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Zapisi od japanboy

  1. Horizon-Remaster-Rumor_10-02-22-768x432.


    Sony Interactive Entertainment ter Guerilla Games delajo na remaster verziji prvotne igre Horizon: Zero Dawn.

    Prav tako pa naj bi bil za PS5 ter PC v delu tudi Horizon projekt večigralskega tipa.



    The remastered release will reportedly feature an improved lighting system, overhauled textures, and better animations, as well as new character models to match those found in the sequel Horizon Forbidden West. The accessibility options, quality of life improvements, and graphics modes of the sequel are also said to be part of the new release.




  2. Cuphead-Physical-Edition_09-29-22-768x45


    Igra, ki je bila do sedaj na voljo le digitalno (PS4, Xbox One in Switch) bo v prihodnosti - datum izida še ni znan, na voljo tudi v fizični obliki skupaj z zadnjim razširitvenim dodatkom - The Delicious Last Course.



    Studio MHDR, in partnership with iam8bit, will release a retail physical edition of Cuphead, including the downloadable content “The Delicious Last Course,” for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch, the developer announced. A release date was not announced.



  3. WILD-HEARTS_2022_09-28-22_001-1920x1080.


    Igr bo izšla 17. februarja prihodnje leto na PS5, Xbox Seriji, PC - Steam, Epic Games Store ter Origin.


    O igri:


    WILD HEARTS whisks players away on an epic adventure set in fantasy feudal Japan. There, they’ll battle against giant nature-infused beasts called Kemono with the help of Karakuri, sophisticated mechanisms crafted from a lost, ancient technology.



    In WILD HEARTS, players journey through Azuma as a lone wolf or pack-hunt with up to two friends thanks to the game’s co-op and cross-play features across all platforms. Players can expand their battle plans and go on special missions while pack hunting, join other hunters in the world or take on Kemono on their own. The game will feature voice overs in English, Japanese, French, Italian, German and Spanish.





  4. E3-2023-Ann-Inits_09-26-22-768x432.jpg


    E3 bo potekal od 13. do 16. junija prihodnje leto na že tradicionalnem kraju - v LA Convention Centru.

    Sestavljen bo iz dveh faz - za razvijalce in založnike, ta del bo potekal od 13. do 15. junija, medtem ko bo igračarjem namenjen od 15. do 16. junija.



    E3 2023 will run from June 13 to 16 at Los Angeles Convention Center, and feature separate industry and consumer days and spaces, the Entertainment Software Association announced. Partnered digital events and showcases will kick off on June 11.



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