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Eto rešitev tečnega problema!

All you have to do is if you're hosting or if anyone else is for that matter, whoever is joining the room has to set their status to hosting before the game starts (the shooting portion.)

Torej ko si v mojem roomu, morš dat status to yes im hosting now, pol še je možnost yes im dedicated host, nevem pa kera bo delala in pol se bomo lahko menli, treba ze to probat enkrat edino.



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Kaj bi mel zdaj kdo tiste komunikatorje ki jih je pokazal kekken3 ?? Jaz bi mel enega. Samo a mi lahko kdo pove kaj vse rabim da dela ? kam se prikluči ? TNx za mojo nevednost in lenobo :hyper:

Sebek1 lahko probamo danes večer al pa ju3 večer :D , mislil sme da bi pač igrali pa bi vi probali sproti če dela. Bi ? samo rajši ju3 !

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Ooo, Sebek, very good news. Upajmo, da bo to rešilo problem. :crossfingers:

Glede slušalk, se te na Xbox pad priključijo z nastavkom, ki ima obliko memory carda, ima audio jack za priklop slušalk in se vtakne v zgornjo izmed dveh memory card rež na joypadu. Glede na to, da omenjajo, da pride komunikator z vsemi nastavki za Xbox, X360 in GSM sklepam, da je tudi ta nastavek priložen.

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Jaz bi v bistvu lahko špilal že danes, torej, če se komu da naj me kontaktira.

V nedeljo je bilo pa kul ja. Predvsem moje mojsterske izdaje na Riddicka. Na zancibarju sem ga zabeštal z rampo, ki sem jo spustil tam kjer se spawnajo rakete, špljoc, betrayal. Najbolj mojsterski pa je bil tisti na midshipu, vidim Kekkena, ki je ravno jebal po mapi s swordom, nastavljal mi je hrbet in je ravno hotel zavit na ploščad kjer se spawna meč, dva rafala z BRjem, vidim da ne gre in vržem granato nakar se pred mano genialno respawna Riddick ---> you stuck Riddick. Sniperji so takisto ownali. :rock:

Tile komunikatorji mi pa nekako zgledajo dokaj cheap. Tisti mali ima še nepriročen mikrofon. Sam razmišljam o oriđinel komunikatorju, samo se odločam med potovanjem v Celovec in Ebayem.

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Predvsem moje mojsterske izdaje na Riddicka. Na zancibarju sem ga zabeštal z rampo, ki sem jo spustil tam kjer se spawnajo rakete, špljoc, betrayal....

Mooo, speštanje nekoga z rampo od sworda. :amazed:

To mora biti najbolj stylish betrayal ever. Kako, da ga še nisem naredil??? :no_no:

Drugače pa nadhude igre danes. Komunikacija je končno zasijala, za kar gre en big bowdonw Sebku, ki je zrihtal magic trick. Zdaj pa samo še povej, kako v Team Rockets dual-wieldaš rakete, pa bo. :annoyed: :D

Haha, ke smeh, z Bigdaddyjem sva imela toliko za si natrashtalkati, da sva polovico iger samo govorila. Mislim, da sem večkrat pristisnil beli gumb, kot pa desni trigger. :lol:

Zakon v glavnem. Res dobre igre, banda. :car:

Žal mi je, da še Riddick ni mogel zraven uleteti, ampak smo glih bili v tistem hudem 2 vs 2 kompetitivnem zanosu, pa smo rekli, da jih gremo še en par, potem pa je itak bilo treba končati. No ja, saj bo kmalu spet prilika, berem tu okoli. :rock:

Aja, zdaj, ko poznamo trik, za govorit normalno, je komunikator freaking must-have. Dobite si ga, pa če morate zanj prodat sestro. :eye:

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Macro ufuraj se jutri take štale, ko je bla dans že dugo ni blo, predvsem zdaj ko komunikacija deluje je igrat res užitek. Biggdaddy pa kekken sta se čist staktizirala in naju z oklepnjakom zownala na lockotu iz najinega vodstva 40:28, na 50:49 za njiju. Če še pride riddick, pa ista ekipa kot dans bi se dalo kaki ultimativni 3:3 izvest.

Zdaj pa samo še povej, kako v Team Rockets dual-wieldaš rakete, pa bo.

