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ARK: Survival Evolved - VR

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ARK: Survival Evolved aims to turn Jurassic Park into an open-world PvP game for PC, Mac, Linux, PS4 and Xbox One.


While not technically based on Michael Crichton's best-selling novel, the premise is similar: You're modern day hunters in a land full of dinosaurs. Also, you can ride them. What more do you need to know?


"a fully persistent game world, tens of thousands of AI entities, totally destructible foliage and environment, and multiplayer on a huge scale."

The developer plans to launch the game with over 60 different species of dinosaurs and a fleshed out ecosystem in which they'll freely roam around the world and eat each other. Furthermore, the dinosaurs can be trained so you can ride them or unleash them upon your enemies.

Igra bo na PS4 imela Morhpeus podporo.

ARK is being developer with VR in mind, though it will be fully playable without it. Moprheus support is confirmed and Studio Wildcard's founder and technical wizard Jesse Rapczak explained, "Just like mouse versus gamepad, you have to design with VR in mind from the beginning. All of your testing, all of your gameplay elements, they need to tie into the experience of wearing a VR headset, the different FOV, the perception of motion and presence that exists between looking at a flat computer screen and virtually 'being there.'"

"In the end we don't just 'allow' for VR, we recommend it, and ARK is a richer game because of it."

Uradna spletna stran: playark.com

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PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Zakaj mora čisto vsaka "open world survival" igra imeti prekleti PVP? Kaj pa fucking coop?

Poln K imam iger, kjer je "focus community ter human interaction" kar pomeni, da igraš 4 ure pa pride en random stranger mimo ter te ubije še preden sploh lahko poveš "Howdy partner!" in izgubiš vse.

Koliko iger ima ogromen potencijal, pa jih ta prekleti allways on obvezni PVP ubije....

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Če ne maraš PvPja pejt pač na PvE server igrat (official) al pa si nared svoj lokalni strežnik/single player. Lahka pa zakupiš strežnik pa ga imaš za PvE s svojimi pravili.

Na official PvE strežnikih je morda igra še malce težja, ker folk pridno cock-blocka z postavljanjem temeljev zgradb povsod naokoli svojih baz, pri spawnih mineralov in dinozavrov. Te lahko v PvP vsaj nemoteno porušiš. V PvE moraš pa čakat 7-10 dni, da jih lahko porušiš če igralec ki je v lasti teh ni aktiven.

Jest in moje dekle igrava na official serverju 259.

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