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Vsi zapisi od Gandalf

  1. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Kaj so o Wii play povedali na Computer and videogames! Find Mii This is a Where's Wally style game that throws a bunch of Miis on the screen and tasks you with a search and find mission, using the Wii Remote as a pointer. The game might ask you to find one or more identical Miis within the crowd, or it might ask you to find the Mii which you have created on your Wii console. It gets even more brain-busting when the asks you which Mii from a select group is your favourite. Then a few rounds later it will ask you to identify your chosen favourite in a group of dozens of Miis, which tests your memory as well as you observation skills. Table Tennis One of the simplest games in the package, Table Tennis simply has you moving your Wii Remote left or right to hit the ball back to your opponent. You don't have to press a button to hit the ball - the game strikes for you - but you can put direction on the ball by moving the bat left or right as you strike the ball. In single-player, your only task is to rack up a 100-hit rally with the computer, who will lose the game on your 100th strike of the ball. That gets you a medal. This game is really about multiplayer, where two players go head-to head with fast rallies. Pose Mii This is a tricky but addictive game that has you moving your floating Mii around the screen with the Remote, positioning him in bubbles to make the bubbles disappear before they reach the bottom of the screen. The catch is that the bubbles have little drawings in them that show what pose your Mii must be in to make it disappear. So as well as moving your Mii around the screen, you also have to press the A or B button to get your Mii into the right pose, and twist your Remote to rotate your Mii into the right position to fit the sketch on the bubble. It's super tough, but hugely addictive. Laser Hockey Laser Hockey is straightforward - it's virtual air hockey where you use the Wii Remote's pointer to control your paddle, and hit the puck into the goal on the opposite side. There really is nothing else to it, but again, this is best played in two player. Billiards Absolute genius. Billiards uses the Wii Remote to fantastically replicate the cue. First you line up your shot by aiming your on-screen cursor off the white ball, holding Z and moving the Remote left and right. Once you're satisfied with the angels (all done via a first-person view), you point at where on the white ball you want to hit, hold Z to lock your shot in place, then draw the remote back and thrust it forward to take the shot. There's no power bars needed because the controller reads the speed at which you pushed it forward with the utmost accuracy, and the game replicates that on screen to satisfying effect. It's a shame there's no snooker and pool options, but this is surely a taste of what future pool games will be capable of on Wii. Fishing This simple game - which interestingly looks like it was made of paper - sets you the seemingly simple task of hooking fish out of a small pond. Tracking your every move, the Wii Remote acts as your rod as you dip your hook into the water and wait for the fish to take a bite (which is indicated by the rumble force in the Remote) before yanking your rod backwards to catch a fish. But stick it in two-player mode and a game of patience becomes a game of razor-sharp reactions as you race to catch the most fish. Charge Your little Wii rides on a cow, which you steer by tilting the Wii Remote left and right like a steering wheel (Excite Truck-style). Your aim is to bash into scarecrows and other enemies on the course, while jumping over hurdles by flicking the Remote upwards. This relatively basic game comes to life in split-screen multiplayer, where you another player barge each other around the course as you scramble to hit the targets. Tanks Our favourite game of them all. It's top-down, single-screen battle game reminiscent of the tank battles in Combat on the Atari 2600, for those of you old enough to remember that. You control your little tank by pushing the analogue stick on the Nunchuk in any direction, while aiming your cannon with the Wii Remote's pointer. Shoot cannons with the B trigger or drop a proximity mine that explodes when approached. You get points for taking out computer-controlled tanks which pack various weapons, from slow and easy-to-avoid cannons to fast and devastating rocket launchers. In two-player, it's a race to destroy the most tanks in each level. Fantastic fun. Wii Play is, despite its simplicity, bound to be hours of fun in multiplayer and for
  2. Gandalf

    Wii Experience

    Experience Twiligt princess!
  3. Gandalf

    Wii dogodka [ZDA/JP in EU]

    Jasna stvar. Point vsega pa je, da je Nintendo stavil vse na kontroler in zakaj bi že idejo samo prodajali pod ceno... Imajo pa ziher še ogromno maneverskega prostora okoli cene, o tem pa ni dvoma.
  4. Gandalf

    Wii dogodka [ZDA/JP in EU]

    Zakaj pa ne bi bil revolucionaren nadzor vreden prav toliko kot sam blue-ray ali HD? Nenazadnje ni nastal kar iz nič...
  5. Gandalf

    Wii dogodka [ZDA/JP in EU]

    Men ste res čudni eni. Wii je najugodnejša stvar v svetu sobnih konzol in pika!! Če bi radi Zeldo igrali za 5 jurjev, pol pa tud ne vem no, kolk cenite vložen trud in igre nasploh. Madonca, če stane kino 900 sit, pa je zgolj 2 uri zabave... Pa špil prodaš, ko se ga naveličaš, pa dobiš vsaj pol keša povrjenega. Zgroženost okoli cene je absurd...
  6. Gandalf

