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BioShock Infinite

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BioShock Infinite

je prvoosebna streljačina in tretja v seriji BioShock. Projekt je sprva bil znan pod imenom "Project Icarus" in je v razvoju pri razvijalski hiši Irrational Games. Igra pride na police Q2 2012 in bo izdana za Windows, Playstation 3 in Xbox 360 platforme. BioShock Infinite ni neposreden naslednik oz. predhodnik prvih dveh BioShock iger, ampak gre za samosvoj projekt (ni povezave v zgodbi), ki vsebuje vse znane elemente BioShock serije. Igrali bomo kot bivši Pinkerton agent, Booker DeWitt, ki poskuša rešiti ujetnico v propadajočem zračnem mestu Columbia leta 1912.







Nedavno objavljen 15 minutni demo iz letošnjega E3 sejma:


Uradna spletna stran:


Urejano od matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Holy mother of god, tale 15 minutni demo .. sicer nimam najmanjše ideje, kako določene zadeve v špilu funkcionirajo, ampak faaaaaak. Špil izgleda čist noro in glede na to, da mi je bil že originalni Bioshock en izmed boljših špilov zadnjih let, bo tole očitno samo še bolj sekalo. Komaj čakam.

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2K Games announced today that BioShock Infinite from Irrational Games will feature a new form of play- the 1999 Mode. It will include tweaks and features that BioShock fans will not experience in a standard play-through of BioShock Infinite, no matter the difficulty level.

In 1999 Mode, gamers face more of the permanent consequences of their gameplay decisions. In BioShock Infinite, gamers will have to sweat out the results of their actions. In addition, 1999 Mode will demand that players pick specializations, and focus on them. In addition to these permanent decisions, 1999 Mode will feature demanding weapon, power, and health management. The mode also takes a much harder stand on player respawning, sending the gamer directly to a “Game Over” screen if he or she lacks the resources to be brought back to life. It’s not for the faint of heart.

Vir: ShopToNews

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Uradni datum izida je postal: 19. oktober 2012

“BioShock Infinite has been our sole focus for the last four years, and we can’t wait for fans to get their hands on it.”

BioShock Infinite will be available on the Xbox 360, PlayStation3, and Windows PC with an international release of October 19, 2012.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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In the first episode of our new video series, Irrational Games introduces you to one of the new, unique BioShock Infiniteantagonists you'll be facing in the city of Columbia. Introducing the indomitable, fearless Motorized Patriot...


In this second episode of our Heavy Hitter series, we go back to the very first enemy most fans saw in the BioShock Infinite announcement trailer: the powerful, gigantic yet agile Handyman. Man? Machine? Hand model? You'll have to find out for yourself when the game launches October 16th, 2012!


Izgleda zanimivo!

Check back next week for part 3 in the Heavy Hitters Series!


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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The third installment of our Heavy Hitters may surprise you. Instead of brute force and heavy artillery, these guys only use sound -- it's all they'll need to get your adrenaline flowing as you check your ammo and run for cover. It’s time to cover your ears: Here come the Boys of Silence.


In the fourth and final installment of our Heavy Hitter series, we're taking the creepy-factor up a notch. Imagine taking down a bunch of bad guys, only to realize that you've just created fuel for something far more terrifying. Backed into a corner, who gets the next bullet? You'll be facing this decision in Columbia if you're unfortunate enough to get discovered by the Siren.


Vir: uradna stran igre

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Kotaku je objavil prve vtise igranja igre! Zaenkrat kaže zelo dobro.

I used to be worried about BioShock Infinite. Delays and news of studio departures can have that effect. Not any more.
It's consistent with the previous BioShocks and is still clearly a shooter that funnels its player through its story, but, in gameplay terms, the action occurs on a slightly larger scale and with more room in which to play. There was a nice variety of enemies.

Vir: Kotaku

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Napovedani so 3-je novi DLC-ji: Burial at Sea Episode One and Two in Clash in the Clouds

BioShock Infinite has dominated the game industry today with news of its three just announced DLC packs: the combat-driven stopgap Clash in the Clouds, and the underwater steampunk noir Burial at Sea, a two-part adventure that take us back to the series' starting point Rapture.



Take-Two Interactive je na konferenci najavil da so prodali kar 4 milijone BioShock Infinite izvodov! Prav tako je igra najbolje prodajana multiplatform igra v Severni Ameriki:

Take-Two's chairman and CEO Strauss Zelnick noted during a financial call today that "BioShock Infinite is North America's best-selling multiplatform release so far this year, according to NPD. The title's crossed the 4 million unit selling mark and we expect it to become the top-selling release in the BioShock franchise."

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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