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Kaj je sploh ta nova beta ?

Ne grafika ni problem, problem je gameplay, orožija so premalo močna, gameplay prehiter če bi se vsaj malo po BC2 zgledovali, ker to da ga z 3/4 magazainom ne ubijem je kr grozno. Jaz se kr sniper klase držim ker za assault tu nimam živcev. Sicer pa lahko kdaj skup odigramo imam celo slušalke.

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Testirajo se novi načini igranja za klane, nove mape, druge novosti, ena, ki bo te dni vpeljana je nakup dodatnega slota za lik s katreim boš lahko 30 dni igrla v drugi frkciji ne, da bi izgubil prejnega. cena 0,9$, po enem mesecu lahko podaljšaš oz. kasneje ponovno aktiviraš dodatnega.

trenutno igram pri valorjih 37lvl, ko končam lvl 60, grem še na SVER, potem bom pa videl, kje bom na koncu pristal. Igranje pri valorjih se kar bistveno spremini od npr Raven-ov, kjer sem že prišel do Veterana.

Orožja si nadgradiš skupaj z napredovanjem po lvl-ih, meni se zdi, da so še preveč učinkovita, ubiješ ga zato ne, ker ga ne zadaneš :)


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Nevem vseeno trdim da je MAG preveč zahteven, malo sem primerjal in pri BC2 nerabiš toliko nabojev nabutat v sovraga da krepne. Druga pa kar je moteče je ta nepotrebni airstrike pa ročne granate ki pokajo in delajo škodo kot da bi nekdo streljal z 88mm flak topom. Čisto nepotrebno je zapleten sistem. Imam občutek da je razni supoort v igri samo za določene igralce medtem ko v bc2 vsakdo poizkusi kar mu leži, jasno je da dobijo ta boljši z boljšo opremo večj killov medtem ko se jaz "jačkam" z fn2000 dam gor hologram optiko, nič bolje, dam acog da koga zadanem je sreča ker vsi skačejo kot pri halo 3. Da se folk naskakuje z RPG grenatami je itak v vseh FPS-jih niti ru ni izjema.

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Raven frakcija je po mojem mnenju najtežja za napredovanje, ko pa dosežež enkra 40+ lvl se ti pa odpre, Valor niso nič posebnega, SVER sem pa ravno zaradi "domačih orožij prišparav za na koncu in naj bi bili tudi najlažji za igrat in najtežji kot nasprotnik.

Bistvena razlika me igram je število tistih, ki morajo med seboj sodelovati, lahko imaš en odličen platoon pa če so ostali kure brez glave na koncu izgubiš.

Ko nadgrajuješ orožja se odloči za eno osnovno orožje in ga izpopolni, pripravi si različne kombinacije za napad, za obrambo, za popravljanje objektov, z miočnejšim ščitom, s šibkejšim pa bolj gibljivim... in potem glede na bitko izbereš primerno konfiguracijo.


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  • 2 tednov kasneje...
  • 2 tednov kasneje...

MAG 2.0

Everyone here at Zipper Interactive is extremely proud to announce that our next downloadable MAG update, MAG 2.0, is not only our biggest and most important patch yet, but also one that’s less than a month away!

That’s right! All the feedback and suggestions you’ve made from countless hours spent playing our new MAG Beta program will pay off in the retail version of MAG in a very big way. We’re calling it “MAG 2.0″ for a reason and it’s because of the sheer number of fantastic new additions, including:

* PlayStation Move support

* An increased level cap that goes to level 70

* A revamped Skill Tree that allows for the deepest character customization and specialization ever found in a first-person shooter

* A brand-new in-game economy that lets you earn credits to spend on weapons and items from the also-new “Supply Depot”

* Our useful “Clan Deploy” feature that enables clan leaders and officers to queue up to 128 of their fellow clan members into a single game

* A “MAG News” page that brings players up to date on all the latest happenings the moment they log in

* A multitude of updates that refine existing weapons, maps, and vehicles

* Important bug fixes and other enhancements that streamline the overall experience

We’ll have specifics as to what else is in the MAG 2.0 patch as we near its release. Oh, and before we go, don’t forget to keep an eye out for additional news in the near future regarding our next DLC pack, which includes our upcoming Escalation game-type and nine all-new weapons.

