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Life is Strange: Before the Storm

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Igra je predzgodba prvega dela - Life is Strange.

Izšla bo v treh epizodah, prva pa bo na voljo že 31. avgusta.



Scenes showed story moments set some years before that of the original Life is Strange series, when its main character Max was absent, when Chloe had not yet turned full blue-hair punk, and when missing teen Rachel Amber was still around.

Other characters and familiar locations also recurred. It'll be fascinating to see how this mini-series fits in.


E3 2017 napovednik:



Urejano od japanboy


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Obstajale bodo 3 različne edicije igre!


- Epizode kupljene posamezno (Pri epizodah kupljenih posamezno je stvar samoumevna - kupec dobi vsako epizodo posebej, ko le-ta izide).

- Season Pass, (ta opcija se kupcu ponudi, če je že kupil 1. epizodo. Uporabnik tako v season passu dobi še 2. in 3. epizodo ko izideta. Season pass torej NE vsebuje epizode 1).

- Deluxe edicija (ta edicija uporabniku ponudi bonus epizodo, poleg ostalih večinoma kozmetičnih bonbončkov).



The Complete Season includes Episodes 1, 2 and 3. The Season Pass includes Episodes 2 and 3 and is purchasable if you have already purchased Episode 1 as a standalone Episode. The Season Pass does NOT include Episode 1.


  • The Deluxe Edition includes the following:
  • Episodes 1,2 and 3.
  • The Bonus Episode “Farewell” in which you can play as a young Max (to be released after Episode 3). This is a bonus episode for those who would like to play as Max one final time. Anyone purchasing the Complete Season, which does not include the Bonus Episode "Farewell", will still get the full Before the Storm story.
  • Mixtape Mode, a main menu option which allows you to create a playlist of the in-game licensed music and set it to play against an in-game moment of calm.
  • The Outfit Pack, a set of three additional outfit options that Chloe can change into at certain points in the story.



Urejano od japanboy


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pred 12 urami, matej1990 pravi:

Škoda da bodo samo 3 epizode (mini serija). Sem upal na pravo Life is Strange nadaljevanje. :(


Bolje to kot pa nič. :D


To še pride. Stvar s tem Life is Strange je podobna kot z Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. Oboje je standalone zgodba oz. igra!

Dotnod je povedal, da igre letos na E3 oz. nadaljevanja ne bo.



…we can indeed confirm that the original Life Is Strange team at DONTNOD are working on a brand new Life Is Strange game. We can’t wait to tell you all about it when the time is right, but for now we are hard at work ensuring it is the very best game we can create. We’re really thankful for your patience thus far and ask for a bit more time. The new game will not be at E3 in June this year but we will be watching the show alongside you all and wish everyone good luck!




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When i think i've seen it all, it still comes as a shock. Jesus fu*k!




Kolikor sem razbral je tako. Ne vem zakaj bi sicer 1 mesec oz. še manj pred tem spisali to, potem pa bi se igra pojavila na E3. To je povsem skregano z vso logiko. Pa še, tole so 3 epizode, 4. je pogojna in ne vpliva na zgodbo prvih 3 kolikor sem razbral. Pa igra ni poimenovana Life Is Strange 2, ampak Life Is Strange: Before Storm.




Before the Storm will be released across three chapters, unlike the five-episode Life is Strange, which was developed by Parisian studio Dontnod Entertainment. Before the Storm is being made by Deck Nine Games, the Denver-area developer that was founded in 1997 as Idol Minds.

The project was leaked last month, when a set of screenshots and a piece of concept art showed up on Imgur. It is separate from Dontnod Entertainment’s next title, which is a new Life is Strange game.



Urejano od japanboy
Dodan citat.


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  • vrhovni

Igra ne bo imela rewind opcije, kot je bilo to v Life Is Strange. Bo pa imela nekaj vsaj približno podobnega.



Unlike Life is Strange, the prequel will not make use of the time rewind mechanic that formed a central part of the original’s gameplay. Instead, players will utilise a new feature known as Backtalk, which is described as a  “risk/reward conversation mode that allows Chloe to use her barbed tongue to provoke or get her way.”




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