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TixXeR bitje nazadnje osvojilo dan December 18 2015

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  1. Smo z kolegi nabavili igro zdaj ko je ultra poceni, pa da se špila do oktobra Še igra kdo mp?
  2. ja, samo so si že dosti upali da so tole prikazali na E3...E3! ideja je dobra ja tak kot si reko, mutliplayer open world, taktična streljačina, vozila, itd. Ubi bi se moral bolj potrudit. Pomoje pa itak to vedo, nimamo mi kaj za pametovat
  3. ne me basat, igralnost zgleda obupno...če se bo takšno izdalo leta 2017 bo to totalna polomija. mogoče še večja kot Homefront
  4. dust line je res zakon!
  5. če bi to prišlo ven leta 2012 bi blo zelo dobro...nemorem verjet kaj so študirali pri deep silverju in cryteku za Dambuster Studios pa še itak slišal nisem...
  6. stonemountain je itak car v vsakem videu se smejim, ko se tak norca dela. drugače pa se preveč obremenjujete z temi bugi, v samem gameplayu jih sploh ni... vse dela gladko brez problemov, v glavnem GOTY če odštejem Uncharted 4 ki še ni veni ps: conali, če igraš me dodaj T1xXeR
  7. Razlika v številu nasprotnikov je, če igraš sam, dva, trije ali štirje. če si isti level kot je minimal recommended nesme bit problema če maš vsaj en level nižji gear pa orožje. drugače je pa tak kak je napisal matej, če si recimo ti level 15, tvoj kolega pa 8, bojo nasprotniki nekje vmesni level.
  8. Kr hitro vse skupaj poteka. Nevem točno kaj te zanima, povedo pa bom tak. Ure kr letijo ko igraš, levelaš se dokaj hitro, taboljši gear pa lahko kupiš samo je drag (če ne prodavaš vse kaj pobereš oziroma šparaš denar), ali pa greš v dark zone kjer se dropa taboljši loot (ampak je dokaj težje če si sam). Ko pa si 30 rank v dark zonu pa odpiraš skrinje v contaminated conah. Gear pa orožja pa itak menjavaš na vsaki level ali dva ker se kr razlikuje po statiskiki. Groba ocena: 1 glavna misija je en level. 3 stranske in 2 encounterja je en level. V glavnem je pa kr dosti za delat tako da dolgčasa ni Aja pa kdo ima division naj me doda! T1xXeR
  9. Igra je res neverjetna, totalno te zasvoji! V teh 5 dneh sem preigral ene 40 ur, večinoma Dark Zona. Sem pa zaenkrat level 18, ter Dark Zone rank 27 Šel v Rogue ene 20-30x, preživel 2 Manhunta kjer je adrenalin res na višku Drugače pa so Dark Zone level bracketi od 1-14, 15-19, 20-24 in tako dalje, tak da če hočeš z kom igrat v skupini, se moraš zmenit da sta oba v tem ranku, drugače se ne vidita v DZ-ju. Gledajo se pa original leveli, ne DZ rank. PS: Hype Train uspešno in zasluženo prispel na cilj
  10. Samo čakal sem dan, ko bo Deep Silver naznanil da bo igra ukinjena. Še par dni nazaj sem iskal novice, če je kaj novega ,pa se je zgodilo nepričakovano . Sumo Digital studio je prevzel razvijanje igre. Njihova najbol poznana izdelka sta Little Big Planet 3 in pa Forza Horizon 2...tukaj pa se tut konča. Upajmo na najboljše
  11. The Division je najbolje prodajana Ubisoftova igra v prvih 24urah. Ne dvomim da bo presegla še kak rekord
  12. Take igre se bolj splača vzet ko ven pridejo, sploh ker je RPG, pa velik poudarek na Multiplayer. Moje mnenje vsaj Sicer sem previden, nerad prednaročujem, ampak tale je pa izjema polek Witcherja
  13. Bolj ko nadgradiš Medical Wing, večjo masko lahko equipaš/dobiš/craftaš. Ja, v vsaki coni je en chest ki ga odpreš, vrjetno kr dober loot. Če greš v level 2 cono, pa imaš še prvo masko, umreš v 10 sekundah.
  14. Nekaj mogoče pomembnih informacij za tiste ki podrobno spremljate igro, v prehodu iz bete na full igro: - You do not start the game at level 4, it starts at level 1. - The DZ vendors in Beta were purposely given (purple) items, they will not be so easily attainable early in the full game. These were placed in for testing purposes. - The higher the DZ rank requirement, the higher the quality of loot - There is an "in-game loot loop" that we haven't experienced. (Speculation: This is probably in regards to recycling old and gear with stats you don't want into materials and crafting it into upgraded gear for your level) - To those worried the Dark Zone is the only viable way to get the Best-In-Slot gear, equivalent and better gear can also be earned through PvE activities (missions, encounters, etc.) during a community podcast it was stated, "Some of the best gear in the game you'll be able to get through crafting" (Entirely unexplored system hype) - The appearance menu will have an updated UI come release to avoid the clutter we encountered in Beta - Cosmetic items are account-wide - Missions will have 3 difficulties: Normal, Hard, Challenge Mode - It was stated by a dev there was end-game (besides the DZ) they weren't able to talk about quite yet - Majority of bugs reported/experienced during both Beta's have already been fixed for full game, they are beta builds for that reason - The full game will have 3 different colorblind settings - After launch, there will be weekly maintenance, addressing bugs, fixes, balancing, house cleaning, etc. - The Base of Operations will have a DZ Funds Vendor that allows you to convert regular division funds (orange) into DZ funds (purple). (Speculation: This will be based on an exchange rate) - Those worried people will just convert regular currency and buy DZ gear, remember, you still have to earn DZ rank in order to obtain that gear. Meaning, even if they have the currency, they have to participate in DZ activity in order for that conversion to be worth while. A trade-off. - Console versions of the game will be able to adjust graphic settings to increase frame rate. You'll be able to choose Performance, or Visual Fidelity - Enemy NPC density and roaming capabilities in and out of the DZ will be increased come the full game - Come full game your character won't be randomized you will have access to: Face type, skin tone, eye color, hairstyle/color, war paint, tattoos, scars, glasses and piercings - Contaminated zones will have 4 levels requiring you to have the appropriate mask or 'filters' to survive the requirements. This means parts of the map can't be accessed until your mask is upgraded. - In regards to equipping Skills, Talents, and Perks: You can have 2 skills and 1 signature skill equipped. You can have 4 talents selected (5 with a perk), perks once unlocked are automatically granted (no equip necessary) and can all be used at the same time - Phoenix credits are NOT a pay-to-win system. Devs have stated multiple times there is no such micro transaction in place and that only cosmetics will have micro transactions.
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