We hope that you’re just as excited to get your hands on MAG 2.0 as we are to give it to you, and we’ll see you again real soon!


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Od 28. septembra dalje


Now is a great time to start playing MAG once again too — as we inch closer to the release of the MAG 2.0 downloadable patch. Packed with stellar new features, like PlayStation Move support, a deeper and more advanced skill tree, and an in-game economy system, MAG 2.0 takes an already-addictive game and makes it even more so! Plus, we’re also working hard on the release of our next DLC add-on (due sometime after 2.0) that includes our super-hot three-faction game mode “Escalation” and nine new weapons!


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Še podrobnosti:

Patch v2.0

Available September 30, 2010 | 35MB (TPPS), 521MB (DLS)

Gameplay (General)

* Character level cap has been increased from level 60 to level 70

* Added new “Supply Depot” menu and in-game economy system (see “Gameplay – Economy” section for details)

* Implemented new “Clan Deploy” feature that allows Clan Leaders and Officers to deploy into group queues of up to 128 players

* Characters moving from MAG v1.XX to MAG 2.0 will receive an immediate and automatic Respec the first time they log in

* Repair Kits can now inflict damage on enemy soldiers, vehicles and objectives

* XP rate for “Repair” has been increased from 1.5XP/ 10pts to 3XP/ 10pts

* Players can now track all “sprinting” enemies on the mini-map without the need for equipment

* All “Damage Bar” rates for “Domination” maps have reverted back to their original (and identical) values

* Tuned the frequency in which a player can jump to eliminate “bunny hopper” techniques

* Reduced helicopter settle time, widened turret rotation and significantly increased health to strengthen their use as a forward spawn point

* The “Silent Step” OIC Leadership ability now works as intended by allowing nearby squadmates to move at both regular and running speeds without detection from the motion sensor — does not stack with any related skills or modifiers

Gameplay – (Economy)

* Added in-game currency known as “Credit Points (CP)” that is awarded for by completing objectives, earning ribbons, finishing missions, and killing enemies

* All gear and weapons are now located by default or can be sold or purchased in the “Supply Depot” menu

Gameplay – Skills (Overall)

* All Skills cost only one point per unlock, allowing players to purchase new skills with every level increase

* Removed all gear and weapon attainment from the “Skills” menu, they now reside in the separate “Supply Depot”

* Added “Engineering, Medical, Resistances, Special Ops,” and ‘Vehicles” meta-categories to the “Skills” menu

* Removed “Electronics, Explosives, Heavy, Personal Defense,” and “Support” meta-categories from the “Skills” menu

* Each meta-category in the “Skills” menu now has multi-branching paths

* The “Advanced Grenades, Improved Resuscitation, Improved Shot Detection, Improved Stealth,” and “Knives Expanded Reach” skills have all been eliminated or rolled into other skills (see Skills sub-sections below for details)

* Respec Points progression has been changed from 1K, 2K, 3K, 3K-Repeat to 1K, 3K, 5K, 5K-Repeat

* Respec Points can no longer be “banked” and are capped at the amount needed for the next Respec

Gameplay – Skills (Assault)

* Added the following skills to the “Assault” menu: “Assault Swap Speed” and “Rocket Launcher Reload Speed”

* Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Assault” skills: “Assault Reload Speed, Assault Rifle Steady Aim, Assault Swap Speed, Grenade Launcher Reload Speed,” and “Rocket Launcher Reload Speed”

* “Assault Reload Speed” skill has changed and now decreases the reload time for all assault rifles and machine guns

* “Assault Rifle Improved Stability” skill has been renamed to “Assault Recoil Stability” and has been changed to reduce the recoil on all assault rifles and machine guns