Its a matter of skill. Še ogra sta mi rekla rocket king, ko sem ju zownal kot žuželki, tak da nekaj bo na tem :cool:

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Jej, včeraj je blo pa tapravo. Trashtalking itak pwnz.. :rock: :ihih:

Za crknt je bilo recimo, da sma z kekenom redno igrala tam do 30 fragov čisto zajebancijo, sam neki z smg-ji rushala in se režala, tere seveda trashtalkala. Potem kekken izjavi(evo citat):" Dej Daddy, a greva zmagat?"..takrat se je pa začelo pravo igranje: taktiziranje, lovljenje spawnov orožij, etc...najlepši primer take igre je bila prva igra na Lockoutu, kjer sva pošteno pušila, pa potem na koncu zmagala za en frag(runnin' riot :rock: :china: ). Tiste rakete na koncu pa sploh ne bom komentiral, ker sploh več nismo bili pri stvari, vsaj tako se mi je zdelo...kekken je sprožil vrsto suicideov in betrayalov(nad mano d0h :amazed: ), poslovili pa smo se ko je Sebku spet zmrznil njegov "nadmočni" X360. :disbelief: WTF Microsoft. :thumbdown:

Upam da bomo tudi danes zvečer kakšno udarili. Pa jutri tud. :ihih: :bringiton: Vi se sam pazte ninj kekkena in daddyja v tandemu, cuz they bring pain to tha house. :tepen::tepen::tepen:

Aja, upam pa seveda da se čimprej ufura še Macro za kak event, pa morda še Klen( :doh: ).

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Eto tu par teh fint ko sem govoril, večina neuporabnih pa dobro. :D

This is a database to write the usefull weaponglitches down for everyone.

The instructions are described in default button lay-out.

Fill me in if I missed any tricks.

Tricks in blue are tricks that are practical in MLG games, give great advantages and are consistent. These are the tricks that you can have faith in and should really master and find usefull situations for. Other tricks are either too hard/inconsistent or unpractical that you shouldn't really bother.

To get a better understanding of how these tricks work or can be combined with eachother, I have made this little explenation off some of the buttons and the functions they can have.

X - The X button will ofcourse reload a weapon, but besides that it can cancel the timers of animations such as melee or grenades (off-host) enabling you to fire or melee sooner than you would normally.

Y - The Y button will ofcourse switch a weapon which directly after you can throw a new melee (or sword lunge), but besides that it can also cancel reloading, cancel melee animations and when used in a quick double sequence it can enable you to open fire again sooner after reloading or cancel reloading if you are caught off-guard while reloading.

B - The B button will let you melee, but when used at certain times it can do more, after reloading, for example you can cancel the reload timer by melee-ing and after that pressing X. The melees lunge can also be used to swing at your opponent, whichafter you can snipe someone no-scoped or stick people with a plasma grenade.

R - The only function the R button has is to shoot, but as you will read below, in combination with other buttons a lot of tricks can be achieved.

L - Besides getting grenades out, you can actually use it to reload. After you have thrown a grenade and press X you will automatically reload, even though you can keep shooting (off-host).

Overheat - Overheated plasma weapons have extra abilities. After a weapon overheats, it will reset the timers for shooting, melee-ing and nading, this can be used to get quick sessions of double grenades.

Quick Reload: X,Y,Y or X,B,X

After a certain time in a reload animation, the weapon is reloaded, pressing Y,Y, enables you to fire again. This also works to cancel out the swords 'reload time' since there is a period of waiting after a swordlunge. If you don't have a secondary weapon (Y,Y is switch back and forth), then press X and after the weapon is reloaded press B to melee and X to cancel it again.

Cancel Reload: Y,Y or B

During reload you might decide to want to open fire again, press Y,Y before the weapon has reloaded and you can continue fire with the ammo left.

Quick Switch: Y,B,Y,Y

If you want to be the faster combo-I am a lose individual after releasing a plasma bolt, just switch, melee and switch, switch and you'll be able to fire a splitsecond before you combo-opposition can.

Double Melee: B,X,B

As soon as your melee has hit your opponent and the damage is done, you can cancel the rest of the animation with X and melee again.

