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PC IGRE 2008

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Tukaj je lista dobrih iger za leto 2008


Starcraft 2


Empire: Total War

Finally! Total War is heading into XVIII century. With naval combat!



Will Wright is a genius( he created games like Sim City and SIMS)..and this one it's the most ambitious game in development right now.


Disciples III: Renaissance

Disciples II: Dark Prophecy was one of best turn-based fantasy strategy games of last few years.

It was released in 2002, around the same time such "monsters" of this subgenre like Heroes4,

Age of Wonders 2 and Etherlords were released. And yet it stood proudly next to them and secured it's place as one of premier franchises of this type. Now it's back in full 3D and done by Akella


Panzers: Cold War

Previous two Panzers games both got solid AA here


Jagged Alliance 3

Jagged Alliance series is pure turn-based perfection. now it returns running on highly modified Silent Storm engine and developed by F3 Games( new developer composed of veteran Russian developers, including ex-Nival people)



New strategy game from chris Taylor (maker of Total Anihilation and Supreme Commander), a mix of RTS and RPG gameplay heavily inspired by DoA mod for Warcraft3



A MMORTS without fees. From makers of GalacticCivilizations2(9.0)



Gray Matter

New adventure game from the empress of the genre: Jane Jansen (creator of Gabriel Knight series)


Vampyre Story

From ex-LucasArts guys(mostly from the Curse of Monkey Island crew)


Nikopol: The Carnival of Immortals

Adventure game from Benoit Sokal (Syberia, Amerzone, Paradise) based on Enki Bilal (and with active input from the author) masterpiece graphic novel trilogy.


Dracula 3

The series is getting resurrected by Kheops


Mata Hari

Adventure game from 4Head (most well known for Europa 1400 (8.5) ), designed and written by Lucas Arts veterans: Hal Barwood and Noah Falstein ( guys behind Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade as well as legendary Indiana Jones games The Fate of Atlantis)


Sherlock Holmes versus Ars

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Vau, obsežen spisek. PC ostaja sistem of choice za strategije in simulacije in kaj je to - vrnitev pustolovščin? Kot vidim, je dosti špilov garažne izdelave, kar pozdravljam. Mislim, da je tale lista zaprla usta vsem, ki pljuvajo po PC gamingu, akoravno ne gre samo za visokoproračunske naslove.

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Mene pa vedno bolj spet mika good old PC.

Enostavno lazje diham, ko igram igre na racunalniku.

Sem malo sprobal UT3 in tocno to me je spet spodbudilo v PC gaming.

Merjenje je tako boljse, da ga enostavno ne mores primerjat s konzolo, kjer tipa zagledas in drzis tisto gobico v levo kako sekundo, medtem, ko to na PCju storis v parih stotinkah.

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  • admins

Se opravičujem in posipam s pepelom, da sem zatežil s tem .. verjetno je res vsem jasno, da tega nisi pisal ti, samo sem pač navajen, da se zraven napiše vsaj še vir in sem se spotaknil ob to.

MaDrung, tisto je bilo pa mišljeno bolj zajebantsko kot nesramno. A virtual cookie for you. :objem:

Bom brisal vse ostalo povezano s tem, da ne bom nasral topica, ki ima še potencial ..

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