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Zapisi od T.M.R.

  1. V Sloveniji ponavadi kupujem kartice ali na ali na , kjer ti jo pošljejo po e-mailu takoj ko prejmejo plačilo.

    Na kartici dobiš kodo, ki jo vtipkaš v PS Storu (opcija redeem code desno zgoraj).

    Vendar pazi, če kupiš kartico za Angleški PS store, jo lahko samo tam porabiš in je ne moreš porabiti recimo na Slovenskem storu. Za SLO kartice sploh ne obstajajo.

    Vendar to niti ni tako hud problem, saj večina robe nabavljene na UK Storu bo delovala tudi na SLO računu razen par izjem (DLC za Gran Turismo 5, DLC za Heavy Rain,...).

    Jaz sem recimo kupil mape za Killzone 3 na UK Storu in jih brez problema lahko uporabljam na SLO računu.

    • za (+1) 1
  2. Sem kar zadovoljen s tem updatom, notranji pogled na standard avtih je kar uredu dodatek, nekateri modeli so prav lepi (npr. Catherham, Le mans racing cars, Chapparal 2J), nekateri pa prav slabi. Sem poskusil neko hondo iz leta 83 pa je bil notranji pogled res ostuden: črna tekstura ter volan. :D

    AI je dodatno izboljšana, malo bolj kompetitivna, bi pa lahko bila še bolj agresivna, a to bomo najbrž videli v GT6 (po moje bi bilo najbolje da za GT6 naredijo povsem novo AI, ker v GT5 je vedno tako da sta eden/dva avta kompetitivna, ostali pa so samo za gužvo).

    Končno si lahko sami določamo vremenske razmere na progi tako da to ni več odvisno od sreče. "Kazov" avto je kar vredu mašinca, končno se lahko savea med endurance dirkami. :D Edina škoda pa je da so dodali EXP bonus ki se viša z vsakodnevnim zaporednim igranjem igre, vendar se aplicira samo v Seasonal Eventih ne pa tudi v A-Specu, tako da je ta postal še bolj neuporaben. EDIT: sem ugotovil da bonus dobiš tudi v A-Specu, fora je bila v tem da nisem bil online, saj bonus prejmeš le če si povezan v PSN.

    DLC je na prvi pogled majhno razočaranje (dobimo 4 nove Nissane ter 2 novi Mazdi :?:eye:), a za 12€, kolikor bo stal complete pack niti ni tako slab deal. Ga bom gotovo nabavil. :D

  3. Hvala vama, potem bom Dead Space Extraction vsekakor probal.

    Under siege pa sem pogledal par videov na youtubu, pa se mi zdi kar kul. Sploh nisem vedel za obstoj tega špila. :o

  4. Sem postal novi lastnik MOVE-a! :beer:

    Sicer nisem ljubitelj motion kontrol, ampak so ga imeli v nekem supermarketu v Italiji znižanega in se nisem mogel upreti. :D

    Zdaj me pa zanima katere igre priporočate za igranje. Imam Killzone 3, Resistance 3 ter Heavy Rain, preigral bi še kak PSN špil z dobro move podporo.

    Dead Space Extraction je za kaj?

  5. 11. oktobra izide patch "Spec 2.0", ki bo dodal kar precej stvari:

    • Simplified interior views added to all standard cars.
    • User control of the weather change feature.
    • Settings sheet which allows you to save multiple car settings.
    • New Spec 2.0 opening movie.
    • Improved UI response and usability.
    • Replay forward/rewind.
    • Mid-race save feature for endurance races.
    • Expanded online lounge features (narrowing down car types, shuffle races…).
    • Expanded Photo Travel features (you can now take photos of cars together with your avatar).
    • Added “NASCAR Pit Scene” stage to Photo Travel.
    • Added 11 new 2011 NASCAR models.
    • Added the Nissan GT-R N24 Schulze Motorsport (the car in which Kazunori contested the 2011 Nurburgring 24 Hours).
    • Improved physics and artificial intelligence.
    • Support for the Logitech G25/G27 steering wheel.

  6. Ko že teče debata o zastonj mmo-jih, DC Universe Online z oktobrom postane free to play:

    SAN DIEGO – September 19, 2011 – Sony Online Entertainment LLC (SOE) today announced a new free-to-play business model for its popular massively multiplayer online (MMO) game DC Universe Online (DCUO) — where players have the freedom to become legendary fighting alongside DC Comics icons like Superman, Batman and The Jokerin an ever-evolving online action adventure that has already logged more than 42 million hours of super-powered gameplay action by players since its launch earlier this year.

    Beginning late October, players will be able to download and access DCUO for free on both the PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and PC. As part of this transition, SOE is introducing three new access levels to the game: Free, Premium and Legendary. All three levels will provide access to open world gameplay and missions, general game updates and fixes to the game, with each level offering different game options and benefits.

    "When we launched DC Universe Online, we introduced a very different brand of massive online game driven by fast action combat to PC and PS3™gamers and with that, we discovered a new type of online gamer," said John Smedley, President, Sony Online Entertainment. "We've listened to our community, and we've determined that the free-to-play model is the best fit for DC Universe Online."

