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Ekskluzivno:Xbox One [NE-OPIS]


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Ne bereš pravilno, nisem te trolal, gre za to, da nas ima večina PS4 (nima veze z ovcami), da se skupnost in mnenja razširijo, rabimo en mal hypa, da si omislimo še XBone... to je to.

V prid PS4 vemo kaj je:

več uporabnikov

uradna podpora v SLO

Strojno bolj zmogljiv

nove ekskluzive, ki niso nadaljevanje starih franšiz

Enostavno si ne predstavljam igrat npr. battlefield na X1, ko imam na PS4 vsak večer najmanj vsaj10 BARovcev, zdaj pride Destiny...verjetno bo na PS4 gneča...kako je pa X1!?

Sprašujem resno, ker za prepucavanje je druga tema.


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Kot je P3 povedal Ps4 vs XOne -- to ni šprint, ampak maraton :plan: bommo videli kaj bo.

Za Destiny ne vem kako bo na XOne, ker si ga še ne mislim nabavit..... bolj pričakujem Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor in Master Chief Collection +Halo5 beta...

sem igral Destiny beto pa me je pustila kar hladno....

PSfanboyi so tako nahajpali ta špil tako da počakam konkretno oceno in pol mogoče


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Čisto razumem her Bessija, od kod izhaja.

Tudi sam iščem izgovor, da "posvojim" novega xboxa. Ampak, ker imam že eno "next gen" konzolo, mi vsi multiplatform špili in funkcije odpadejo, ker to že imam.

Nekaj unikatnega, kar konkurenca ne ponuja, v čemer se xbox one razlikuje.

A vedno ko vprašam, naj mi kdo pove kaj pozitivnega za Xbox sem takoj ps4 fag ter ne dobim nobenega odgovora.

A sem pripravljen poslušat, ter se učit.

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  • vrhovni

Se strinjam. Tudi pri meni je XO na waiting listi in kot kaže bo tako tudi ostalo še nekaj časa.

Na XO me trenutno zanima ena in edina igra: Quantum Break

Ampak zaradi te ene igre ne mislim kupiti XO (še :tepen:).

Je pa tudi res kar je Samotar napisal, da pri konzolah velja maraton in ne šprint. Prejšnjo generacijo je to lepo pokazal PS3. :yes: Trenutno pa PS4 šprinta... :hihi

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Da na kratko razčistimo....jaz sem čist zadovoljen z XOne in tudi , če bi se trudil zelooo ni razloga da bi me pripravil da bi si kupil PS4 ker mi ne ponudi nič več oz. še manj kot XOne...

Moj namen ni tu svetovati in prepričevati zakaj si naj kdo kupi XOne, želim oz. sem želel pomagati tistim ki si že lastijo XOne in mogoče ne vejo za katere trike oz. funkcije ki jih lahko izkoristijo....kot cenejši špili, šeranje igre med 2 profiloma, snap mode ....

in če se želite prcat, trolat , jebat se pa lahko zmenimo v drugi temi...svojga časa sem tu kot moderator ustvaril temo PS3 vs X360, ki so jo veselo skopirali na Jokerju ala gostilna in se lahko tam drkamo v nedogled .....tu pa bodite tolk fer in ne bluzite o PS4 itd tam je tema za PS4 pa se lahko mirne volje preseravate kako je PS4 najboljša konzola.... ok :beer:


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Nihče nima namen prcat ter trollat.

Če veš kake dobre trike za xbox one, povej!

The more, the better!

Postransko vprašanje je bilo le, kot uporabnik xbox one, s čim si najbolj zadovoljen?

Katera funkcija ti je awesome? Recimo snap mode, koristiš res dnevno, kot je bilo to v reklamah? Je res tako uporabna?

Ker tema s strani uporabnikov nekako stagnira....

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Microsoft's next Xbox One update makes it act more like the 360


For starters, once the patch rolls out to everyone in October, double-tapping the Guide button on the Xbox One controller will act an awful lot like pressing the Guide button on the Xbox 360 controller does: it'll give options to bring up your friends list, achievements and messages. Finally!

