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no pa se je začelo bananje na Live-u :disbelief:

Microsoft Starts Banning 360s on LIVE - MS Confirms

>> With the amount of posts we see on our forums ... it's clear, Microsoft decided to start banning Xbox360 with modified firmwares today.

While it's the same release date as Halo3 beta, it seems that people who didn't download Halo3 also get banned. They probably detect backup discs when you play 'em online (not confirmed yet).

Even people using the new firmwares with disc-jitter added get banned, so it looks like Microsoft found another way to detect it.

Just like on Xbox1 it seems Microsoft bans the console unique ID, not the LIVE user.

Tole so objavili na Microsoft's Games Global Marketing team blog:

One of the great things about LIVE and the unified community is that we work hard to create a level playing field for all gamers and have a no tolerance policy towards inappropriate behavior like hacking or cheating. As part of our commitment to our members, we do not allow people that we have detected to have modified their console to connect to LIVE. This is an important part of our efforts to try and maintain a fair gaming environment for the large majority of gamers that play by the rules. This topic is more important than ever given the recent release of the Halo 3 beta. As a result, some consumers that try to login to LIVE who we detect have illegally modified their console will get an error code (Status Code: Z: 8015 - 190D) when trying to connect to the service. These users will not have their account automatically banned from LIVE, but they will no longer be able to access the service from the console they modified.

We have stated in the past that customers can only enjoy access to the Xbox LIVE community through the use of a genuine, unmodified, Xbox console and we will continue to enforce this rule to ensure the integrity of our service, the protection of our partners and the benefits of our users.


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Sicer nimam xbox360 in lajva me pa zanima, če je možno potem, ko te banajo sploh še kako prit na Live ali je ta konzola obsojena za vedno??

Vsak X360 ima tako kot predhodnik znotraj skrito unikatno številko. Ko banajo iz Livea, banajo tisto cifro in ne uporabniškega imena. Bye bye Live forever :)



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Aja, da razčistim tudi, če si daste originalni firmware na 360 boste vseeno banani, zgleda je microsoft v spring update podturil nek tracking, ki si je zgleda zapomnil, da si igral z spremenjim firmwarom to shranil, sux to ja.

hehe, se mi je kar zdelo, da bodo izvedli tako sceno.

Online skupnosti X360 v vzhodni Evropi so doživele pravi genocid.



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Jap misli, da če si igral z modanim firmwareom po spring updatetu nimaš šans, da z isto konzolo prideš na live.

Microsoft bi lah vsaj opozoril prej, da on dans naprej pa začnemo banat recimo, zdej pa je to nardil tak sneaky, da si folk niti ni mogel več originalnih firmwarom dat gor. Verjetno 50% evrope je letelo dol in si dejansko ze more po novi 360. Tak da zdej, če boš hotel piratizirat boš pač mogo met 2 xboxa, drugačne varjante zaenkrat ne vidim.

Zanimivo, da sem si sam ta tedn kej pride glih mislil modat 360, zdej si ga seveda ne bom, hmm, božja volja ali usoda.

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