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V julijskem Game Informerju so bile razkrite nove slike in prve informacije o idjevem postapokaliptičnem projektu Rage, ki bo prvi njihov špil, ustvarjen z id Tech 5 pogonom:

  • razvoj kontrol je osredotočen na x360 in PS3
  • s pomočjo načrtov in različnih delov bomo lahko sestavljali pripomočke (avtomatske mitraljeze in vodene bombe)
  • zdravje se nam bo regeneriralo - sposobnost povezana s preteklostjo glavnega lika
  • dirke in misije so dosegljive iz središčnih mest, boji med vožnjo bodo velik del igre
  • orožja bodo nadgradljiva (npr. z daljnogledi in stabilizatorji) in imela različne vrste streliva
  • nadgrajevali bomo tudi karakteristike vozil in jih opremljali z dodatki (bombe, magneti za power-upe, luknjači gum in EMP ščiti)
  • večigralski načini zaenkrat še niso finalizirani
  • PC verzija bo nudila višje resolucije, boljši anti-aliasing in hitrejše nalaganje tekstur, drugače pa so vse tri verzije skorajda popolnoma enake

2009-07-23_thumb_1.jpg 2009-07-23_thumb_6.jpg

Urejano od Anduril
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2009-07-23_thumb_2.jpg 2009-07-23_thumb_3.jpg 2009-07-23_thumb_4.jpg 2009-07-23_thumb_5.jpg

Verjetno špil, za katerega sem (kot bivši Quaker :tepen:) trenutno najbolj nahypean. Sej id niso ravno najbolj znani po svojih singleplayer delih, a če nič drugega grafična kurba v meni že samo ob tehle fotkah doživlja multiple orgazme. id Tech 5 bo pojedel primerljive grafične pogone tistega časa, na to grem stavit. Carmack je tehnološki bog. :bowdown:

Urejano od Anduril
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  • 1 year later...

Video does not work no more. Drugače pa po zgornjih slikah - ki so že stare - zgleda špil kot malo izpiljeni Borderlands. Na prvi sliki je Roland s turretom, druga je avtocesta iz Knoxx DLCja, tretja so Scooterjevi runnerji (Get you one!), četrta pa je najbrž iz Crimson Fastnessa. Ta špil je dejansko Borderlands.


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Ja, mal debilen njihov marketing department, da grejo to skenslati. Anyhows, druga lokacija trailerja:

Jst ne vem, en folk jamra, da tale špil grafično ni nič posebnega .. I must be weird, ker meni ma tale špil fenomenalno dobra okolja in osvetljevanje. In če v kaj ne dvomim pri id-ju, je to ravno grafična izkušnja. Kakšen bo gameplay, bomo pa šele videli. :)

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  • Pred 6 meseci ...


After reports of Rage requiring 22 Gigs of free disk space for the 360 (considering that it needs 3 disks, that's not too surprising), id Software has addressed this in an video interview with Game Reactor. Creative Director, Tim Willits stated...

What we recommend is that you install the game to your 360. Now we discovered that you don’t have to install all three discs. So if you are a little tight on space so you can go ahead and install the first one, and when you get to a certain point in the game or when you move on to the next chapter you can actually uninstall the first disc and install the second disc. There is really no reason to install the multiplayer disc really. I won't install it on my Xbox cause its really not needed. Ultimately it will be great to put all three of them but if you are worried about space, don't stress about it.

So, it would appear as though Xbox 360 owners have nothing to worry about.

Tole se pa že malo bolje sliši, vsaj za X360

For those of you with your new fancy cheap PS3 consoles, better save a little space on that hard drive so you can install the new sci-fi shooter. The PS3 version of the game will have a mandatory 8GB installation, whilst the 360 installation will be 22GB, but optional, as most games are installable

The installation size on PC is currently unknown but I'm sure it ranges around the same size as the PS3 installation. Whether or not the optimisation for any of the versions will be better via installation remains to be seen, but I've heard from friends and seen a few videos online that show the 360's installed versions run a lot smoother and it's always good to have a 'backup' just in case. 22 gigs for the 360 version isn't exactly uncommon but these coming months are hotting up so you might want to save it for something you're gonna play through the winter (in the US) or summer (here)