* “Assault Swap Speed” skill has been changed and now decreases the amount of time it takes to swap assault rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers and grenade launchers

Gameplay – Skills (Marksman)

* Added the following skills to the “Marksman” menu: “Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate, Marksman Recoil Stability” and “Marksman Swap Speed”

* Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Marksman” skills: “Increased Scope Magnification, Marksman Fire Rate, Marksman Reload Speed, Marksman Recoil Stability, Marksman Steady Aim,” and “Marksman Swap Speed”

* New “Increased Scope Magnification” skill increases the level of zoom when using a scope on a sniper rifle

* New “Marksman Fire Rate” skill increases the rate of fire for all sniper rifles

* New “Marksman Recoil Stability” skill reduces the amount of recoil on sniper rifles

* New “Marksman Swap Speed” skill decreases the amount of time it takes to swap sniper rifles

Gameplay – Skills (Close Quarters)

* Added the following skills to the “Close Quarters” menu: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters Swap Speed, Improved Knife Damage,” and “Knife Frequency”

* Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Close Quarters” skills: “Close Quarters Fire Rate, Close Quarters Recoil Stability, Close Quarters Reload Speed, Close Quarters Swap Speed, Improved Knife Damage,” and “Knife Frequency”

* “Close Quarters Improved Stability” skill has been renamed to “Close Quarters Recoil” stability and has been changed to reduced recoil on all pistols, personal defense weapons, submachine guns and shotguns

* New “Close Quarters Fire Rate” skill increases the fire rate of all pistols, personal defense weapons, submachine guns and shotguns

* New “Close Quarters Swap Speed” skill decreases the amount of time it takes to swap all pistols, personal defense weapons, submachine guns and shotguns

* New “Improved Knife Damage” skill increases the amount of damage knife attacks do to enemy soldiers

* “Knives Improved Swipe Speed” Skill has been renamed to Knife Frequency” skill, which decreases the time between knife attacks

Gameplay – Skills (Special Ops)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered upgrades, to the “Special Ops” menu: “Extended Tracking Duration, Improved Acoustic Locator, Improved Explosive Detector, Improved Motion Tracker, Improved Sensor Jammer” and “Improved Suppressors”

* New “Extended Tracking Duration” skill increases the amount of time a detected enemy is tracked on the mini-map and CNI

* New “Improved Acoustic Locator” skill increases the effective range of an equipped Acoustic Locator gear item

* New “Improved Explosive Detector” skill allows a soldier with an Explosives Detector gear item equipped to approach enemy mines while prone without triggering them

* New “Improved Motion Tracker” skill increases the range an equipped Motion Tracker gear item detects enemy movement

* New “Improved Sensor Jammer” skill allows a soldier with Sensor Jammer gear items to move at a faster rate before being spotted by enemy Motion Trackers, as well as masking nearby squadmates

* New “Improved Suppressors” skill increases the effectiveness of any suppressor when mounted on a weapon

Gameplay – Skills (Medical)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered upgrades, to the “Medical” menu: “Heal Recharge Rate, Improved Healing, Improved Resupply Rate, Medical Kit Heal Range, Self Heal Speed,” and “Resuscitation”

* New “Heal Recharge Rate” skill reduces the time between medical kit and first aid kit applications

* New “Improved Resupply Rate” skill reduces the time it takes to refill your gear and ammo at supply points

* New “Medical Kit Heal Range” skill increases the range a medical kit can heal wounded teammates

* New “Self Heal Speed” skill decreases the time it takes to apply a first aid kit or medical kit when self-healing

Gameplay – Skills (Engineering)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered upgrades, to the “Engineering” menu: “Advanced Electronics, Advanced Explosives, Improved Repair Kit Damage, Improved Repairing,” and “Mine Deploy Speed”

* New “Advanced Electronics” skill decreases the amount of time it takes to take control of battlefield electronics-based objectives

