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Pravkar zvedu od kolega, ki je blizu enemu razvojnemu studiu, da so na E3ju zaradi 'varnosti' Sonyjevci poganjali starejše devkite. Zato nekateri studii niso kazali igralnih delov novejših verzij (Evolution so meli 65% build ready, a ga na starem harveru niso mogli gnat)

posplošeno za laike prosim... :D

psn - kovsejr7

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devkit= razvijalska verzija konzole, ki nima enakega dizajna, strojno je pa skoraj enaka verziji, ki bo v trgovinah... zraven so razvijalska orodja in cel kup reči, ki jih doma ob televizorju ne rabiš ;)

PS1 dev kit


PS2 dev kit


PS3 dev kit


PS4 dev kit


In očitno so nekateri poganjali igre na dev kitih in ne na končnih verzijah, ki bodo v trgovinah, imajo pa dev kiti, se mi zdi, samo 4GB RAMa...

Urejano od Bessie


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same super novice :) letošnji božični prazniki bodo res izjemi :P

Za naše denarnice prav gotovo ne.

Bi pa rekel da definitivno prav dolgo od Xbone 1 ne bo lansiran. Verjetno +/- 1 teden. $ Pač, kdor prej pride prej melje pa se Sonyju gre zaenkrat fantastično.


Mediamarkt beleži prihod 13.11

Dutch high-street retailer MediaMarkt has posted up some PS4 promotional stands, showing a release date of November 13.

We are also hearing that similar promo stands have been seen in other European countries today which we presume means that Sony would have a week ahead of Microsoft when it comes to the upcoming console battle (Xbox One is said to be coming on November 21).


Očitno bo res nekaj na tem, definitivno pa bi rekel, da november še najbolj drži zaenkrat.

Urejano od japanboy


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Malo sem gledal in dejansko veliko Sonyjevih internih razvijalcev še ni pokazalo nič za PS4. Media Molecule, Housemarque, Santa Monica (poleg Order 1886 majo v razvoju vsaj še en špil), Guerilla dela že 2 leti na novem IPju za PS4, Sony London, SCEE.... pa ne pozabimo japonskih studijev.



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Malo sem gledal in dejansko veliko Sonyjevih internih razvijalcev še ni pokazalo nič za PS4. Media Molecule, Housemarque, Santa Monica (poleg Order 1886 majo v razvoju vsaj še en špil), Guerilla dela že 2 leti na novem IPju za PS4, Sony London, SCEE.... pa ne pozabimo japonskih studijev.

Ne pozabit tudi na Naughty Dog! Medtem ko je nova ekipa izdelovala TLoU, je stara ekipa (Uncharted 1, 2, 3) pridno delala na PS4 dev kitu. Kaj točno? Noben ne ve. :D

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Glede na spodnji video se mi zdi, da bo novi kontroler odlično sedel tudi v večje roke. :rock:


Tukaj pa je na kratko predstavljen Playroom.


Če je res kar ta tip govori glede vibracij v kontrolerju, potem me res zanima kako bodo ostali izkoristili te nove funkcije. Izgleda obetajoče! :hyper:

Aja, Playroom bo prednaložen na vsakem PS3 in bo nekaj takega kot je na Viti Welcome Park: kratke igre (ala demoti), ki pokažejo zmogljivosti konzole.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Po mojem je najboljše kot je matej1990 rekel, kupit stvar v Müllerju, kjer jo bodo sigurno meli ob izidu. Za BB dvomim da bo na voljo ob launchu, prav tako kot mimovrste ni mela WiiUja takoj na voljo. Po mojem Müller, Goblin pa kak playgame, če. Pol pa samo kje kaka trgovina naključno. Sicer pa stvar definitivno ne bo izšla decembra, dober teden zaostanka za Xbox 1 je preveč.


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Samo za PS4 po moje ne bo problema z dobavo, tako kot je pri Nintedno izdelkih (Wii U izid :wasted:). BB bo ziher imel na dan izida, ker je generalni uvoznik in distributer za Slovenijo in do sedaj so kolikor vem še vse imeli na dan izida. Je pa vprašanje koliko PS4 konzol bo na voljo ob izidu. V UK ene trgovine več ne sprejemajo prednaročil zaradi velikega navala.

Müller je moja prva izbira zato, ker je edini, ki ima res pri vseh znamkah EU ceno in je tudi do sedaj imel vedno vse na dan EU izida. So prijazni in ne komplicirajo pri pokvarjeni konzoli, hkrati pa se da vse zmenit z njimi preko telefona. :thumbsup: Dodaten plus mi je tudi to, da so mi pri roki, ker sta v MB kar 2 njihovi trgovini.

Tako da za PS4 grem definitivno k njim, razen če bo imel kdo od KSi sponzorjev nižjo ceno in zagotovljeno dobavo od izidu. :fiufiu:

Ampak do izida je še dosti časa...

KSi skupinski PS4 nakup pri sponzorjih s popustom? :?

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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PlayStation 4 has a digital library that lets you play your games anywhere, Sony has revealed.

"You can visit your friend's house, you can log into your account and play any game from your digital library, which is good,"

"But how useful is that if it takes half a day to download the game you want to play?" Brown asked, before explaining that PS4's Play As You Download feature means if you do access your digital library on other PS4s, you'll be able to play your games quicker than ever.

"With Play As You Download you get much quicker access to at least the first section of the game so you can start playing quicker. So this makes a digital library a practical option in the real world."

