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Zapisi od T.M.R.

  1. Mislim da ti ne bo žal. Jaz sem dal 50€ na Steamu – po dolgem času sem kupil špil za tako vsoto pa mi ni žal niti malo, saj že cel teden geekam kot nor, pa sem odkril šele tri glavna mesta.

    Osebno mi je špil boljši kot Oblivion, po zgodbi, vzdušju, dungeonih (nekateri so res fantastični), pa še third person view je bistveno boljši kot v Oblivionu ter Falloutu. Edino parkrat sem preklopil v first person, ko so me v kakem ozkem hodniku napadli štirje sovragi naenkrat.

    Edino kar me moti je da se spremjevalcem ne more kaj preveč ukazovati (v stealth pozi se hočem počasi prikrast sovražniku za hrbet, una Lydia pa kar navali na njih :sweat:).

  2. Moooo Motorstorm :D

    So me že skoraj prepričali v nakup Vite v februarju, a sem potem prebral da bo tudi za PS3 :D

    Je pa res kul poteza da boš z enim nakupom špil lahko igral tako na Viti kot na PS3 :thumbsup:

  3. V prvem četrtletju 2012 izide na PSN-ju stretegy role-playing game Rainbow Moon, izpod rok SideQuest Studios (avtorji Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer in Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype).

    Igra naj bi veliko stavila na raziskovanju, saj bo svet ogromen (30 ur naj bi trajal glavni quest, 100 ur pa naj bi vzelo končanje vseh side questov) ter razvoju lika (100 skillov, prilagajanje opreme, itd.), bojevanje pa bo potezno.




    Osebno se mi zdi igra kar zanimiva.

    Uradna stran:

  4. Priporočam NBA Jam: On Fire, sem kupil takoj po izzidu in je neverjetno zabavna. Bolj od NBA 2k12, vsaj ko igram s frendi. Primerna tudi za amaterje, ki se jim bo ob hitrem nažiganju naključnih gumbov posrečila kakšna huda akcija.

    +1 :thumbsup:

    Sem kupil špil bolj iz nostalgije na 90. leta, pa lahko rečem da je res zabavna sprostitev za igranje med "resnimi" špili. Pa športnih iger sploh ne igram :D Sicer pa sem še bolj noob (trenutno igram silver tekme v road tripu).

  5. Sicer se nočem vmešavat v vašo debato, a ta xbawks je res zoprn. Jaz ga v dveh mesecih nisem še videl napisat konstruktivnega posta.

    Resno model, če se ti zdi ta forum/njegovi uporabniki/admini slabi, pojdi drugam. Samo v Slo gamerski sceni imaš na izbiro vsaj dva druga foruma.

    Vedno praviš kako so drugi v preteklosti tukaj smetili, a zgleda da se ne zavedaš da si trenutno ti EDINI ki smeti po forumu.

  6. jz ga mam večkrat gor in mi je kar dober če sem iskren. Ker me velikokrat zanima kako kaj izgleda in ga imam dost časa gor ampak če hočeš res izkusit to igro ti priporočam v prvi osebi ker se vidi tko badass ko imaš 2 roki tam in tko :D. Men izgleda res dobro third person.


    mah rpg-je raje igram v tretji osebi. saj bi ga tudi v prvi osebi preigral če bi tretjeosebni pogled smrdel, a če je dobro implementiran toliko boljše.

  7. Jaz bom tudi DL-jal to, tako da če bo kdo igral naj sporoči. :D Čeprav pred vikendom najbrž ne bom mogel igrat (itak mi bo 18GB vleklo ravno 3 dni :D ).

    Sem igral špil že prejšnjo zimo na PCju, pa sem zelo užival v njem. A ker ni imel dosti vsebine se mi ni zdelo vredno plačevati 12€/mesec. Zdaj ko je zastonj pa ga bom z veseljem spet igral na PS3.