    Smedley added, "Our philosophy embraces learning from our experience and as a pioneer in the free-to-play space with proven successful games like Free Realms and Clone Wars Adventures, we believe this new model will expand the DCUO experience and offer more options that cater to every type of player so they can play the game in a way that fits them."

    All three levels provide access to the current game, but allow differing tiers of convenience and flexibility. The levels are:

    • Free: New players will now have access to the current gameplay in DC Universe Online (including Gotham City, Metropolis, and all current raids and alerts), with the ability to create two characters, join a league and many other benefits. Free level players will be able to purchase downloadable game packs/updates, additional character slots, powers and more through microtransactions.

    • Premium: Any player who has spent at least $5 USD (including former paid subscribers and new players who have purchased $5 of in-game items) will qualify for the Premium access level. Premium level players will have more benefits available to them than the Free level player, including additional character slots, additional inventory slots, and higher cash limits. Downloadable adventure packs, additional character slots, and more can be purchased in-game.

    • Legendary: Maximum features and benefits are included at this level. Loaded with enhanced additional features, Legendary access will be available for a $14.99 USD monthly fee and includes all DLC packs at no cost, more than 15 character slots, more than 80 inventory slots, the ability to form unrestricted-sized leagues, and many other benefits.

    More information on the DCUO free-to-play access levels can be found here: .

    DC Universe Online combines immersive environments and fascinating story arcs with fast-paced, physics-based combat, allowing players to pick up buses and other objects in the environment, fly into the air and throw them at enemies; run up the sides of buildings to engage in melee brawls while shooting flames of fire from their hands; or cling to the side of buildings while using a grappling hook to pull flying opponents out of the sky – all while fighting alongside or against the legendary characters of DC Comics and charting their own path to legendary.

    DC Universe Online is licensed by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment on behalf of DC Entertainment. For more information about DC Universe Online, visit

    Jaz sem špil kupil ko je bil 50% off na Steamu in sem kar precej užival v igralnosti, je pa igra imela premalo contenta da bi plačeval 12€/mesec za nadaljnje igranje. Zdaj ko bo F2P pa ji bom nedvomno dal še eno priložnost.

  7. Evo, Sony je končno najavil datum izida PSVite na Japonskem (17. december), v EU/US pa naj bi prišla enkrat v prvih mesecih naslednjega leta. Zato se mi zdi kul napravit seznam vseh do sedaj znanih naslovov, ki bodo na razpolago na japonski dan izida konzolce:

    Hot Shots Golf 6

    Razvijalec: Clap Hanz

    Založnik: SCEI

    Zvrst: športna arkada

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Ridge Racer

    Razvijalec: Namco Bandai/Cellius

    Založnik: Namco Bandai

    Zvrst: arkadna dirkačina

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3

    Razvijalec: Capcom

    Založnik: Capcom

    Zvrst: pretepačina

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Blazblue: Continuum Shift Extend

    Razvijalec: Arc System Works

    Založnik: Arc System Works

    Zvrst: pretepačina

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Uncharted: Golden Abyss

    Razvijalec: Sony Bend

    Založnik: SCEI

    Zvrst: TPS/Action/Adventure

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Disgaea 3 Returns

    Razvijalec: Nippon Ichi

    Založnik: Nippon Ichi

    Zvrst: JRPG

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Army Corps Of Hell

    Razvijalec: Entersphere

    Založnik: Square Enix

    Zvrst: uhm… Pikmin klon :P

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Lord Of Apocalypse

    Razvijalec: Access Games

    Založnik: Square Enix

    Zvrst: Action

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Virtua Tennis 4

    Razvijalec: Sega

    Založnik: Sega

    Zvrst: športna simulacija

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Dynasty Warriors

    Razvijalec: Tecmo Koei

    Založnik: Tecmo Koei

    Zvrst: Action

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Katamari Damacy

    Razvijalec: Namco Bandai

    Založnik: Namco Bandai

    Zvrst: Action/Adventure

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Shinobido 2

    Razvijalec: Acquire

    Založnik: Konami

    Zvrst: Action/Adventure

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Little Deviants

    Razvijalec: BigBig

    Založnik: SCEI

    Zvrst: zbirka miniiger

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Dungeon Hunter Alliance

    Razvijalec: Gameloft

    Založnik: Ubisoft

    Zvrst: hack and slash RPG

    Datum izida: 17.12.



    Michael Jackson: The Experience

    Razvijalec: Ubisoft

    Založnik: Ubisoft


    Datum izida: 17.12.



    • za (+1) 1
  8. No, super, jaz imam tudi R3, a je še vedno zavit v celofanu ker moram najprej Deus Ex: HR končat, ta mesec pa sem bolj na tesnem s časom za igranje. Vaju bom dodal ko pridem iz službe.

    KZ3 pa igram 2x-3x tedensko, pa nimam nikoli težav za dobit partijo, sploh zdaj ko je izšla v Platinum izvedbi se mi zdi da se je vsulo nekaj novih igralcev (vsaj po rankih sodeč).

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