Urejano od Bessie


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  • Pred 1 mesecem ...
On the graphical side, RAGE is stunning. It’s easily among the best looking console titles, carried both by the technically impressive id Tech 5 engine and the great artwork. It doesn’t fare very well on 360 if you do not install the discs, however. Textures do not load properly, and you’ll see plenty of pop-in, so make sure you have the hard drive space free to install both discs. On PS3 you’ll also have a mandatory install, in this case one of 8GBs. The voice acting is great, and carries the recognizable video game regulars (Steven Blum voices at least two characters). The music is appropriate to the action and tone, but it’s not all that catchy and doesn’t stand out.



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Mislim, da je vseeno večje breme na id-u. Največ interesa, da igra deluje optimalno na čimveč sistemih (nikakor lahka naloga) bi morali imeti seveda oni. Tako obsežne tehnične težave ob izidu bodo definitivno vplivale na ocene in s tem posledično (vsaj nekoliko, čeprav je igra tako velik hit - kar precej ublaži vpliv) na prodajo.

Že leta kupujem grafične kartice obeh podjetij, trenutno pa imam obe Nvidia in Ati/AMD in lahko trdim, da tudi pri Nvidii niso brez težav, je pa res, da se te večkrat pojavijo pri Ati-ju - na kar zelo vpliva tudi $$/marketing in dejstvo, da veliko več razvijalcev/založnikov tesno sodeluje z Nvidio pri razvoju iger in so zato, vsaj na začetku, bolj optimizirane za njihove grafične/driverje.

But not even 12 hours later, PC gamers are already lashing out (Steam, NeoGAF), calling RAGE a "broken mess." The biggest complaints describe intense screen-tearing, poor texture loading and numerous other glitches. Most of the problems reportedly revolve around AMD customers, but Nvidia patrons are also having their fair share of issues as well. Even Alec Meer from Rock, Paper, Shotgun says that he's seeing quite a few technical problems on his PC to the point where he isn't even sure he can keep playing.

Wednesday the company updated its blog to reflect AMD's updated "Catalyst Rage Performance Driver" for Windows 7. This release supports Radeon HD 6000 and HD 5000 series cards and is supposed to bring "significant performance gains for single GPU configurations." Bethesda's Pete Hines said that the version released prior to October 4 included very old OGL files, and that's why many AMD users were experiencing corruption.

Tisti, ki imate Ati/AMD grafično kartico in Windows 7 lahko probate s temi gonilniki:

AMD Catalyst™ - Rage Performance Driver

So pa po poročanju uporabnikov Hit or Miss...probat pa ne škodi :)

Unlike previous games released by id Software, RAGE doesn't offer options to tweak the game's graphics. Instead, the engine reportedly benchmarks and tweaks "invisible settings" to suit the hardware and overall performance. Users can only tweak the resolution, anti-aliasing and gamma.

Wednesday Bethesda said that the RAGE team is currently working on an update that will allow players to more easily make configuration changes (rather than let the game do it for you). More details regarding the update will be released shortly.

Honestly, the RAGE launch is seemingly similar to Quake's own launch back in 1996, only the latter classic title required something new called a math coprocessor (FPU) which many 386 and 486-based DOOM fans still didn't have. Quake eventually required another new tech -- the GPU -- in order to make the game look pretty.

RAGE Suffering on PC; AMD Releases Optimized Driver

Bethesda Blaming RAGE PC Issues on Drivers

Below are solutions that may resolve issues you're experiencing with screen tearing, as well as blurry textures + texture popping. If you're experiencing these issues, we recommend you try these one at a time. If for any reason your performance suffers, revert back to the prior settings.

Issues w/ screen tearing

RAGE currently does not have a menu option to turn V-sync on or off.

If the graphics driver supports a so called "swap-tear" extension then RAGE will use it and RAGE will V-sync when running >= 60 FPS and RAGE will tear when < 60 FPS. Unfortunately at the release of RAGE, none of the graphics drivers have the "swap-tear" extension enabled.