Switch Melee: B,Y,B

As soon as your melee has hit your opponent and the damage is done, you can switch to your other weapon with Y and melee with that weapon again.

MeleeFire: B,X,R or B,Y,Y,R

As soon as your melee has hit your opponent and the damage is done, you can cancel the rest of the animation with X and open fire again. If done optimal it will seem like a melee and shot at the same time. To be done with a full clip or using Y,Y instead of X when not.

Note - When you don't have ammo to reload your battle rifle, you can keep doing B,X,R

MeleeSnipe: B,X,R

This trick is ment to use your melee lunge as an auto-aim for your sniper in order to succesfully no-scope. Works the same way as MeleeFire, but try to press X before hitting your opponent, because then you still have the full use of the lunge.

MeleeStuck: B,X,L

When you lunge towards an opponent for the melee you can cancel the full animation in order to use the lunge towards your enemy to get a plasma grenade attached. Works best when the melee has not hit yet, since then you are still moving towards him.

Overheat nade: Charge,R,Y,L

When you release a plasma bolt after the pistol is charged and released you can hit Y and L quickly after eachother. What will happen is that the grenade will fly without its throwing animation. Helps if you missed the plasma shot because your opponent goes behind a wall. After the grenade is thrown there is a small time you can not shoot, but doing a cancel reload (Y,Y) fixes that.

Double Nade: Charge,R,pause,L,L

When you release a plasma bolt after the pistol is charged or when another plasma weapon has overheated (Beam Rifle, Plasma Rifle) wait one second and press L,L in order to through two grenades rapidly after eachother. With the right timing you can throw them almost at the same time. You can also set traps with this, deliberately missing a plasma shot, then surprising your opponents with a rain of grenades. You can switch back to your battle rifle, but only after the first nade is thrown.

Dual Nade: L,Y,B,L (On-host)

Not to be confused, but do to be combined with the Double Nade. The Dual nade is an entirely different trick that uses the picking up and dropping of dual wieldable weapons to cancel the time intersection between two grenade throws. Basically you stand on a dual wieldable weapon, holding a dual wieldable weapon, then press L to throw your first grenade, hold Y to pick up the dual wieldable weapon, B to melee and throw the weapon away and L to grenade again. With boxer settings the sequel would be L,Y,L.

Note - This trick can also be used in combination with the Double Nade, using the plasma pistol as the first dual wieldable weapon for a deathtrap of three grenades.

Double Fire: R,R,X

The hardest one of all; quickly press R, then as soon as you have your R unreleased again, quickly squeeze it again and this time hold, quickly after the controller has registered the start of the holding press X in order two have the two shots burst out at the same time or rapidly following eachother. Timing is crucial, there is about 1/10th of a second to do so and within that second pace of the shots is also determined. You will know its succesfull when you see no reloading animation, but have a full clip again with 6 bullets less. You can also cancel the actual reloading by the Cancel Reload, but more usefull is to Doublefire and then instantly throw a grenade to cancel the reloading, this also seems to be the quickest way to get damage across a map.

Nade Reload: L,X (Off-host)

If you have shot a few rounds out of your clip already and you want to reload and shoot at the same time, then press L, then quickly press X while doing the reload animation and then just keep shooting the rounds you have left in your clip while the gun reloads at the same time.

Note - Works only when you are not host, due to communication error towards the host.

Suicide shot: R,R,Y (secondary weapon)

This is a technique that can help you get out of a bad spawn without losing a point. When you press R,R,Y (al quickly after eachother, the results of the button pressing comes later) and move forward the following happens. You will fire one shot, then switch to your other weapon and then fire another shot. If you have moved forward during the button sequence, the second burst will hit you, because it will still come from the place where you pressed the second R.

Extended second burst: R,R,Y (no secondary weapon)

A very usefull trick if you want to land two precision shots without having the pulling of the trigger as an interruption so you can use the autoaim optimal. The shots will come out at normal speed, but the second burst will come automatically.

Instant death: R,R,Y,B

The hardest to pull off, but also the quickest way to make someone die with a battle rifle. Stand in front of them and aim at his/her head, then by pressing R,R,Y,B quickly you will first fire one shot, then switch, melee and fire the second shot. The melee is to be pressed when you see the secondary weapon model. You could use the B,X,R, but with this trick you will always do damage, because of the first shot and on top of that you can do it with a not-full clip.