* New “Improved Repair Kit Damage” skill increases the amount of damage the repair kit does to enemy soldiers, vehicles and objective assets

* New “Mine Deploy Speed” skill reduces the amount of time it takes to deploy anti-personnel and anti-tank mines

Gameplay – Skills (Athleticism)

* Added the following skills to the “Athleticism” menu: “Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed,” and “Improved Sprint Speed”

* Added three upgrade tiers to the following “Athleticism” skills: “Advanced Paratrooper, Increased Endurance, Increased Launcher Move Speed, Increased Move Speed, Improved Sprint Recovery,” and “Improved Sprint Speed”

* New “Increased Launcher Move Speed” skill increases the top speed a soldier moves and aims while holding a rocket launcher

* New “Increased Move Speed” skill increases the top speed a soldier moves normally

* New “Improved Sprint Speed” skill increases the top speed a soldier moves while sprinting

Gameplay – Skills (Vehicles)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered upgrades, to the “Vehicles” menu: “Improved Smoke Screen Rate, Improved Turret Cooldown, Improved Vehicle Awareness, Improved Vehicle Impact Damage, Increased Vehicle Speed,” and “Vehicle Mine Resistance”

* New “Improved Smoke Screen Rate” skill reduces the amount of time between smoke screens activated by the driver of the vehicle

* New “Improved Turret Cooldown” skill reduces the time it takes for the soldier’s turret weapon to cool down after it has overheated

* New “Improved Vehicle Awareness” skill makes the mini-map visible while a soldier is manning a vehicle or bunker turret and can be upgraded to add base Acoustic Locator and Motion Tracker functionality

* New “Improved Vehicle Impact Damage” skill increases the amount of damage inflicted on enemy soldiers when impacted by the driver’s vehicle

* New “Increased Vehicle Speed” skill increases the top speed of the vehicle the soldier is driving

* New “Vehicle Mine Resistance” skill decreases the amount of damage a vehicle the soldier is driving takes from enemy anti-vehicle mines

Gameplay – Skills (Resistances)

* Added the following skills, all with three-tiered upgrades, to the “Resistances” menu: “Chemical Damage Resistance, Extended Bleedout, Explosive Damage Resistance Flashbang Resistance, Impact Damage Resistance,” and “Increased Health”

* New “Extended Bleedout” skill increases the time a soldier can remain incapacitated before he bleeds out

* New “Flashbang Resistance” skill decreases the duration a soldier is affected by flashbang grenades


* Increased base damage on most automatic weapons by an average of 15%

* Improved the spread rate of Assault Rifles and Submachine guns when auto-firing so that they remain accurate longer

* All suppressors now reduce shooting detection range by half of their old default value

* Knife tuning: Reduced range by roughly 30 centimeters and decreased default “facing” damage bonuses

* Knife tuning: Changed knife attack angle so that a hit requires target to be closer to the center of the screen

* Shotgun tuning: Corrected issue that prevented all shotguns from reloading when the player was still holding the “fire” button

* Explosive tuning: Anti-personnel Mines now have a “line of sight” check for detonation and have been given a more realistic damage cone

* Explosive tuning: Increased “Anti-tank Mine” damage to vehicles by 50%

Gear and Apparel

* Explosives Detector no longer beeps when in proximity of a teammate’s mines — only when near an enemy’s; beep frequency has also been adjusted

* Motion Tracker has been updated so that it is no longer based on an enemy’s speed and is now based on an enemy’s stance, detecting movement for all un-jammed players

* The Sensor Jammer had been updated so that all prone movement by the equipped player is masked; can be enhanced with “Improved Sensor Jammer” skill to mask crouched movement at level 1, walking at level 2 and sprinting at level 3

* Light/ Improved Light Armor base speed has been reduced by nearly 3%

* Heavy/ Improved Heavy Armor base speed has been increased by nearly 3%

* Light and Heavy Armor types have been given “bonus” modifiers when used in conjunction with “Speed” skills so that Light Armors receive greater benefits and Heavy Armors receive lesser benefits