The user can force V-sync on or off in the graphics vendor control panel. Right-click on the desktop to access the graphics vendor control panel.

If V-sync is forced on then RAGE will always V-sync.

If V-sync is forced off then RAGE will auto-detect that V-sync is not working and RAGE will instead synchronize to real-time and screen tearing may occur.

Alternatively you can force V-sync on by adding the following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:

+r_swapInterval 1

The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in the dialog that pops up.

Blurry Textures and Texture Popping

The texture streaming is limited by the performance and number of cores of the main processor (CPU).

The higher the resolution at which the game renders and the higher the anti-aliasing setting, the more texture data is needed to texture the environment. If you do not have a high end CPU you may momentarily see blurrier textures and texture popping when the view changes quickly.

If you have a processor with few cores and you have a high end NVIDIA graphics card then you can try turning on the "GPU Transcode" menu option in the video settings menu in RAGE. By enabling this option a large percentage of the texture calculations are moved to the graphics\ processor (GPU). However, this option is not available on all graphics hardware and may not appear in the menu if your hardware does not support the necessary features.

On processors with few cores without the ability to turn on "GPU Transcode" you can significantly improve the texture streaming performance by adding the following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:

+vt_maxPPF 16

The launch options can be found by right-clicking on RAGE in Steam and selecting "Properties". Then click on "Set Launch Options" in the dialog that pops up.

If you have very few cores like a dual core processor then you can set a lower value like:

+vt_maxPPF 8

If setting these values does not improve the texture streaming performance for you then consider lowering the anti-aliasing setting in the video settings menu in RAGE.

You may, for instance, observe slow texture streaming at high resolutions like 2500 x 1600 with anti-aliasing set to 16X. In some cases lowering the anti-aliasing to 8X fixes the problem but lower settings may further improve the texture streaming. Alternatively, or in addition, you can lower the resolution.

We hope these help. The teams at id and Bethesda continue to work solutions to help you guys. More to come!

On a high end graphics card you can also change the size of the texture cache in video memory. However, on video cards with 512 MB of memory you may see a significant drop in performance. The size of the texture cache can be changed by adding the following to the RAGE launch options in Steam:

+vt_pageImageSizeUnique 8192

+vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly 8192

+vt_pageImageSizeUniqueDiffuseOnly2 8192

By adding these settings to the RAGE launch options more texture data will stay in video memory which may not only reduce blurry textures and texture popping but will also allow complex scenes to be rendered with more texture detail.

RAGE support - Bethesda Softworks Forums

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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Unlike previous games released by id Software, RAGE doesn't offer options to tweak the game's graphics. Instead, the engine reportedly benchmarks and tweaks "invisible settings" to suit the hardware and overall performance. Users can only tweak the resolution, anti-aliasing and gamma.

Wadafak? So te postal malo debilni? Okej, daj opcijo, da ti sam špil kao optimalno skonfigurira, ampak da uporabniku ne pustiš izbire .. :censored::banghead::duh:

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Folk je preveč napsihiran nad frame rate in settings sliderji, ki jih na vsak način rine proti max, potem pa nad igro pizdijo ker mašina ne prebavi. Ker je pač razlika med 59 fps in 60 fps tako zelo očitna.

Mimogrede, prej sem tale video gledal in se spomnil davnega leta 1997 (2. letnik srednje šole heh) in moje prve računalniške igre Quake 2. Kolk sem žical doma da so mi za rojstni dan kupli Monster 3D grafični pospeševalnik za skoraj 30 tisoč tolarjev.


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Folk je preveč napsihiran nad frame rate in settings sliderji, ki jih na vsak način rine proti max, potem pa nad igro pizdijo ker mašina ne prebavi. Ker je pač razlika med 59 fps in 60 fps tako zelo očitna.

