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Fantasy Life

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Gre za RPG igro, ki bo izšla v Evropi v mesecu oktobru.

O igri:

The game lets players live their lives, switching between 12 “Life” classes at virtually any time to access different abilities, and go out crafting, casting, fishing, mining, battling, and exploring. You’ll be able to upgrade your characters, build weapons and tools, and play your own way.

E3 2014 napovednik:


Še nekaj malega o igri:

Embark on a journey where you build your Life and live your adventure

Embark on the adventure of your dream life as you craft, cast, fish, mine, battle and explore like never before. With the innovative Life system, your choices don’t just upgrade characters—they help shape your journey. Explore a huge fantasy landscape beside surly dark paladins, slick pirate captains, regal princesses, and others who share your taste for the unknown.


Change to one of 12 Life classes at virtually any time to access different abilities. The combat class has fierce fighters, while the crafter class is skilled at making stronger weapons and tools. If you’re not in the mood for battle, switch to a gatherer class and spend some time as a lumberjack or a fisherman.

Choose your own adventure and play your way.

The game reinvents itself with each Life you lead. Traverse an area as one Life class and return as another to gain different items.

Robust open world with distinct areas to explore.

Own a house in each town and create furniture to decorate them with.


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Kupu in že približno 10 ur v igri :) Morem rečt da mi je igra ena izmed boljših rpg iger! Nekje na ravni fire emblema! Najprej me je bilo malo strah glede mape, in sicer po trailerih sodeč ni videt glih velika! Ampak je, pravzaprav je kar precej ogromna, sploh pa če upoštevaš da jo gledaš iz 12 plasti, tulk kot je poklicov, tako da me še čaka nekje 100+ ur za raziskovanje Reverie XD Aja, če je še kdo ko jo ima, al pa si jo bo kupu, naj pove pa se zmenmo za kak online adventure :P

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