* Added “Community News” page to better inform players in-game of all MAG-related events or promotions

* Different grenade types now show specific in-game icons when thrown

* Repaired bug that would sometimes result in the post-game results screen displaying the incorrect amount of earned XP

* Added “Total Awarded Currency Points” to “Bonuses” section of the character “Stats” page

* Added Interdiction and Escalation Concept Art to “Extras” menu

Audio/ Visual

* Thrown or launched grenades now have a “trail” effect as well as an updated overall appearance to make them more visible on the battlefield

* Solved issue that prevented equipped grenades to appear in the player’s hand prior to throwing them

* An assortment of camera and animation optimizations for various scenarios including but not limited to iron sight/ laser sight zoom, ladder climbing, mine placement, self-healing, and weapon swapping

* Improved presentation of the character “jump” animation

* Updated various pieces of artwork with newer versions for better performance

* Fixed issue that sometimes prevented medical device appearance and/ or animations from displaying properly

* Increased the Sensor Array’s animation time to match the duration of its usage

* Repaired bug that prevented the “Alarm” audio from being played when charges were planted at “Objective C” in the “Syr Daria Uplink” and “Darrien Network” maps

* Slightly lowered the amount of camera shake from air strikes, explosions, and when firing weapons

* Repaired camera “pop” problem that would sometimes occur when sprinting out of a parachute drop

* Removed “shiny” graphics that would randomly appear on bridges for all maps in which a bridge is present

* Fixed issue that prevented win/ loss voice-over from being played when game clock expires in “Interdiction” mode

* Improved visual appearance of the Ribbon awards


* MAG now fully supports the PlayStation Move peripheral

* Fixed “Spooning Elevator” bug that allowed players who revived downed teammates while laying on top of them to float upwards and reach areas not intended to be accessed

* “MVP” criteria no longer considers bonus XP modifiers in its equation

* Repaired issue that disconnected some members of large-sized clans from the MAG game environment when logging in

* Fixed issue that would sometimes halt the patching process at 99% of the install period

* Resupply Depots have been optimized so that the meter accurately reflects what is being resupplied and the resupply process itself is more efficient

* Players can no longer take the driver’s seat in vehicles that are not their squad’s “spawn” APC, but can take any other seat in the vehicle regardless if their squad “owns” the APC or not

* Repaired issue with “Happy Hour” timer that would sometimes shave a few minutes off the correct total

* Solved problem that sometimes caused incapacitated players to rotate and move around

* Players are now prevented from spawning inside a helicopter that is headed out of the map

* Mended problem that caused the “Primary Objectives Completed” stat to sometimes double for various game types

* Made additional fixes for rare “game crash” scenarios

* Various localization updates and changes


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Danes pride na PSN nov DLC


10.28 2010

MAG Escalation DLC Coming November 2

posted by Jeremy Dunham, October 28, 2010 10:00 am

This past summer, many of you took part in our latest MAG Beta program to help us test out a number of new features slated for our recently-released update, MAG 2.0, and future DLC. Thanks to your devotion, we gathered a surplus of fantastic data that allowed us to make MAG a better game… and we’re not done yet!

Though the MAG 2.0 patch has been available since the end of September, the DLC portion of the beta has remained unreleased — but not for too much longer. Starting November 2, our three-faction gunplay whirlwind, the “Escalation” Add-on Pack, will be available for download from the PlayStation Store for $9.99 (US)!

But we aren’t stopping there.


To celebrate the release of the Escalation DLC, we’re offering two other deals to existing and would-be fans. Check this out:

* Interdiction Add-on Pack: Now $4.99 (US); reduced from original price of $9.99 (US)

* MAG Starter Kit: $14.99 (US): An almost $30 (US) value and everything new MAG users could want: Interdiction and Escalation Add-on packs, a 30-day trial for MAG character slots B and C, six official MAG PS3 avatars that sport Raven, SVER, and Valor characters and badges, and three dynamic PS3 themes (one for each PMC).

