for a while now while we’ve been developing the game, so I’m getting pretty good…for those of you that know me, prepare to pop! Secondly, you will also see some changes to Listen@Home. Now, you’ll be able to select from a number of songs and vote on your favorites. Which ever song gets the most votes plays for everyone, so be sure to get your voice heard and get down on the dance floor. I could go on and on about all the cool new things you are going see and find in PlayStation Home, both on day one of open beta and beyond. The important thing to remember is that PlayStation Home will continue to evolve and change overtime, so be sure to get in often so you don’t miss out… See you in PlayStation Home.
  2. še 2 možna: -god of war (kratos) -neighbour from hell za oba nism siguren
  3. huh! akhm. vidm : -The Sims, -Half life, -doom3, -pac-man, -worms, -bomberman, -halo, -prince of persia, -rayman pa to bi blo vse! :uke: aja pa tisti palček z molotovko zglea zelo kul! :china:
  4. tle lohko napišeste vaše PSN naslove za igro Burnout Paradise moje je: rozac15
  5. smartest IE: killzone 2 :bringiton: :bowdown: dumbest IE: RE5 :thumbdown: :annoyed: :uke:
  6. ok hvala! bom upošteval ozi-ja ima prav.. rajš menjam špil sz kšnim frendom... nigdar ne veš :bleh: čeprav je na US PSN bolj poceni (~20€) pa še takoj jo dobim ampak bom premislil hvala šenkrat :china:
  7. kaj lohko kdo odgovori na moje uprašanje plis? :bleh:
  8. ja mas prow OZI samo pač... tmali na yutube je dajal 200 beta kod... nevem ki jh je dobu :bringiton:
  9. hej jaz pa bi kupu iz US stora Burnout Paradise. zanima me kakšna je velikost špila in če se mi splača samo 20€ verjamem da se splača. skrbi me samo velikost če je do 6gb lahko še sam več pa rajši ne hvala za use odgovore. aja! kaj pa tole večkratno pobiranje istega (kupljenega) špila? je res da lohko samo 9-krat? :bleh:
  10. dej dejte mu :doh: sam d neha težt aja... pa dadoajt me če me še niste... rozac15
  11. rozac155

    Problem z pspju

    ja takrat sm mew še OFW pol ku sm dal še dodatnih 20€ za slima sm pa gor naložu CFW
  12. rozac155

    Problem z pspju

    pr meni pa so se vratca slabo zapirala(UMD) in sm nesu u bigbang pa sm reklamiru in so ga poslali . pazi!: u nalog napišmo da se vratca UMD slabo zapirajo dobim: u nalogi piše: zahtevana je bila ZAMENJAVA MEMORY STICK VRATC! -zamenjano! :wtf: pol sm ga zamenju za slima :bleh:
  13. ja dej mu jo sam.... to je proti pravilom
  14. ok sm probu na redkawa in dela vse uredi. sam kako bi lohko dodal podnapise u mp4 (HD) da bi jih ps3 čital IN ne da bi poškodoval grafike
  15. ja nastavljeno je na ps3 tudi na fajrwali sm dodal program Tversity
  16. waw! sam še zmeri nimam odgovora: BOM MOGEL ZA TRILOGIJO PLAČAT 180€ ??? al bo downloadable content
  17. ok glejte: imam PC povezan prek ethernet kabla na modem. Z modema imam za ps3 2 možnosti: -ethernet kabel -wireless pri obeh povezavah sem poskušal uplowdat videje na ps3 - NI ŠLO problem: moj ps3 ne zazna media serverja aja... pa tversity ima med povezovanjem VKLOPLJEN server
  18. jst bi samo upraše če kdo pozna kašen video (mp4) splitter ki je zastonj! sm potegnu en filem ki ma u MKV 4.3gb ku sm ga konvertjru u MP4 (za na ps3) je bil kar 4.89 (kar ne pasa na DVD katere samo imam ) zato sem premišljeval da bi ga razdelil na 2 dela poskusu sem kar par spliterjev teji pa ne podpirajo "ps3 verzijo mp4-jev" zato prašam tukaj če mogoče kdo ve :bleh:
  19. kolkr jst vidm je sam travar na tem forumu "zvest" član xbox fanov
  20. lol jst pa nimam. ne resno mislim nimam :doh: :doh: kdaj sem kar garmina uporabljal ampak sam ko sm rabu za neki test sz frendm
  21. hey a ima kdo slušalke da bi lahko četli?
  22. meni je prišlo na ameriški račun plz usi ki maste home dodajte: rozac15 pa bessie...povabi jih u ksi ej pa tudi za bowling se lahko zmenimo sam najprej bi se morali povabit usi na EDEN server jaz priporočam ameriški ker je boljši -> angleški je pa kao bolj stabilen...kaj misliste? :razzy: nekje sem prebral da se lahko svoje prijatelje povabimo na server ki ni njihov domač naprimer anglež u japonski :china: tku da smo usi na enem! :bringiton:
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