Note - You do not want to run forward while getting in range for the melee, because then you will have the second shot hitting you in the back of your head.

Stiffy: R,R,B,X,R

This tricks is basically a combination between the Double Shot and the MeleeFire. There is no real point to use this though, because after shooting two times there is no use for a MeleeFire, since a MeleeFire would be enough by itself. If you have terrible aim though, then this is the trick for you, because this is the most damage spraying trick out there. Then again, if your aim is terrible, then your motorical functions will probably not enable you to pull of this timing.

It works the same way as the R,R,X when it comes to timing and it's pretty self explainatory when you have gotten past that timing.

Some tricks of the trade:

Get used to always pressing X after you throw a grenade!

Get used to always doing the Quick Reload!

Get used to always doing the Quick Switch!

Get used to always doing the B,X,R,B!

Tu še pa videi njih: :bringiton:

Kar pa se komunikacije tiče pa nimam pojma, zaj edino če še morš tam izbrat pravo številko kolko je playerov v roomu, ker zdaj sta verjetno dala just me, poleg im hosting now, malo verjetno ampak nikoli ne veš.

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Uhuhuhu, včeraj pa ej bilo akr zanimivo.

Igrali smo:




-Zeleni Oklepnjak

In to je to. Sprva smo igrali le tako malo mešano mi slovenci, recimo jaz sebek, pa BigDaddyS in Zeleni Oklpnjak, no tako smo igrali skos se mi zdi :headscratch: .

Nakar jiv sobo pali 5 še kar nekih ljudi in gremo 3 na 5, torej Jaz, Sebek1 in BigDaddyS ( Zeleni je dotečas že odšel) in sicer so ti ludje kar dobro igrali samo smo zgubili 50: 45, blo pa je vseeno kulll.

Potem pa tekma ki je nebom nikoli pozabil, tista mapa ki še skos nevem kak se ji reče :mirror: . Tam je bila pa štala, ko sma zt sebekom zmagala proti Zelenem in BigDaddy-ju 50:22, vodila sma en čas 42:22 in nakar začne BigDaddyS tako štalo delat z snajperom in raketami, pa še drl se je "jeeej drekk, jej drekkk" :ihih: :ihih: :mwahaha::mwahaha: . No na koncu sma vseeno zmagala in jaz sem mel 30 killov in sebek 20 killov. Je potem BigDaddyS rekel da me je 3x lopnil z swordom in nisem crknil. Ok ! Da nebo mislil da sem kak cheater ampak v tisti mapi sem non-stop kontroliral tisti power-up za energijo, torej sem je mel še dve plasti zraven. In jasno da me ni mogel dobiti z swordom. Jaz ko sem mel sword sem tudi par takih killov naredil da joj, vglavnem to je bila runda pa pol.

Pa BigDaddy-ju je štekalo ? Meni nič ni, tako da nevem kaj je blo.

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Kae softiči, bomo danes kaj igrali v malo večjem številu(o mama, že vidim kk bo lagiralo). Kaj je zdej Macro, pa Klen?? Dejta se gniliča kaj javit. Recimo če bi ga užgal: Jst, teh ninja;Sebek teh cheater;Kekken, teh ninja 2;Riddick,teh little cheater; Zeleni,teh gorenjski pwner;Macro,teh snajp pig; Klen, teh stoned riba;Shtanga,teh freeride manbearpig(še medved se ga boji ko fura po hosti). Evo, to je prelepo število pwnerjev, čista zmaga skratka. Sam še pravi konekšn bi rabli(dream on, yeah) pa bi... :rock: :bringiton: Sej možno tud da bi delalo z Sebkovim koneknšom znosno, če bi se le čimveč folka zvrstilo pri sosedih(shtanga in zeleni; jst, macro, klen ), ter drenjalo pred enim tvjem.