If you didn’t get a chance to play it in our MAG Beta, the Escalation add-on supports up to 96 players, or one 32-man platoon for each PMC, as a separate in-game mode that pits the forces of Raven, SVER, and Valor against each other at the same time. The aspirations for each PMC is to earn the requisite number of points before time runs out or, if time does expire, to have the most points overall. Whichever team meets this goal wins the map and additional Shadow War points.

Escalation gameplay is set up in two phases: For phase one, all three teams battle to hold the map’s A, B and C objectives — but when any of the three PMCs gains control of two of the three objectives, phase two begins. In this second phase, the original three objectives are locked and a new fourth objective (D) opens up. Now, the PMC that forced the phase shift must defend objective D against both attacking groups as long as possible; if D is lost, then play reverts back to phase one again and the war continues on until we have a winner or time runs out.


As beta players have already seen, Escalation offers three completely different environments (maps) to the MAG universe, including the volcanic beaches “Isla de Magma,” the mountainous “Silverback Ridge,” and the desert wasteland of “Radiant Barrens.” As an added bonus, our new add-on pack isn’t just made up of new maps – there are also nine previously-unavailable weapons we’re throwing into the mix too:

Raven: Gotha Elite (Assault Rifle) | KP21 (Machine Gun) | Kinmark SRS (Sniper Rifle)

SVER: Tamsen MK2 (Assault Rifle | Ariet SFW (Machine Gun) | Rubakho SVR (Sniper Rifle)

Valor: M31 CIR (Assault Rifle) | M245 (Machine Gun) | Sentinel M421 (Sniper Rifle)

If this sounds like your brand of DLC fun, we’ll see you again on November 2


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Včeraj se je Sonyjevim serverjem kolcalo

As some of you may have notice, there was some sudden server wonkiness around 1:35pm (Pacific) or so.

Sony's server team is already looking into the issue, but if you run into performance problems in the near future, this current issue is likely why.



Jeremy Dunham

Sr. Community Manager, Zipper Interactive


Baje so bile težave tudi pri drugih igrah...

Released yesterday, the problems swarm in today. Having some trouble with Call of Duty: Black Ops? You're not the only one. Complaints and reports coming in from the Black Ops forums point to numerous problems plaguing the game, specifically the PS3 version. A list of the known issues has already been compiled by Treyarch forum senior member, the bigb59, so be sure to verify if the problem you're having has been brought to the developers' attention.

Here's the full list:

blackops.pngReported Bugs

  • Party Invite System not working, unable to join friends even with public chosen
  • Leaderboard not reading correct kills
  • Framerate issues, affecting gameplay
  • Theatre mode not working correctly
  • Respawns, issue spawning near enemies on smaller maps
  • Game freezing PS3 Console
  • Party option "Leave with party" not working correctly
  • Locale Search option not working
  • Mic's not showing in lobby
  • Error "Disconnected due to transmission Error" appears after some games

Reported Glitches

  • Knifing mechanic seems to act like Commando lunge from MW2

CVG also reports that on top of all those, the PS3 version also has some freezing issues when played on a 3D TV.


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  • 2 tednov kasneje...

MAG je star eno leto

It may sound clichéd, but wow, time really flies! It’s hard to believe that it has already been a full year since our massive 256-person PlayStation 3 exclusive shooter, MAG, was released all over the globe. To celebrate our one-year birthday, we’re unveiling a handful of promotions as a thank you to our fans throughout the week.

First up, starting Wednesday, January 26 at 12am Pacific Time, we’re changing all in-game queue and “Happy Hour” bonuses to 256% until Sunday, January 30 at 11:59pm. If you’ve been meaning to level up to grab our various “level 60” trophies, our promotional time period is a great time to go for it!

Speaking of January 26, all day from 10am-5pm Pacific Time, members of the Zipper Interactive QA team (our best players!) will be online and playing MAG throughout the day. If you’ve never participated in our “Play MAG with Zipper” events, they’re great fun and offer you the perfect opportunity to show us your skills.