One example of this is with Killzone: Shadow Fall, which is playable after downloading just the first level and the game's menu. You'll be able to choose whether you want to download its multiplayer mode first or the single-player, and get playing as it's downloading in the background.

This feature works with Blu-ray discs, too, Brown explained, where "chunks" are automatically copied to the hard drive in the background.

"This means that after the first few minutes your game can rely on having faster read speeds from the hard drive, which provides a better experience for players. This is a completely background process for the player. They don't have to wait for anything to install before playing the game. The game will launch as soon as the disk has been put in the drive."

Urejano od matej1990
dodan tekst

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sony je preizkušal prototip Dualshock kontrolerja, ki je imel vgrajen senzor zaznavanja potenja rok med igranjem. Senzor bi naj temeljil na podlagi prevodnosti kože, ki se spreminja v odvisnosti mokrote (potenja) dlani.

Kasneje so idejo opustili zaradi neznanega razloga (previsoka cena kontrolerja, ni bilo idej implementacije v igrah?)

Eden izmed prototipov je imel vgrajen tudi LCD zaslon občutljiv na dotik, ki pa ga je kasneje zamenjala drsna ploščica s klik mehanizmom.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Pri novi generaciji konzol se je razvoj iger močno spremenil napram prejšnji generaciji. Tokrat konzole več niso primarna platforma za začetek razvoja iger, ampak kar PC. K temu je botrovalo zelo omejeno število dev kit-ov konzol in močna strojna podoba konzol s PC-jem. Več o tem si lahko preberete TUKAJ, kjer "Reflections expert programmer" (jop, to je dejansko resnično njegov službeni položaj :D) in njegovi kolegi razložijo zadeve iz razvijalske strani. Gre pa za UK razvijalce, ki opravljajo port igre The Crew. Na PS4 je razvoj iger veliko lažji v vseh pogledih, hkrati pa omogoča boljši dostop do komponent in zato večjo fleksibilnost.

It's an intriguing state of affairs, especially if you're a PC gamer with a reasonably powerful computer. Once upon a time your hardware was a porting target, sometimes with only minimal effort put into the conversion. Now, PC is lead platform. E3 2013 starkly demonstrated that the availability of final production console hardware for developers is exceptionally limited, with many games destined for console hardware running on "target" PC systems. It makes sense that PC takes centre-stage during the development effort, simply because games take upwards of two years to develop and actual console hardware wasn't available until very recently.

Sony has made a big deal about the accessibility of the PS4 hardware, and a key element of that would be the quality of the toolchain - the series of programs used to create compiled code. For the PS4 developers, the use of the established Visual Studio environment proves to be a key benefit, and the extent to which Sony has acknowledged and supported cross-platform game-makers is self-evident. There are even options within Sony's compiler specifically added in order to increase compatibility with the Microsoft counterpart used in compiling DirectX 11 games.

PC igračarji so lahko zelo srečni!

With the basic porting complete, the Ubisoft Reflections team is now ramping up its staff in order to complete the PS4 game ready for the Q1 2014 release, but the core engineering effort in moving The Crew across to PlayStation 4 was accomplished in six months with a team of just two to three people working on it. Overall, Reflections felt that the process of porting over the PC codebase was fairly simple and straightforward.

What we didn't find out is how the Xbox One version is faring

Eden izmed razlogov zakaj ne moremo imeti lepših iger, pa čeprav bi jih lahko imeli:

"The PS4's GPU is very programmable. There's a lot of power in there that we're just not using yet. So what we want to do are some PS4-specific things for our rendering but within reason - it's a cross-platform game so we can't do too much that's PS4-specific," he reveals.

Veriga je tako močna kot je močan njen najšibkejši člen... :eviltongue:

Ker bo igra The Crew izšla tudi na Xbox One, se lahko primerjajo tudi razvijalska orodja:

In general, from a performance perspective, it seems that Sony's SDK is just about where it needs to be right now, in contrast to the Microsoft equivalent, where techs are still working on very significant improvements that will drive improved GPU throughput.

Sony je trenutno v boljšem položaju kar se tiče dozorelosti razvijalskega okolja.

"The (PS4) SDK is changing all the time, [but] it's changing less quickly than it was six months ago," Chris Jenner says.

"We're getting near to the final state, we're not expecting huge performance changes, just finalisation of features. It's a lot more stable than it was early on. We haven't had to do any changes for a while."

Več je bilo povedanega tudi o funkciji "play as you download":

The games are going to be distributed digitally and you can start playing them before the whole package has downloaded. That means you need to be careful about how you arrange your data in download packages so that the data that you access first is downloaded first and the game can start while it's still downloading," he says.

"This could be tricky for an open-world game because theoretically the player can go anywhere, so it's hard to know what data we should be downloading first. There is some flexibility in the system in that you can decide the order to download the packages based on what the player is doing, but basically to get a quick start we've had to build that into the design of the game so you will start with only a limited area of the game open. But I think that's quite usual in open-world games anyway, to get the player used to the world."

Žal še vedno ni jasno kakšna internetna hitrost bo potrebna za tekoče delovanje brez čakanja.

Remote Play:

"There's integration with Vita - something that we have to do is Remote Play, to use Vita as a controller and a game screen for actually playing the game. You can walk away from your console with your Vita and still keep playing the same game,"

The PS3 implementation is clumsy and totally lacking in user-friendliness, to the point where you can't run the main display at any point Remote Play is active.

Jenner's comments here paint a picture that suggests that things have radically improved - the player uses the PS4 in the conventional manner, then switches seamlessly to the Vita, similar to the way that Wii U's off-TV play works.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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