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Vsi zapisi od pa3k3132005

  1. se vidimo okrog 22:00 pridemo pozirat.. heheheh z novimi uniformami
  2. Materrrrr.... sem se namatral a nebo noben pomaguuuu...!/bf4/battlereport/show/4/388342491185559168/301108265/ Upam, da porihtajo tega lesenega možička....večina jih laufa kr neki brez veze...ko kure brez glave...dol padeš kakšen team play...horuk pa na juriš.... sem se prav nasmejal danes :D ... uffff težko je s takšnimi igrat ...ti vzamejo zadnjo energijo, ki jo premoreš... enostavno ugasneš ... ter skušaš čim hitreje pozabit na ves bull shit, ki si ga doživel.....
  3. Sprobal še na Xboxu....moram reči , da vse skupaj zgleda malo bolje kot na ni ravno najboljše ampak OK .... me res zanima , kako bo vse to zgledalo in delovalo na novih konzolah
  4. nothing a bf3 ....z par spremembami...treba počakat na ps4 ali pa Xone......šele takrat bomo lahko presojali o igri.....
  5. fack najdem ...prekleta gajba.... pa to je res čist drug planet kar na ps3 igral naprej me čudi , če pa bi moral imet dostop do bete, ker imam MOH lilited ed......ali pa sem preglup za ta Xbox...hmmm :D
  6. bom probal najt.... ...sem večina na ps3 ..X box je pr men nabiralec prahu ....ampak zdaj bi to rad sprobal tudi na njem , da vidim razliko....če sploh je kakšna...hvala
  7. ja pr men isto imam najdem nikjer , kje bi lahko snel beto....hmm
  8. obstajala bi naj VETERAN opcija nastavitev....sprobam danes zvečer....mogoče bo bolje .....aja a kdo ve??? kdaj bo pa za Xbox download ?
  9. samo ta sprememba gumbov me pa res morem se navadit....kar naprej selektam...popizdiš... bo treba veliko vadit
  10. MAG...ja to je bil dober špil... bo treba počakat na ps4 ....da bomo videli obljubljeno
  11. uffff....prekleti gumbi....mater spet se bo treba privadit......ja tu brez organiziranosti nimaš kaj iskat....pušiš na celi črti.... rekel , da sem pričakoval več kot to kar sem videl......spet nam bodo samo pocuzali denarnice.....
  13. Kako bo pa s temi , ki bodo-bomo -smo... naročili samo digitalne verzije ? ps3 ....???
  14. Ja upam , da nas bo dovolj ... in seveda ,kar si najbolj želimo...>>no lag<<...zadnje čase ,kar mal nagaja....ta preklet lag.....kakorkoli.......vsi že v pričakovanju takrat pa še kakšno odgramo... ...........
  15. odlično to zgleda..... ...samo brez zvoka prosim..hehehe...uporabljamo tudi grde besede seveda , ko je to potrebno
  16. Seznam...predstavitev starih/novih gunov v bf4.....
  17. Battlefield 4™ Beta FAQ Q: When does the Open Beta start for Battlefield 4™? A: The Open Beta launches early October 2013 for everyone. The Battlefield 4™ Open Beta will feature Conquest mode on the Siege of Shanghai map. Q: When does the Exclusive Battlefield 4™ Beta start? A: The exclusive Beta starts early October 2013. Q: Who can access the exclusive Battlefield 4™ Beta? A: There are several ways to get into the exclusive Battlefield 4™ Beta: By pre-ordering the Battlefield 4™ Digital Deluxe Edition on, by being a Battlefield 3: Premium member, and by being a registered owner of Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition. Q: What is the purpose of the Battlefield 4™ Beta? A: The Beta gives us a chance to properly test our servers, the back end, and configure the multiplayer components of the game. By taking part, you will help us in ensuring a smooth launch for Battlefield 4™. You’ll also have the option to feedback directly to us with any gameplay ideas, bugs you find, and other thoughts on the Beta experience. Q: I am a Battlefield 3™ Premium member. What platform will I be able to access the exclusive Battlefield 4™ Beta on? A: You will get access on the same platform that your Battlefield 3 Premium membership is tied to (PC, Xbox 360, or PlayStation 3.) This exclusive Beta will be available world-wide on all platforms, with the exception of Japan and rest of Asia on PS3. Q: I have multiple potential entry points into the Battlefield 4™ Beta from different platforms -- Can I choose which platform to access the Battlefield 4™ Beta on, or give one of my invitations to a friend? A: In these cases you will be able to access the Battlefield 4™ Beta on several platforms. Access is tied to your Origin ID and is non-transferable. Q: I am eligible to access the exclusive Battlefield 4™ Beta in multiple ways -- Will I get several invites to access the exclusive Beta? If yes, can I share them? A: If these entry points are all on the same platform (e.g. MOHW DD + BF4 DD), it would count as 1 invite. Access is tied to your Origin ID and is non-transferable. Q: If I have an entry point on one platform, can I choose to play the Beta on another platform (For example, Medal of Honor Warfighter Limited Edition PS3 player who wants to play the beta on PC?) A: You will get access on the same platform that your entry point is tied to. Battlefield 4™ is a genre defining action blockbuster made from moments that blur the line between game and glory – moments found only in Battlefield. With dynamic destructible environments, epic vehicular combat, and the chaos of all-out war, Battlefield 4™ gives you the freedom to do more and be more for an unrivaled entertainment experience. Pre-order Battlefield 4™ now to get a Premium expansion pack at no extra charge. Become a Battlefield 3™ Premium member to get access to the exclusive Battlefield 4™ Beta. This exclusive Beta will be available world-wide on all platforms, with the exception of Japan and rest of Asia on PS3.
  18. OK ....seveda bom objavil ....ko dobim poterjene informacije ....mislim pa da bo v soboto...zvečer kot ponavadi 22.:00....javim ...
  19. klan var.... ...nasprotnik..... ....ta teden.... dan ,uro, rules... ... še javim , ko bo več podatkov....
  20. ne boj se nebo zaseden....zelo ,zelo mala možnost ......
  21.!/groups/281712161971823/ imamo tudi skupino na facebook.....če kdo želi .....join....!/damobarbi.tibola....šele takrat vas lahko dodamo v skupino....lp
  22. Preprosto......enostavno se dogovoriš, z nasprotno ekipo.....preko matcha nastaviš server , dodaš ljudi in akcija...server se avtomatslo na dan igre nastavi , kar si določil.... .... ponavadi pa pride do klan wara...zaradi izzivanja hehehe... this is my job ....malo sprovuciraš kakšnega, pa ti že grozijo seveda z veseljem sprejmeš klan war... so tudi tekmovanja, na katerih smo tudi sodelovali, ampak smo odstopili....zaradi goljufanja - cheterstva.....tega ne podpiramo!!! fair... Vsekakor bo dogajalo...zdaj če bolj zanimivo ...ker se bo igralo 32 vs 32 ...hmmm...pravi projekt uskladit toliko ljudi....ampak verjamem , da nam bo uspelo....
  23. Clan war...... BAR vs BDS (Poljaki).......da vas malo razrajcamo ......snemali Poljaki ...katero besedo največ uporabljajo ???
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