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Vsi zapisi od Bessie

  1. Na mojem blogu kratek filmček o homebrew aplikacijah
  2. Bessie

    g6 lite

    za kaj jaz uporabljam flash kartico oz. gbamp, kompatibilen je z marsičem.
  3. Bessie

    Naročilo WiiKey-a

    Predno kupite wiikey preverite katero verzijo konzole imate link
  4. Kaj je bilo narobe, je novejša verzija rešila problem?
  5. Mislim da kar auto, uporabljam pa: - GBAMPv2 + firmware by chishm + Moonshell - DS Flashme v7 a ostale wifi zadeve ti pa laufajo b.p.
  6. Beup je men delu iz prve tako da Pa imaš zadnjo verzijo, ker sem imel tudi sam težave in sem na koncu obupal, potem sem pa čez pol leta dal novejšo verzijo gor in je delalo b.p.
  7. dobr zgleda, že gre v mojo zbirko Fuck, nikjer ne najdem downloada najdu
  8. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Čudno naredil sem update pa ni novega kanala, sem mislil, da je problem v Contry in sem nastavil na UK pa še vedno nič
  9. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    14th February 2007 – A brand new channel launches today for the Wii Menu, providing a quick, easy and fun way to cast your answers to a multitude of different questions. The Everybody Votes Channel allows you to compare and contrast your opinions with those of friends, family and people from across the globe. With a regularly updated supply of new questions to ponder, this is a great way to discover not only differences between you and your family, but also between your country and others! "If you have ever wondered whether many other people share the same opinions, preferences, likes or dislikes as you, then the Everybody Votes Channel is a quick and easy way to quell those curiosities″ says Laurent Fischer, Marketing Director, Nintendo of Europe. ″From whether people believe in aliens to what they would do if they had 1 million Euros, this quirky but addictive channel lets you find out what others think as well as being a great discussion starter with family and friends!" Cast Your Vote This latest addition to the Wii Menu features different general poll questions for users to answer. Three questions will always be offered. These will then be closed after a week and updated with new ones. When accessing the main page of the Everybody Votes Channel, users will be greeted with the current polls open and can then register their votes by clicking on their chosen one. Within hours of the poll closing, the latest regional results of the poll will be made available and will be displayed for each region of the relevant country. Vote ratios for each question will be displayed on the Channel using hundreds of Miis to represent the different votes. The previous twelve polls that a player has voted on are archived so they can check back on them after they have closed. Each time a new poll closes, if the user has voted on it, it is added to the archive and the oldest one on there is deleted. In addition to casting a vote, users can also predict the outcome of the poll. Every correct prediction will be added to the player’s profile and used to calculate how tuned in they are with general public opinion, which is shown in the How Tuned In Are You? section. Fun For the Entire Family Users are able to register a total of six different players on each Wii console using Mii data and names from the Mii Channel, meaning that each member of the household can have their own say on a poll. The Everybody Votes Channel records all of the votes cast by a player and allows them to check their opinions against those of their family using vote results as well as their ‘How Tuned In Are You?’ results. This allows users to compare numbers of consecutive wins and overall wins versus losses recorded. Worldwide Polls As well as providing three different sets of general poll questions each week, the Everybody Votes Channel also features worldwide poll questions. These are set twice a month and run for approximately two weeks, with live result updates appearing just hours after the vote closes. Miis illustrate the global vote ratio and a bar graph shows the results for each different country globally. Players can sort these results by vote percentage, country or in order of prediction accuracy. Have Your Say An additional feature of this channel is the Suggest a Question section, which allows players to suggest a poll topic they would like to see on the service. Each player is allowed to make up to one suggestion a day, the best of which may be converted into a poll question by Nintendo. Everybody Votes Channel is the latest addition to the Wii Menu and can be downloaded for free from the Wii Shop Channel. The Wii Menu is the starting point for all of the console’s functions and offers a gateway to a rich variety of entertainment options. When connected to a TV, the Wii Menu offers a simple interface letting users pick games to play, receive news and weather reports, view and send photos or even create playable caricatures of themselves to use in actual games. Additional functions allow users to download classic games to Wii’s Virtual Console.
  10. Zelda je za otroke! samo za trenutek sem otroka pustil samega in je prvič prijela v roke daljinca in se zabavala. Aja stara je pa leto in pol
  11. Pa naj še kdo reče da Nintendo špili niso za otroke,
  12. Bessie

    [PS2] PS2 Slim +Trdi disk

    Sem parkrat že igral na prenosniku in je bilo ok, ni pa tako dobra slika ker je priključek samo video in ne RGB. Imam PS2 - bajsiko z vgrajenim diskom, zadeva s HD advance deluje tako da image igre posnameš na disk in jo potem zaganjaš iz diska, image lako narediš direkt na pS2 ali preko mreže iz pc-ja, zadeva deluje enako kot da bi imel orinalen cd/dvd s to razliko, da je nalaganje hitrejše in da on-line igre ne delujejo zaradi zaščite.
  13. Bessie

    Wii Classic Controller

    Tudi jaz sem dobil paket od sendita in guess what... notri je bil rgb kabel kot sem ga naročil
  14. Bessie

    [PS2] PS2 Slim +Trdi disk

    e-bay, cene se ne spomnim, sem ga pa zadnjič videl tudi na Computergeeks cena sitnica. Na moje blogu imaš kratek utrinek iz Killzona posnet na notebooku z Gamebridgom, seveda je kavliteta na posnetku slabša, zaradi kompresije itd. utrinek
  15. ne bolje je tako, da po času kdaj so bili dodani, ker hitreje naješ nove.
  16. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    e-bay cena pa okoli 30€ točno se ne spomnim ker kar veliko kopujem. Recimo, da ti prodam za ... 35€ sam bom pa novega naročil, ko ga dobim po tej ceni, mi ni problem počakati spet kak teden. Kot kaže lahko dobim še enega po enaki ceni, torej prodam en kos NINTENDO WII USB LAN INTERNET CONNECT 24 USB ADAPTER cena 35€
  17. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Danes sem dobil in deluje super predvsem pa nalagnje internetnih strani ni več tako počasno, priporočam.
  18. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    jaz sem naročil tole
  19. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    rabiš usb mrežni adapter, ki ga v slo ne moreš fobiti, jaz sem ga naročil in ga pričakujem v kratkem cena je pa semi zdi okoli 31€, mogoče ga bom celo prodal naprej, ker itak uporabljam wifi in sem naročil bolj iz firbca.
  20. Zadnjič so mi namesto za moj playstation poslali za xbox tole zadevo no sem jim poslal nazaj, da so mi poslali pravo in na ps2 se dobro obnese, tako da bi se verjetno na xboxu tudi ne vem pa če je kompatibilno s 360.
  21. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    Jaz sem ga na e-bayu
  22. Bessie

    [Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii

    adaptec game bridge bi bil tudi uporaben
  23. Bessie

    Wario Ware Smooth Moves

    Copy paste napaka :doh:
  24. Bessie

    Wario Ware Smooth Moves

    Občutek je kot.... na NDS nekaj posebnega.
  25. Zadnje čase mi gre bolj počasi oz. imam premalo časa, sedaj sem pri ribonu z jajčkom in mi gre nadzor že orenk na jetra
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