    Wii dogodka [ZDA/JP in EU]

    Jo direkt iz fotoaparata flikneš v Wii-ja in mimogrede prečekiraš ter obdelaš fotke... :annoyed:
  7. Gandalf

    Wii dogodka [ZDA/JP in EU]

    Konzola je še vedno sorazmerno poceni! Da pa cena vendarle ni tako zelo nizka, kot smo eni upali, pa gre po moje predpisati delno konkurentoma, sploh Sonyju..., v primerjavi s PS3 je Wii še vedno akcijski artikel. Če bi bil preveč poceni, kot je denimo bil na koncu Gamecube, bi konzolo mnogi nevedni označli, kot šrot... Mislim, da cena ni prehuda. Nintendo bo za razliko od Sonyja imel do novega leta dovolj konzol na tržišču, zato mu lansiranje za Sonyjem ne bi smelo škodovati. Nepodpora sukanju DVD-je odvrnila nekaj oz. precej kupcev v primeru Gamecuba. Sedaj, ko dobiš DVD player praktično za drobiž to ne bi smel bit problem... Dva kontrolerja poleg, bilo bi lepo, a dobili bomo vsaj Wii Sports. To je pa tud nekaj porkaduš. Glejte kak je Wii lep, jaooo ljudje davajo vlki denar ven za neke svečnike okrasne in vaze...
  8. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Ne vem zakaj, a veliko se jih zgraža nad baterijami. Maš dve rezervni in lahk špilaš nemudoma naprej. Aku bi mogo pa dat polnit... Prednost je očitna...
  9. Gandalf

    WiiRemote v Akciji

    Red Steel še nikakor ni za odpis. Bojda so kar nekaj elementov že izboljšali, no spremenili... Predvsem sword fight! :crossfingers:
  10. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    To ne drži. Za dolpotege špilov bo treba plačat. In Genesis se je pri nas imenoval Mega drive...
  11. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Plošček še nikakor ni dokončan. Taka razporeditev pa je brž kot ne hotena------> retro fantič! :ihih: Mene bolj muči dejstvo, da (vsaj trenutno) plošček visi na Wiimotu in to žično. Precej nepraktično. Wii-jev daljinec bi mogli kar direkt gor pripopat, nekak noter vtaknit hudiča...
  12. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Klasični kontroler v akciji...
  13. Sem bil verjel tej novici. Vsekakor lahko pričakujemo več likov kot v predhodniku...
  14. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii Mario!!
  15. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Govori se, da se bo priklopil na Wiijev kontroler...
  16. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Jap, za SSB je tud meni mal hudo... Mimogrede, na IGN-u gostijo trailer od Red Steel, ki zgleda noooooro dobro!!!
  17. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Z GC kontrolerjem Wii-jevih iger ne bo moč igrat, da ne bo pomote. Klasičnemu načinu igranja bo delala uslugo nekakšna "lupina" v obliki klasičnega kontrolerja...
  18. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Hehe. Potrjeno da bodo neke vrste senzorji tud v "nunchaku" enoti! Iz intervjuja s predstavnikom EA-ja o Madden: IGN Wii: So you're using the free-hand style pointer. How are you using the nunchuck unit? John Schappert: Well, it controls how you move your player. IGN Wii: Does you use the trigger buttons on the nunchuck unit? John Schappert: You know, the buttons are all still being mapped out. It does use the trigger buttons right now. I don't know how much we'll have locked in for you at E3 because we are still working on the final button layout, but it does use the trigger buttons, and it does use the accelerometer in the nunchuck unit as well for juking.
  19. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Hehe! Jaz sem z njimi... Wii!!! :bowdown:
  20. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    HUUUUDIIIII, fan made seveda, filmček ob katerem Star Wars fanatiki ne bodo brez režanja v frisu... Lucasarts pa se naj raje zmiga! :ninja:
  21. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Hoho! Seveda bodo Nintendovi 1st party naslovi trgali gate. Retro bo pokazal, kaj se da pričakovat na grafični fronti, Nintendo pa bo nazorno pokazal, kak bi naj zgledala kontrola pri različnih žanrih... Sem včeraj začel igrat ponovno Pikmine 2 in sem skor zblaznel ob misli kaka uživancija bodo na Revoluciji...
  22. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Glede imena stavim nekako na RS, vsebuje že znano besedo Revolution in system... Mam tak filing
  23. Gandalf

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Priznam, da sem pričakoval več. Čeprav nas je Nintendo svaril. Pokušino njihive nove filozofije smo itak dobili že z DS-om. In zgleda da se je vsaj tu obnesla. Držimo pesti, da bomo ob igranju z novim kontrolerjem resnično pozabli na grafiko... :crossfingers:
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