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Ekskluzivno:Xbox One [NE-OPIS]


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Kdo je tuki nor OMG!

After some pressure from Zulfi Alam, Xbox's general manager for accessories, Ballmer and Co. decided to explore what changes could be made, and invested over $100 million throughout the course of the effort.

One of the strangest versions included a cartridge for emitting smells, and another featured a built-in projector that could throw out visuals reminiscent of illumiroom.


En je se je pa fino zabaval in dobro zaslužil!


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  • vrhovni

IMO tipični Windows vmesnik: zelo dober za touch in Kinect, in nekoliko slabši za miško in kontroler. Ob uporabi kontrolerja so tako velike ikone odveč, posledično pa je veliko horizontalnega scrollanja.

No, meni je vseeno lep vmesnik. Zelo enostaven za uporabo.

Predstavitev funkcije snemanja:


Hlede na njegov izraz na obrazu, bi rekel da ima tip za seboj veliko neprespanih noči. :tepen:

Video ki smo ga vsi čakali - XBOXCEPTION:


Xbox 360 priključen na Xbox One, ki je priključen na Xbox One! :tard: Xbox 360 meni v Xbox One meniju v Xbox One meniju! :lol

Urejano od matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Verjetno misliš TV funkcijo?

Ja predvsem TV funkcijo sem mislil, ter kontroliranje xbone z glasovnimi komandami preko kinecta. Kot vidno v reviewih američanom ni le tega uspevalo konstantno 100%. Vprašanje kak bo za nekoga, ki ima naglas.

No upam, da tisti iz naših koncev, ki nameravajo nabavit dotično konzolo v petek tudi postnejo kakšen filmček na yt in ta forum, kako to dejansko deluje v slo :)

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  • vrhovni

A točno ja, glasovna funkcija. Nisem točno vedel kaj misliš z neuporabnostjo Kinecta pri nas. :tepen:

Jup, ne bi bilo slabo če bi kdo vsaj napisal prve vtise ob uporabi konzole. Kako je z online delovanjem pri nas, so igre IP blokirane, kako je z zvočnimi ukazi z našo angleščino, koliko boljši je Kinect pri sledenju gibov, TV pri nas,...

Aja, pa Goblin je prodal tisti en Xbox One! Zdaj pa se naj tisti ki ga je kupil tukaj oglasi in poda mnenje! :begging:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Slab znak je že, da na slo google play ni možno prenesti Xbox One SmartGlass aplikacije. No sej to ni tak problem, ker je simpl najt apk, samo nevem, če pa ima slučajno kakšne IP blokade MS? Pomoje ne.

Isto je pri WP 8. Če nastaviš regijo na UK ali US bi naj delovalo.

Pri ios pa je tudi že na voljo samo nimam iphona pa nevem kak je na voljo v slo app storu aplikacija.

Urejano od EventHoriz0n
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Video ki smo ga vsi čakali - XBOXCEPTION:


Xbox 360 priključen na Xbox One, ki je priključen na Xbox One! :tard: Xbox 360 meni v Xbox One meniju v Xbox One meniju! :lol

Pa še PS4:


Baje da je vse tako kot mora biti, razen malenkost se izgubi odzivnost zaradi procesiranja signala:

There is no discernible impact to image quality as such, but gameplay is impacted by the additional processing lag.

The question is, do you really want to run gameplay through the new machine? In our testing, we noticed a significant deal of additional latency added to the feed - not enough to make the experience totally unplayable, and certainly not enough to make using a set-top box remote unusable, but it definitely took the sheen off the precision response of games like Housemarque's brilliant Resogun.

!!! Kotaku poroča: !!!

Because of the PS4's HDCP encryption, you actually can't play Killzone on Xbox One (for now).

Tudi Wii U deluje:


Urejano od matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

Velikosti XO iger:

  • Angry Birds Star Wars: 1.81 GB
  • Assassin's Creed 4: 20.25GB
  • Battlefield 4: 33.66GB
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts: 39GB
  • Crimson Dragon: 6.88GB
  • Dead Rising 3: 19GB
  • FIFA 14: 8.7GB
  • Fighter Within: 9.22 GB
  • Forza 5: 31.76 GB
  • Just Dance 2014: 22.97GB
  • Killer Instinct: 3.25GB - free
  • Killer Instinct Ultra Edition: 3.25GB + 7.51MB - £31.99
  • Kinect Sports Rivals Preseason: 3.09GB - free
  • Lego Marvel Super Heroes: 6.48GB
  • LocoCyle: 13.17GB
  • Madden NFL 25: 12.51GB
  • NBA 2K14: 43.14GB
  • NBA Live 14: 9GB
  • Need for Speed: Rivals: 15.35GB
  • Powerstar Golf: 3.92GB
  • Ryse: 34.94GB - £44.99
  • Skylanders Swap Force: 15.72GB
  • Xbox Fitness: 252.13MB - free
  • Zoo Tycoon: 2.62 GB
  • Zumba Fitness World Party: 24.14GB

