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  • vrhovni

Jup, 15.9. izide TTK, 18.9. pa bo na voljo raid, ampak...

You also need to have reached the expansion's end game section in order to access it.

The three-day wait allows players to make their way through the opening half of The Taken King first, Bungie has reasoned, rather than rush through the new campaign to play King's Fall as quickly as possible. King's Fall is set inside the Dreadnaught spaceship, a new area added to Destiny with the expansion.

Torej podobna zadeva kot pri izidu same Destiny igre. Glass raid se je odprl komaj po enem tednu od izida.

Destiny 2.0 posodobitev pa bo šla live že 8. septembra. Med drugim bo Nolan North povozil dialoge Peter Dinklage dialoge od Ghosta.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

You lucky bastard! :kratos:

Activision sporoča, da je padlo par rekordov ob TTK splavitvi:

Destiny: The Taken King is officially the most downloaded game on day-one in PlayStation history and set a new benchmark for both total Destiny players and peak online concurrency on day-one, so it’s safe to say the Destiny franchise continues to gain momentum

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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