Jaz hočem možnost izbire ravno zato, ker mi je precej bolj pomembno, da špil laufa s 60 fps, kot z najlepšo možno grafiko .. in nekako dvomim, da bo njihov konfigurator naštelal nastavitve tako, da bo prioriteta na konstantnih in tekočih fps. Verjetno bolj v smer čim lepše grafike, da se bo ja vsak 14-letnik slinil. :tired:

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RAGE Patch Release Notes - October 8th 2011

RAGE defaults to lower video settings to allow the game to work on a wide variety of hardware and software configurations.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to anticipate all possible graphics driver issues in combination with unique end user hardware and software configurations. For this reason RAGE does not automatically increase video/graphics settings as this could result in negative side effects on specific hardware and software configurations.

The original release of RAGE does not expose many video/graphics options for people to tweak because some of these settings, although desirable from a quality perspective, simply will not work on specific configurations either due to hardware limitations and/or driver bugs.

Due to popular demand for more video and graphics options, this patch updates the video settings menu and exposes several quality and performance settings. However, not everyone may be able to increase the settings due to hardware limitations and/or driver bugs.

Texture Cache


The new "Texture Cache" option in the video settings menu allows you to increase the texture cache size to keep more texture data in video memory.

If the Texture Cache is set to LARGE then RAGE will keep more texture data in video memory. This may not only significantly reduce blurry textures and texture popping, it will also allow complex scenes to be rendered with more texture detail.

However, this may not work on computers that do not have enough system or video memory, or you may experience a significant drop in performance. If you experience issues due to hardware limitations you will have to set the Texture Cache back to SMALL.

If after changing the Texture Cache to LARGE you experience a crash or texture corruption (like a partially or completely blue world) then the graphics driver may have run out of memory.

We are actively working with the graphics card vendors to resolve any crashes.




Patch Changes / Fixes


- Implemented workaround for AMD driver crash right after intro cinematic on Win 7 32-bit systems.

- Disabled UBOs because they are causing animation issues with AMD drivers.

- Don't allow swap-tear to be enabled on AMD while the extension is not exposed because it may crash.

- Support for new video settings: "texture cache", "vsync" and "anisotropic filter"

- Automatically adjust vt_maxPPF based on the number of available cores.

- Improved performance for SLI cards when GPU transcode is enabled.

- Fix for GPU Transcoding option being disabled after exiting gameplay.

- Added safe mode to restore video settings to default values.

- Allow g_fov to be changed from the RAGE launch options in Steam.

- Server now forwards text chat from clients to all other clients while in-game.

Known Graphical Issues


The following issues were found using NVIDIA graphics hardware with the GeForce R285 Driver or AMD graphics hardware with the AMD Catalyst 11.10 Version 2 Preview Driver.

- If you turn up both the screen resolution and anti-aliasing settings to high values in the video settings menu and/or you enable "GPU Transcode" then the screen may no longer update on some hardware configurations. This means your system does not have the necessary video memory to run with these high settings. You can re-enter the video settings menu and lower your settings to restart screen updates.




We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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Carmack: 'Rage PC launch was a cluster f*** - this isn't the leading platform for games'

Consoles are the primary focus, admits coding legend

The issues were so severe they caused the usually mild-mannered Carmack to dish out the swear words.

"The driver issues at launch have been a real cluster !@#$," the coding legend told Kotaku, explaining that the biggest cause of the problem was the "wrong driver" getting released, so "half of our PC customers got a product that basically didn't work."

In an outburst on a similar level to your parents admitting you were a horrible mistake, Carmack said simply his attention is no longer on the mouse-and-keyboard home of Doom and Quake.

"We do not see the PC as the leading platform for games," Carmack said. "That statement will enrage some people, but it is hard to characterise it otherwise; both console versions will have larger audiences than the PC version.

"A high end PC is nearly ten times as powerful as a console, and we could unquestionably provide a better experience if we chose that as our design point and we were able to expend the same amount of resources on it.

"Nowadays most of the quality of a game comes from the development effort put into it, not the technology it runs on. A game built with a tenth the resources on a platform 10 times as powerful would be an inferior product in almost all cases."

He added: "You can choose to design a game around the specs of a high-end PC and make console versions that fail to hit the design point, or design around the specs of the consoles and have a high-end PC provide incremental quality improvements. We chose the latter."

We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing.


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