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Dober review roundup od guardiana:

Polygon (8/10)

"In many ways, the Xbox One's bold direction for the future is well in place. The integration of voice controls and its media strategy are a boon to everyone, and the ability to run apps while playing games is something we now want on every gaming console we have. That it has a handful of strong, exclusive games at launch only supports its legitimacy as a gaming console and not just an entertainment hub.

The Xbox One is an impressive marriage of software and hardware that raises the bar in terms of what we expect from a living-room machine. Looking forward more than it looks back, the Xbox One feels like it's from the future."

Pocket Lint (5/5)

"In the course of putting a finger in every pie, however, Xbox One will face many challenges: gamers who don't like the dilution, TV fans who feel the same way, AV enthusiasts who are left scratching their heads over exactly how it all fits together, while having to accommodate all the app needs from gaming, to TV, to everything else.

But this is the first salvo in a assault on your living room. On day one, you're faced with a platform digging in for the future. This is the Xbox One."


"For now, the Xbox One is one impressive living room box machine—and it more than justifies its $500 dollar price with the inclusion of at least $100-worth of set-top boxitude—but you're going to be better off waiting for a little while to see how things shake out.

But—and this is admittedly a sizable but—if the Xbox One can straighten the few little quirks it has with some software tweaks, this thing is going to be unstoppable in a way the PS4 could never touch. It's too versatile, too feature-ridden, too future."


"The success of the Xbox One is largely dependent on what you need for the living room, and whether you intend to use the system for multiple forms of media, with multiple people in mind. The user interface feels cluttered at times, and it has a definite learning curve, but it's also easy to carve out a quick and comfortable groove for yourself as you jump between a game and a few different applications. The Xbox One's app-driven interface is full of possibilities, living alongside quirks to be learned or updated in future."

TechCrunch (7/10)

"It’s important to stress that one key term: “Day One”. The current state of the Xbox One — and the PS4, for that matter — is quite likely very, very different from what the same consoles will look like when we all move on to the next next generation. Compare the Xbox 360 on Day One to the 360 today; from the games to the interface, it’s almost unrecognizable. Both Microsoft and Sony are laying the runway for the next few years, so make your decisions as progress unfolds."

Boing Boing (8/10)

"If you need guidance, all I can suggest is to be patient. The Xbox One and the PS4 are similar, and both have unexciting launch titles. If you're not sure which to get, wait a week or two; see what games get good buzz from players as well as critics. If you're not sure whether to get either, there's no harm waiting until there's more to do with the next-gen consoles, period, before making a choice. And if you're waiting for validation on a decision you've already made: go buy it already. The Xbox One is fine. 8/10! You'll be happy with it. Eventually."

The Verge (7.8/10)

"Nearly everything that could be great someday isn't great right now. The Kinect is an incredible piece of raw machinery and engineering, but it's not implemented well into games, nor does its voice control provide a truly fast, seamless way to navigate the operating system. The TV integration is an awkward hodgepodge of menus and overlays and dead ends. There's a massive opportunity for Windows apps to turn the Xbox into something no one could have imagined, but it's as yet gone unexplored. Some of these are easily solved problems, but others — cable integration in particular — are a much steeper uphill climb."


"The Xbox One’s $499 price will deter many potential customers, but Microsoft has built so much more than a gaming console. If you already have an Apple TV or other set-top box, you’ll find much of the functionality to be redundant, but the Kinect’s voice control features make it worth consolidating TV, Netflix, games and Skype all onto a single input.

When the Xbox One arrives on Friday, its combination of exclusive gaming content with a next-generation media consumption experience will make it one of the most exciting gadgets around this holiday season."

Telegraph (4/5)

"After a week in the company of the Xbox One, their all-on-one posturing makes far more sense to me than it did several months ago. Even those that demand their console to be focussed on games first and foremost may be quietly impressed by the Xbox One’s functionality, a seamless dashboard serving up gaming, movies and music in a fluid and easy fashion. But there are caveats, a sense that the demands of the next-generation can bog down the core pursuit of playing a video game."