  8. Mene zanima kako je trenutno s SLO psn-jem (trenutno imam UK):

    Ali se že da povezati na Home Ne

    Ali deluje funkcija "what's new" enako kot na tujih računih mislim da ja, vendar ne vem kako deluje na drugih računih, ker nikoli ne gledam tega

    Kakšna je trenutno ponudba na PSN storu po ceni in izbiri v primerjavi s tujino cene so višje kot na UK storu, ponudba iger žal slabša, ni PS+, ni bilo PLAY akcije, celo ko naredijo kakšen sale je ponavadi na UK storu več izbire

    in ali se da prenesti iz UK računa trofeje in shranjene podatke na SLO račun (predvidevam da ne)? trofeje ne, nekatere shranjene igre se pa da

    odgovori v quote-u

  9. Čeprav je meni osebno Deus Ex (originalni, ne Human Revolution) po igralnosti bistveno boljši. Ima pa Vampire res odlično vzdušje, zgodbo, razvoj lika ter par dobrih for povezanih z zgodbo.

    Tudi GoG ima ta vikend Halloween Sale ( ), med drugim Vampire The Masquerade - Redemption, ki se dogaja v istem svetu kot Bloodlines, se pa začne v srednjem veku, konča pa v sedanjosti, kjer se odvijajo Bloodlines.

  10. Danes je izšel nov patch, ter prvi Seasonal Event za B-Spec:

    The latest version of Gran Turismo 5, version 2.01, has just been released. Weighing in at 112MB, it provides a number of bug fixes, patches, and tweaks. Here’s a complete change log:

    [Major Changes and New Features]

    - Compatibility of Kart Space I/II with cars other than racing Karts

    It is now possible to race on Kart Space I/II of the DLC in cars other than racing Karts in online races and in the Free Run of Practice.

    (In the one make races of the Arcade mode and Practice, the courses are still limited to racing Karts.)

    - Expanded the car restrictions in the Online Lounge

    It is now possible to simultaneously set [Car Restrictions], [Performance Points], [Power], and [Models] in regulation settings. ( [Vehicle Tuning] must be set to [unrestricted] and [Car Restrictions] must be set to something other than [select from Garage].)

    [Other Improvements]

    - In the Open Lobby, it is no longer possible to vote to kick out the person who created the room. (If the player leaves the room after creating it then comes back, they are then subject to the vote.)

    - Adjusted the force of the steering wheel returning to center after a race when using the “Guillemot T500RS”.

    - Improved the steering model when driving racing Karts with the DUALSHOCK®3 Wireless Controller, to prevent overly spinning out.

    [Correction of Known Issues]

    - Corrected an issue where the BGM would stop playing when returning from the Lounge to the Open Lobby.

    - Corrected an issue where if further engine tuning was performed on a car that already had engine tuning, the engine tune field would become incorrect when changing setting sheets.

    - Corrected a discrepancy in the numerical figures in the setting sheets.

    - Corrected an issue where wheels and horns would become different in every setting sheet change.

    - Corrected an issue where the removal of aerodynamic parts and wings would not be implemented when changing setting sheets.

    - Corrected an issue where the TCS and ABS settings would change when changing setting sheets.

    - Corrected an issue where if a certain operation was performed when using a steering wheel controller with an H pattern gear shifter, the shift lever position, gear position display and the car operation would become mismatched. (On the Logitec G25 Racing Wheel, Logitech G27 Racing Wheel, and Guillemot T500RS + TH8RS Shifter.)

    - Corrected an issue with the key assignments on the Logitech G27 Racing Wheel.

    - Corrected an issue where the driver hand motion did not match the steering wheel motion.

    - Corrected an issue where autopilot would not be disengaged after returning to the course, when resuming an endurance race where the pit lane was entered at overspeed before saving.

    - Corrected an issue where the Practice ranking board would reset if the weather change/time change setting was changed when editing an existing track in the Course Maker edit screen.

    - Corrected an issue where no courses could be saved in the Course Maker if the update (2.00) was installed without going through earlier updates.

    - Corrected an issue where an error would occur at game start if the update (2.00) was installed on a system that has a save data that has never been updated from the first version.

    - Corrected an issue with the Hybrid System simulation on the Toyota Prius G Touring Selection ’03, Toyota Prius G ’09, Toyota Prius Touring Car.