No enihu, dejte mal napisat če mate cajt, pa magar da nas je 6 če že ne 8 komadov. :D








Pussyji. :hyper::D

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Mah...dobr, raje ne bom začel trashtalkat. :D

Anivej, z macrom smo delno zmenjeni zvečer da neki zihr bo. Jst in on sva skoraj 100% zvečer online, zdej je samo še vprašanje če se nam pridruži tudi slavni kolega Klen, teh stoned Peugeot rider. V glavnem, je*** vam m****, če vas ne bo. :tepen:















Ma sej ne, če vas ne bo bom to vzel kot da ste se zasral in se doma skrivate pod odejo upajoč, da ne boste ownani. :mwahaha: :ihih: :bringiton:

L8r my heilo2 pwned people :cool:

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fakrmadrsanabič, dons sem končal s sprejemci... upam da bo slo...

u glavnem, razlog da ni bilo mene, ki bi vas ownal ko cucke je odpravljen, tako da se sedaj zabava lahko končno začne :doh:

samo dons ga gremo se pit... jutr boste pa rabil vsak po troje svežih spodnjic med igranjem... ratatatatata, aaaaaaaa, kakakakakaka...

ma djjjjjj.... se čujemo barabe!!!

I want to ride my bicycle...

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Meni ap internet J nekaj. Zjutraj dela potem pa več ne, bi igral res rad z vami in tudi bom če bo šlo.

Da was zOwnan ko male P******, pa BigDaddyS ;) nisem cheater ker sem mel sklos pod kontorolo tako imenujoč double healt in sword pa si bil pač oWnan in hodiol mamici tožit da vedno te ubijejo in naj ti nabavi cheats :razzy: .

Hecam se, če dela internet pridem kdaj hočete.

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LOL, Riddick, to s cheatanjem je itak sarkazem, ne se sekirati vsakič, ko ti kdo kaj pribije na Xlinku. Posebno, ko smo sami slovenci, itak, da bodo padale same močnejše. In vemo, da ti nisi cheater. :petting:

...Sebek je. :annoyed:


Ne, samo res, ej, kolikokrat sem ponorel, ko sem dueliral s Sebkom in sem prav videl, da nekaj ipak NI prav. Na Rocket Foundationu oba zaruživa oba izstrelka, začneva metati granate in točno vidim, kako prasec vrže granato, nato pa VEM, da bi zdaj on moral še reloadat in šele nato streljati. Ampak neee, medtem ko jaz reloadam, on že strelja z novo dozo. To je bil morda le najbolj očiten izmed mnogih trenutkov, ko sem rekel "Jebemumast, to ni lag. TU JE NEKAJ NAROBE!!! :x "

Fak, nisem vedel, da se je v Halu 2 našlo toliko lukenj v sistemu kontrol za zlorabljati. Doh. No ja, ene so kar kul tehnike in celo dajo fer efekt (recimo "odbiti" plasma metek in podobno), a ene so sick neuravnovešene ter na malce višjem nivoju pač pomenijo "learn them or get raped". :tard:

Škoda. :no_no:

Ah ja, kaj moremo, redke so globoke igre, ki se jih razčlenjuje v detajle tako, kot Halo, pa se ne odkrije nič zlorabljivih lukenj v sistemu. :bleh:

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JA d0h da so bile to le sarkastične šale...sej ko bo napočil tvoj čas nas boš že razumel(to leti na Riddicka seveda). :beer:

Drugače pa ja, men je tud mal čudno zakaj nas je takrat tako ownal sebek, sicer dotičnega cheata ki si ga ti zapazil nisem videl, vendar mi vseeno ni šlo v glavo zakaj smo tako ownani...sicer potem drug game ko sva začela igrat so nas zmagal samo za kak frag al dva, sam vseeno, malo čudno vse skupaj. Ne pomnim da bi sebek na lajvu kdaj delal tako štalo z raketami. :ninja: :bringiton:

Sej, danes bi se pa celo lahko res zmenili za kaj kompetitivnega. Recimo, to kaj sem prej naštel magar, ob kakih 20.00 recimo da bi se zbrali. Upejmo da ne bo spet kaj zajebaval xlink(hočem komunikacijo biach!!!!!!!1111) in da ne bo lagiralo(na kar se bojim, da je skoraj neizogibno, ker noben nima več kot 1Mbit gor). Ma nič, dejte mal napisat tle kdo bo uletel ali ima vsaj namen uletet, če bo ql zadeva stekla. Kekken3, ti maš cajt?

Ajde, Mare

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