"Among the titles available at launch, there isn't a clear blockbuster, but with huge games like Titanfall and Destiny coming in March 2014, it won't be too long until that changes. The streaming services are just as good as they were on the Xbox 360, although the Live TV offering comes with a few caveats. The Kinect integration, however, really is a novel way to switch between apps. Overall, the Xbox One experience is polished and stimulating, and it sets the groundwork for great gaming in the years to come."

Mirror (5/5)

"Potentially groundbreaking titles like Titanfall, Watch Dogs and Destiny aren’t due for release until next year, so you won’t be missing out on too much should you decide to defer splashing out until after the Christmas rush.

That said, early adopters will still have plenty to show off, though. Xbox One is an impressive and powerful piece multimedia machine with the potential to change the way you interact with home technology forever."


"The Xbox One may not be exactly what Microsoft thinks it is, but it's still a strong start for a powerful game console. Its sheer speed, versatility, horsepower and its ability to turn on and off with words make it a relatively seamless entry into our already crowded media center. What determines whether it stays there is the next 12 months: Exclusives like Titanfall and Quantum Break will help, as will gaining feature parity with the competition (we're looking at you, game broadcasting!).

For broader success beyond just the early adopter's living room, the NFL crowd must buy in to Microsoft's $500 box. But will they? That remains to be seen. What's there so far is a very competent game box with an expensive camera and only a few exclusive games differentiating it from the competition."

Ars Technica

"As a video game console, the Xbox One offers about what you'd expect from a new Microsoft console: a big, heavy box (though quieter than you might expect), more impressive specs (though less than what you might expect after eight years), an improved controller (though still with a few odd oversights), and some good exclusive games (more reviews are coming but look into Dead Rising 3, Forza 5, Powerstar Golf, and Zoo Tycoon).

As the central hub of a living room entertainment complex, though, Microsoft has a much harder sell. The company needs to prove the Xbox really adds enough value to be worthwhile and to justify the extra cost of the included Kinect over its similar competition."


"I admire what Microsoft is trying to do with the Xbox One, and I'm rooting for them to give their console that final push to get it to where it needs to be. The whole thing is almost there. The Kinect almost works well enough to get me to use it all the time. The TV integration is almost smooth enough to make me plug it into the heart of my living-room setup. Multitasking almost works well enough to get me checking the internet while I play games."


"$500 buys you more than a souped-up gaming portal: the Xbox One is a content assimilation engine, a vanguard move into a market the competition’s still toying around in by comparison. It’s an immature, somewhat glitchy content assimilation engine at this stage, sure, and it shares the PS4′s launch game weaknesses if you’re coming at it from the gaming side, but if you’re an early adopter or you’re already invested in Xbox Live’s social ecosystem, think of it as the jumping off point for a fascinating experiment.

If it’s successful — and I’m not saying it will be; ask me again in four or five years — it has the potential to change everything about TV and streaming media and the living room as we’ve known it for decades."


"For consumers who use Netflix and Skype as much as Forza, Xbox One presents an attractive multimedia offering this Christmas. But for core gamers Sony's package is perhaps more attractive at the moment, with more visually impressive exclusives (Killzone and Resogun are not matched by anything currently on Xbox One) and the options to stream and share game footage straight away.

Whichever system you chose, neither will entirely fulfil the vision laid out in those bombastic press events earlier this year. The seeds of next-gen gaming have been planted, but they'll need time to flower before your $500 (or $400) purchase can bear fruit."


"Microsoft and Sony are positioning their consoles as multi-purpose entertainment hubs for the living room, and some consumers may make their decision simply based on price. (After all, the PlayStation 4 is $100 less.) But if Microsoft can iron out some performance quirks around voice recognition and Snap, the decision won't be too hard: it's far easier to glimpse the future potential in the Xbox One, starting with 10 seconds of time and the simple two-word voice command: 'Xbox on.'"

Huffington Post

"If their old consoles haven't gotten too much mileage, Xbox 360 owners may hold off for a bit and feast on the system's hearty back catalog and new games, none of which will be backwards-compatible with the One.
For home entertainment purposes, those with a more complex setup may want to research how the One could integrate with their needs. For families with a TV and a love of streaming content, the One's customizable profiles that let you pick and choose your favorite channels and apps will be useful."

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