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Vsi zapisi od icemarik

  1. Za Xbox 360 je kar dosti dobrih iger zunaj. Zato se teško odločim katera mi je najboljša. Gears of War Singleplayer mi je zakon, F.E.A.R. multiplayer mi je dober samo premalo map, Full Auto mi je tudi lepa igra, G.R.A.W., COD3 multiplayer, Saint row mi je tudi dobra ampak zmes so brezvezne napake v igri........... A lahko rečem katera mi je najslabša Import Tuner Challenge.
  2. XFPS 360 Keyboard & Mouse Adapter In Stock NOW!
  4. Slovenijo ne moreš zbrat ker se uradno prinas ne prodaja Xbox 360. to zbriši
  5. icemarik

    Gears of War

    Gears of War Re-Emergence day a Hoax Epic's Mark Rein has confirmed that previous news of a GOW 'Re-emergence' day are actually a hoax. He says the team are working on an update but are not sure of the exact release date.
  6. XFPS 360 Keyboard & Mouse Adapter set for Next Week
  7. Kakšna je pa razlika med ZDA in USA!!?? Tu maš razliko med ZDA in EVROPO
  8. Saturn ima tudi akcijo Premium verzija + 2 igri (PGR3 in še ena nevem imena) + dodaten controller =400€
  9. 70€ za adapter kaj ma vgrajen router on proti požarni sistem da je tako drago Samo če bo xbox 360 imel tudi UT2007 bom 100% kupil tale adapter.
  10. icemarik


    Svetujem ti tudi da pogledaš malo porabo elektrike ker nekatere plazme potrošijo 380w kar je malo preveč zelo variirajo porabe od modela do modela.
  11. V avstriji lahko kupiš 3 mesečno ali pa 12 mesečno članarino za gold. V tgovinah lidl, media markt, saturn.....
  12. icemarik

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Kdo ma jajca pa naredi
  13. Ja mel boš možnost samo ne še sedaj trenutno je še alfa verzija in zadevo je vseeno treba prej testirat v majhnih skupinah kot vsako drugo igro.
  14. Want to join the Halo 3 beta? Yes you heard me right, Xboxyde thanks to XCN can make you guys win 100 places in the Halo 3 beta coming this spring! To get a chance to join, simply reply to the following questions in the comments, the first 100 to reply (for all languages, not only english) will be selected and be contacted again in a next few days/weeks for more informations. Update: If you do not reply correctly to all the questions (2006 only!!!), you won't get a second chance. Update2: And we are done. I'll recount everything and if the 100 number isn't done yet I'll reopen the comments later tonight. Update3: Ok we have 85 lucky winners so far! For the 15 remaining beta keys I'll think about doing something so the people who actually go to xboxyde every day since a long time have more chances to win, you guys deserve it! More informations this week-end! Please select for the year 2006 only 1) Best Xbox 360 game (released in 2006!!!) 2) Best game on another platform (released in 2006!!!) 3) Best Technology (any platform, eg Live Vision or PS3, or anything gaming related) 4) Best video on Xboxyde 5) Best news on Xboxyde 6) Thread of the year on Xboxyde 7) User of the year on Xboxyde (can be an admin, a moderator or any user except yourself) 8) Your gamertag (Xbox Live Gold mandatory!)
  15. Account se spremeni iz GOld v Silver verzijo katera omogoča vse razen igranja prek neta.
  16. V menuju kjer testiraš internet povezavo in ti napiše DNS failed pojdi spodaj pod edit settings. In poglej če napiše DNS ip. Če ja potem pritisni tipko b da prideš nazaj na prvo stran dash boarda, izberi profil in se poveži na Live. Meni se npr. poveze na net, ko mi včasih napise DNS failed v testu.
  17. Ko si naredil nov account si vpisal vse podatke? Še enkrat preveri. Si pravilno vpisal poštno številko itd.
  18. Nemoreš izbrat Slovenije ker se uradno v slo ne prodaja xbox 360.
  19. icemarik

    Prednaročila (v Avstriji)

    Za 6 mesecev nam sporoči kak je igrat PS3 Razen če izide na 31.marec potem lahko na 1 april napišeš kako zelo dober je in ti bo kdo verjel
  20. More Halo 3 Details Bungie has revealed a TON of information on merely three screenshots for their upcoming game, Halo 3. While the game has not yet been dated yet, people just cannot wait for it. Bungie has posted three new screenshots on their website, and has explained each shot in great detail, from what is happening in the shot, to what weapons and items will be in each building or area on the map that is being explained in the screenshot. And to those who criticize the game’s graphics so early, Bungie has released this statement: Mind you, all of the screens and level designs you see here are completely subject to change. The models, the spawns, the balance, the geometry, the very nature of time and space. It may not be like this when you get to play the game next year.
  21. Scena pa kar raste Malo jih povabi na tale forum, saj mi se ne moremo registrirat na menjalniku
  22. icemarik

    Gears of War

    Če imaš rad Team death match in Death match zadeve potem je odgovor da. Če pa igraš raje zadeve kot so CTF, WAR, Headquarters potem raje COD3. Nevem če bo še kakšen modus prišel k GOW zaenkrat so samo trije, ve kdo če bo izšel še kakšen?
  23. Glede na to da maš priklopljen v switch bi moralo it brez problema. V xbox 360 menuju samo daš network test in bi moral avomatski zaznat mrežo.
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