Our third and final promotion is a special “Faction Neutral” switch for the Domination and Acquisition modes. For the first time ever in MAG “Live,” our two biggest game types will switch from being PMC-specific to being open for defense by any of our three factions. Like our 256% XP bonus, this mode switch will be in operation from January 26 at 12am Pacific to January 30 at 11:59pm.

But this isn’t all we’re doing to wish MAG a happy birthday. We’ll also be posting some additional posts throughout the week, including a breakdown of MAG statistics and numbers on Thursday and a special “Five Things You Never Knew About MAG” article on Friday morning. It should be fun.

As always, everyone here at Zipper Interactive wants you to know how much we appreciate all the support and feedback you have given us over the last year and we hope you’ve enjoyed playing the game as much as we’ve enjoyed making and improving it. Thank you very much!



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S temi nastavitvami...

Player rotation - 70

Player pitch - 30

Gesture sensitivity - 100 (you need to thrust the Move forward to perform knife attack - don't worry this wont cause unintentional knifing)

Scope sensitivity - 100

Normal play - 60 / 40 / 80

Fixed iron sights - OFF (If you have this to On you are doing it wrong)

Iron sights - 0 / 10 / 40 igranje z Movom odlično, se bojim, da bom za MAG uporabljal samo še move.


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Pet neznanih zanimivosti:

5. The three PMCs – Raven, SVER, and Valor – weren’t always known by those names. Over time, they underwent a number of title changes. Valor was known as the “Allied Forces” and “Hammer,” SVER was “SEVER” and “SIRSAT, and Raven was… well, check further down the list to see what Raven was called.

4. Though MAG was Zipper’s first “released” PS3 game, it wasn’t always planned to be. Prior to the greenlight for MAG, we were tossing around several ideas – including an espionage-themed action/platformer that thrived on chase sequences and a shooter that would ultimately become the game due out this April, SOCOM 4.

3. MAG could be even bigger. MAG is renowned for its 256-player support – and we earned the Guinness World Record for most simultaneous players in a console FPS as proof – but that’s not the limit of our technology. Truth be told, we can support a lot more than that. We picked 256 players as our target for game design reasons (how we divide up squads, platoons, etc). However, with our architecture, we could increase the number players well beyond the 256-person limit if we wanted to – we’d just want to make sure our design fit whatever super huge number we wanted to go after first.

2. MAG began its life as a SOCOM game. Originally, we had planned to make MAG a part of the SOCOM universe. In fact, its first working title was “SOCOM: MAG.” As the game began to take shape, however, it became apparent that what MAG was growing into was much different than SOCOM. The gameplay design, while still somewhat-tactical, continued to become less “SOCOM-like.” The emphasis on character progression and large-scale multiplayer battles with three completely different PMCs sealed the deal, and MAG happily spun off into its own universe. Oh, and remember that Raven “early title” we mentioned? Yeah, they were “Clawhammer!”

1. MAG started as a third-person shooter. Because it started as a SOCOM title, MAG was a third-person shooter for a good portion of its development cycle. When the first MAG trailer was shown at E3 2008, for instance, the game was still planned as a TPS (and the teaser hints at it pretty strongly). As we continued to refine MAG, however, and pull it father away from its SOCOM beginnings, we moved it into the first-person realm to help differentiate it even more. After we played it, when knew absolutely that going first-person was the right choice for the game and the rest, as they say, is history!

We hope you enjoyed this look into the Zipper vault of secrets and hope that you enjoyed our game even more.


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  • Pred 11 meseci ...

Da malo obudimo, MAG še ni mrtev...

Vsak ponedeljek

MAG Mondays

Join us for our weekly MAG gathering!

Team up, take on the world and do your part in the Shadow War with allies from the Official PlayStation Community.

To participate, you must have a PSN Online ID registered to the S.V.E.R. faction. Just send a friend request to "OPC_SEED1" and check out the link below for more information.


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