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Ekskluzivno:Prva slika prototipa Playstation 4?

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Za kilerja nisem 100% sem poravil v svojem postu, nekako pričakujem, da v teh različnih koncih oz eni pravijo scenarijih kaj drugače speljejo, ko končas se v različnih scenarij odprejo dodatne opcije (tako pravi internet)...

Spodaj je možnost kvarnika

I beat the game with 100% in less than 20 hours of playtime. True, if you want to just get through it to see the bulk of the story, you can get one ending and beat the game in about 5 - 8 hours. (In fact, if you kill Lauren and Jayden early on, you can skip like half the story.) However, to get all the trophies, you'd have to play every scenario. There are not 22 endings. Think of it more as scenarios. There are a total of 18 epilogues. The first time you beat the game, you'll get like 6 or 7 epilogues. After that, each scenario will unlock about 2 to 3 more. So, it'll take approximately 6 to 7 scenarios to get them all. Thankfully, Heavy Rain allows you to pick up in whatever chapter you want. So it isn't necessary to play the game from the beginning more than once. You can pick up near the end and simply change a couple scenarios and see a different outcome. So, if you do it right, you can get 100% in under a day. Perhaps in about 12 - 15 hours, total. My suggestion, put the game on easy (since difficulty has no penalty for trophies), look for a trophy walk through, and do each trophy step by step. (If you haven't beaten the game, then putting it on a more difficult setting would make the story line more enjoyable.)

Butthurt odzivi? No niso, vsaj jaz jih ne doživljam tako!?


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No tole je ena Sony neumnost


Here's something you gotta know about the PlayStation Move's sidekick, the "Nunchuk", otherwise officiall known as the Move Subcontroller. Truth is, while it may generally function "like" the Wii's Nunchuk, it's not exactly like it.

First of all, this Subcontroller functions wirelessly from Move. Then, it does not require batteries. Instead, all you have to do is charge it via the PS3 using the same USB cable as the ones you use for charging your PS3 controllers.

Oh, and it does not have a gyro sensor. Simply put, it cannot detect motion. Not at this time, Sony says. Maybe by the time it comes out this Fall, they'd have changed their minds.

So yeah. The next time you hear someone compare the Move and its SubController to the Wiimote and its Nunchuk, you've got a couple of good factoids to throw their way to prove they're not the same banana.

Tudi za wii lahko dokupiš wireless nunchuk.

Ne rabi baterije ampak ima akumulator OMG, velika razlika, originalni nunchuk itak ne rabi ne ene ne druge.

In nima gyroskopa, torej je slabši!

Kaškšne banane, ups... buče.


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No tole je ena Sony neumnost


Here's something you gotta know about the PlayStation Move's sidekick, the "Nunchuk", otherwise officiall known as the Move Subcontroller. Truth is, while it may generally function "like" the Wii's Nunchuk, it's not exactly like it.

First of all, this Subcontroller functions wirelessly from Move. Then, it does not require batteries. Instead, all you have to do is charge it via the PS3 using the same USB cable as the ones you use for charging your PS3 controllers.

Oh, and it does not have a gyro sensor. Simply put, it cannot detect motion. Not at this time, Sony says. Maybe by the time it comes out this Fall, they'd have changed their minds.

So yeah. The next time you hear someone compare the Move and its SubController to the Wiimote and its Nunchuk, you've got a couple of good factoids to throw their way to prove they're not the same banana.

Tudi za wii lahko dokupiš wireless nunchuk.

Ne rabi baterije ampak ima akumulator OMG, velika razlika.

In nima gyroskopa, torej je slabši!

Kaškšne banane, ups... buče.

In seveda je črn... ne bel... Sam to je že rasizem. :innocent:

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Vsekakor bi se dalo tale MOVE uporabit za kakšno konkretno realsitično sabljačino( tu mislim na bitke kova vikings battle for asgard), po mojem je ps3 dovolj močan da si lahk oto privošči, ali pa kak tretjeosebni total war bi bla fajn zadeva. Pri xboxu bomo pač luftali bajto z kriljenjem rok pred televizorjem.

Sicer me zanima kdaj se bosta travar in bessie pobotala nekam dolgo sta na bojni sekiri, razen če je to ena in ista oseba ali pa to pišeta pri bessiju na vikendu in brajdah ter skupaj cviček ali šmarnico šlukata pa še kakšnen kuhanček ter rolo. :beer::cool:

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Še iz MS logov...

AG: Xbox 360 has a strong history of innovation. Halo, Xbox LIVE and instant-on 1080p HD. With each of these, we had our sights set on the future – and it paid off for us, the industry and Xbox 360 owners. We are doing it again with “Project Natal” on Xbox 360. We believe controller-free experiences are the future of gaming and entertainment. Only “Project Natal” makes YOU the controller, putting you in the middle of the action and in complete control. Jump and your Avatar jumps. Speak and characters respond. Combined with Xbox LIVE, “Project Natal” will transform how you connect with your friends, family and entertainment – as only Xbox 360 can do.

A nismo že na PS2 butasto mahali pred Eyetoy kamero... aja natal je čisto nekaj drugega LOL


Tale špil se mi še vedno valja v enem predalu


Še ena geekica kako špila to igro


BTW nadzor poteka preko kamere in z mahanjem...

Sicer tole je fascinantno NATAL, ampak a bo to delovalo tudi z našim naglasakom





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truga za Xbox360


This Xbox 360 coffin was designed by Alexis Vanamois, who you could email at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it if your Xbox 360 meets an untimely demise. Of course, there's a risk that you don't get your coffin back after repairs, so this will come in handy only if you really decide to retire your old faithful...or if you want a cool travel case for your Xbox 360.


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Dobil FF za xbox. Morm rečt da se res vidi kako so šparali s placom (med filmi predvsem, teksture so itak isti k). Sicer je lepo in vse, ampak na trenutke pa vseeno zmoti - se morm navadit. Škoda though. Sem fouš PS3jčanom, ampak po drugi strani vesel da jo lahko igram :)

Aja, bessie, hvala za daljinec ^^

Zanimivost: Če boxa prižgem s padom, se mi noče avtomatsko povezat na live - z daljincem te težave ni več. Čudno.

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Prihaja xbox360 slim in podpora zunanjim medijem do 16GB, naključek boš lahko posnel tudi igre, kar pomeni hitrejše nalaganje v primerjavi z HDD.

Hočeš rečt, da bom lahko inštaliral igre tudi na zunanji HDD samo če bo manjši od 16 GB? Oziroma formatiran na max 16 GB?

To sta dve igri več in pri mojem 20 GB xboxu se bo to poznalo. Pošteno.

USB 2.0 ti pa načeloma ne bo nudil boljših transferjev kot 5400rpm HDD. Bo pa podobno... USB 2.0 ma mal manjši speed, sam res malo manjši tako da razlik nebi smelo biti oziroma ne bodo velike.

Razen če M$ misli na njihove naprave do 16 GB... in pol bo ključek stal 200$ ker je M$ branded...

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Documentation obtained by Joystiq – and subsequently confirmed with two separate sources – reveals that "USB Mass Storage Device Support on Xbox 360" will soon be a reality. The document, authored by a senior software development engineer at Microsoft, states that due to "increased market penetration of high-capacity, high throughput USB mass storage devices, a 2010 Xbox 360 system update" will allow consumers to save and load game data from USB devices. The update is purportedly coming in Spring 2010.



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