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Ekskluzivno:PlayStation 4


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Jah Mueller je uganka, saj tam ne dobiš kompetentnega sogovornika v štacuni kar se konzol tiče :D

morda bodo kaj dobili decembra (na dan izida ne bi stavu, ker pride to na petek, robo pa dobivajo v začetkih tedna), je pa bolj zaskrbljujoče to, da manjšajo oddelke multimedije skoraj v vseh poslovalnicah na račun igrač (če se ne motim so uradni zastopnik za Lego). Je pa čudno, da tudi na avstrijski strani ni ne duha ne sluha o PS4...

Naši ljubi sosedi Madžari dobijo za njihovo lansiranje sredi decembra okoli 300 konzol. Za celo državo. Prednaročil pa bojda petkrat toliko lol. Jedešpečeserešpeče.

Urejano od DrMiha



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Za xbox one je bilo pri muellerju rečeno da ga dobijo 1 teden po uradnem izzidu (ne day one editione ampak obične), za ps4 niso pa nič rekli vendar je velika verjetnost da si bodo prisvojili nekaj konzol na začetku, vendar ko bodo pošle je vprašaje kolk časa bo potem trajala dobava - pri x1 je rečeno da če jim zmanjka zaloge bodo bili sposobni v največ 1 tednu restockati vendar to sem se pogovarjal z njimi kakšen mesec, dva nazaj. Jih bom kontaktiral čez kakšen teden in povprašal kako kaže pa sporočim na forumu.

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  • vrhovni

No, evo. Singapur, Koreja, Hongkong in Tajvan dobijo konzolo 17. decembra.

Še IndijaKoromandija naj ga prej dobi. :P


Sicer pa, če GameWorld dobi par kosov, pa Playgame očitno tudi nekaj za launch day, jaz resnično upam da Goblin ne izvisi potem. Bi še toleriral do polovice decembra (upam samo na odobren dopust).

Urejano od japanboy


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Če še tavelke trgovine nimajo potrjene dobave (muller, big bang,...) pa bodo imele zagotovljene te majhne ribice ? Če je kdo iz playgame ali iz goblina rekel da dobijo ps4-ke, zavajajo. Že to z prednaročili mi je malo sporno, če nevedo kdaj, katere in kako bodo konzole dobili potem nimajo kaj prednaročil pobirat dokler ne dobijo supplierja, in isto z big bangom pri katerem so pobrali nevem kok prednaročil a še sami nevedo če sploh dobijo konzole, sami šalabajzarji.

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Nekaj več besed o UI

Multiple sites have reports of UI details from the event, some of which we’ve heard piece meal before; here are some of the more interesting, harvested from IGN‘s comprehensive report. Players can configure the PS4 for PlayStation Camera log-in, using a one-time calibration during which the system takes three differently-angled photos of your face. After that, just stand in front of the camera with a controller in hand to trigger the facial recognition system

The console supports multiple users, but it also allows for guest log-ins. These temporary profiles grant access to the visiting user’s PSN content and details, but deletes everything after they log out.

Once you’re in and playing games, you can easily switch between the game you have on the go and other apps – say, the browser to check a guide, or a chat program – using the home button on the DualShock 4: a double press takes you to the last opened app.

As previously detailed, chat and messaging is cross-platform between PS4 and Vita, as well as smartphones and tablets with the PlayStation app installed. Party chat supports up to eight users. When using text chat, the on-screen keyboard can be triggered via thumbsticks or D-pad, or you can use DualShock 4′s motion sensors with the PlayStation Camera in what sounds like a Swiftkey style input system.

Trophies have been overhauled, giving them a rarity value, so if you have a common platinum it might not be worth as much as a rare gold or silver, in terms of bragging rights. PS3 and Vita trophies are included in your PSN profile.

Sony hasn’t enforced a limit when streaming to Twitch, so you can broadcast right from your console to your heart’s content. The PS4 automatically maintains a 15 minute buffer of recorded gameplay, incase you do something you want to share while you’re not actively streaming or recording.

Sharing content is made easier through distribution lists and social media integration. When you add a new friend to your 2,000 strong list, you can choose whether to show them your real name or just your PSN ID.

When downloading from the PlayStation Store, some games will support a choice of what content to grab first. For example, Call of Duty: Ghosts offers the choice of single-player or multiplayer content first.

Meanwhile, movies and music are entirely cloud based, so you won’t ever need to download them, or free up hard drive space.

Speaking of downloads, one menu option – off by default -allows users to download updates and content in standby mode, and to use the PlayStation App to wake the system remotely.


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Playstation igre bomo lahko kupovali v digitalni obliki tudi drugje ne samo na v SEN (PSN) trgovini

Sony has decided its PlayStation Network (PSN) Store isn't going to be the only place you can purchase digital PlayStation games. Utilizing a model similar to Valve's PC game marketplace Steam, the company will allow online retailers to launch their own storefronts for Playstation 3, Playstation 4, ...


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Gledam navodila in NE podpira Blur ray 3D in ne Audio CD tudi MP3..podpira pa AVCHD format (kot ps3) to pomeni ,da so v mapi oz. podmapami .M2ts fajli enake ima bluray...torej predvaja blu ray snet iz neta, ampak brez menija..z programom tsmuxer pa v nekaj minutah porihtaš zadevo:-) in je enaka ploščku! Ampak nastane problem, ker naj nebi podpiral zunanjega HDD in bi bilo dobro , če bi vsaj USB 32 ali pa 64gb

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When Sony outlined the PS4's hardware features in October, some potential customers were so shocked that the console wouldn't support MP3 files or CDs that they vowed to cancel their pre-orders. President of Sony Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida was surprised by such a heated response.

"The biggest surprise for us all internally at Sony was there are so many people who passionately reacted to our announcement that there's no MP3 support or CD support on day one," Yoshida said on Giant Bomb's Interview Dumptruck, caught by Eurogamer. "It's not like we actively decided, 'Let's not do this feature so people will have to subscribe to Music Unlimited. The focus has been more on the game features. Some of the features we wanted but we couldn't get in on day one."

The PS4 team in Japan is figuring out the best way to implement the missing media features, Yoshida said: "We didn't really think about MP3 or CD. We thought, 'We're going to do that eventually ....' It caught us off-guard. People don't really talk about these features, right? Some people get really mad and [say,] 'I'll cancel my pre-order!' So as we speak, people in Japan - the system guys - are discussing when we can put these features in."



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  • vrhovni

In zadeva je seveda regijsko zaklenjena...

Meni je šlo namestit na androidu:)

Zanimivo, ker je sony prvotno dejal, da v EU pride komaj konec novembra ta aplikacija. Zdaj edino samo še PS4 fali :D

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk

Predvidevam da si namestil iz nekje drugje kot pa iz Google Play? Sony ima še vedno 22.11. kot lansirni datum aplikacije za EU. Predvidevam da bo takrat aplikacija na voljo za vse EU lansirne države. :?

Zanimivo da meni napiše, da ta aplikacija ni na voljo v naši državi.

Sent from my Xperia Arc using Tapatalk 2


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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