    - Corrected an issue on the Ferrari F10’10, where drivers were experiencing random vibration.

    - Corrected an issue where the wheel color would not appear correctly in pit work, if the wheel had been repainted.

    - Corrected an issue where the [Reset to Default] button was not functioning on cars that originally come with turbo kits, when other turbo kits were installed.

    - Corrected various other issues regarding the update and the DLC.

    A special new “Online B-Spec Challenge” Seasonal Event, the first of its kind, has also been made available. As you might expect, the races are for your fastest B-Spec driver and take place at the following locations:

    • 400PP High Speed Ring (5 laps), 125,000 Cr. Prize
    • 500PP Rome City (5 laps), 170,000 Cr. Prize
    • 650PP Tokyo Route 246 (10 laps), 220,000 Cr. Prize

  11. Na EU storu poteka Halloween Sale:

    Alien Breed: Impact £3.99 (£3.59 PS+)

    Alien Breed 2: Assault £3.99 (£3.59 PS+)

    Alien Breed 3: Descent £3.99 (£3.59 PS+)

    Assassin's Creed 2: £17.49

    Back To The Future: The Game (All episodes) £7.99 (£6.79 PS+)

    Blue Toad Murder Files (All episodes) £2.99

    Bomberman Ultra £3.99

    Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime £4.39 (£3.51 PS+)

    Learning with the PooYoos £4.79

    Limbo £7.99

    Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers 2012 £3.19

    Prince of Persia 2008 £7.99

    Prince of Persia HD trilogy £15.99

    PROTOTYPE £15.99

    Puzzle Agent £3.99 (£3.39 PS+)

    Red Johnson's Chronicles £6.29

    Sam and Max - The Devil's Playhouse £9.99 (£8.49 PS+)

    Space Ace £3.99

    Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People £6.29 (£5.35 PS+)

    Tales of Monkey Island (all episodes) £7.99 (£6.79 PS+)

    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Trilogy HD £15.99

    Valkyria Chronicles 2 £13.99 (£12.59 PS+)

    Alice: Madness Returns - Weapons of Madness and Dresses Pack £0.79 (£0.55 PS+)

    Army of 2: The 40th Day - Chapter of Deceit £3.99 (£2.79 PS+)

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: Da Vinci's Disappearance £5.49

    Bioshock 2 Additional Content Bundle £7.19

    Dante's Inferno Dark Forest Pack £2.39 (£1.67 PS+)

    Dante's Inferno Trials of St Lucia Pack £3.99 (2.79 PS+)

    Dead Rising 2 Skill Packs Bundle £1.59

    Dead Space 2: Severed £3.99 (£2.79 PS+)

    Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime Challenge Pack £0.79 (£0.63 PS+)

    Michael Jackson Experience: Another Part of Me £1.59

    Resident Evil 5 Versus Mode £1.99

    Roesha: One Bad Mutha £0.40

    Resident Evil 5 Untold Stories Bundle £3.99

    Valkyria Chronicles 2 Complete DLC Pack £1.19 (£1.07 PS+)

    Nightmare before Christmas Theme £0.59

    Monster's Inc: Scare Island £1.59

    Resident Evil Director's Cut £3.99

    Open Emotion Studio's Triple Pack £2.49

    Fighting Fantasy: Talisman of Death £1.99

    OMG-Z £0.99

    Zombie Tycoon £1.74

    Persona 3 Portable £19.99

    Phantasy Starr Portable 2 £9.99 (£8.99 PS+)

    Spectral Souls: RotEE £9.99

    Spectral VS Generation £3.99

    Undead Knights £11.99

    Warriors Orochi £7.99

    Warriors Orochi 2 £11.99

    Under Siege (£4.80 PS+)

  12. Baje da bodo to uredili decembra, čeprav se govori da bo delovalo le za accounte iz iste regije:

    We’re planning an another update for GT5 in December. In that update users who purchased cars and tracks from the DLC already, can receive a free “family upgrade” in the PS Store, which will let all users in the same PS console use the DLC.

    People who bought the DLC cars will have those cars added to the dealers in the December update.

    After this December update you can purchase a second car and so on from the dealer.

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