Cel spisek novosti zajema:

New Snap and Friends functions

o Snap Updates – We’ve updated the Snap Center to include quick access to many of the things our fans wanted faster access to when playing a game – Friends, Messages, Game DVR, clock, and battery indicator – as well as making it easier to close and open new snap apps when playing a game. A double tap of the Xbox button on your controller will bring up a menu that allows you to open a new app in snap mode, close the current snapped app, or switch focus between your game and your running snapped app. Additionally, two apps have been optimized for Snap mode:

Friends Snap App – Access your friends list without leaving the game. Quickly check your friends list to see who’s online right now and take actions like send message, invite or join.

Messages Snap App – You’ll be able to open, read and respond to messages in Snap mode, and messages will now be displayed in a threaded conversation view.

o Achievements App – Updated to enable sharing of achievements you’ve unlocked with captions, see a list of friends who have unlocked specific achievements, and an updated achievements Snap landing page that that shows Achievements on recently played games, when a user is not actively playing a game.

o Friends section – The new Friends section enables you to see at a glance what’s going on with your friends. You can stay up-to-date with their current activities, the most popular games your friends are playing, and a Gamerscore leaderboard to see who has improved their Gamerscore over the last 30 days. The new Friends section has been available for select preview members for a few weeks and now we’re bringing it to everyone in the program, with plans to roll out this feature for all Xbox One owners with the October system update.

o New SmartGlass features – You can now see a list of your top games in your profile. You can also see a list of your friend’s most popular games in the Friend’s section of SmartGlass.

Improvements for TV and video

o Media Player DLNA and MKV support – Members of the preview program who have also downloaded the latest version of the Media Player app will now have support for DLNA streaming. With this update, you will be able to easily access and play music, watch photo slideshows or movies stored on home media servers and devices that support the DLNA server protocols. Additionally, you will now be able to playback MKV files stored on a USB device or a device on your home network that supports DLNA streaming.

o Live TV Trending – Within the next week, you will be able to see what Live TV is trending based on your country and OneGuide settings. A new tab will be available in OneGuide that displays the top 10 most watched TV shows, with the list filtered down to the shows that are currently available to you based on your OneGuide settings. You will be able to tune to a specific show by pressing the A button. The Live TV Trending list will be updated approximately every minute, so you can easily discover shows that are popular with other viewers. This feature will initially be made available to preview users in the U.S., Canada and the UK.

o Xbox One Digital TV Tuner – Previously announced in August, this new accessory will be available for purchase in UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain on October 21. This USB-attached TV Tuner will enable users to watch TV on Xbox One, and pause Live TV for up to 30 minutes. There are a limited number of preview participants in this program due to hardware requirements needed for testing.

Stream TV to SmartGlass – If you have an Xbox One Digital TV Tuner, you will be able to stream TV across your home network to your smartphone or tablet using the Xbox SmartGlass app. You can also pause, play, rewind and change channels, without interrupting gameplay.

o Live TV MiniGuide – For markets where OneGuide is available, a new MiniGuide on the bottom of the screen will display details about the TV content that is currently playing. You can quickly change channels, see what’s on other channels, and tune to the previous channel or other recent channels.

o OneGuide in 12 new countries – Live TV listings and schedules will be made available to preview members on Xbox One and SmartGlass for Belgium, Chile, Columbia, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Russia in the next few days.

o Internet TV Apps – Apps with live TV channels can now include their TV listings within OneGuide. In addition, other Xbox TV features such as channel changing using speech and Miniguide will work with these apps. These features are enabled automatically the first time you sign into a supported app. The first app to support this feature in preview will be Zattoo, a TV provider available in several European markets. We will be sharing more details soon with members of the public preview.

o Universal Remote Control in SmartGlass – If you are in one of those 12 countries, you will also be able use your mobile device to control your Xbox, TV, and/or Cable/Satellite box.

Other user requested features

o Updated Devices & Accessories page – To access the new page, go inside Settings, where you can Find, Assign, and Update Xbox One accessories. You can now more easily “assign” accessories to specific users, such as assigning a headset to a specific gamer.

o Firmware updates – You can update the firmware for an individual device. And, you can also more easily find (or identify) a controller by making it vibrate.

o Hide Games & Apps on your console – You can now hide items in the “Ready to install” list under My Games & Apps. This is a per-console setting and items will reappear in the list if they are installed again from the Xbox Store. To access the shortcut to temporarily show “hidden” items, press X while holding down both triggers and it will show all hidden items until you exit My Games & Apps.

Urejano od Bessie


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Nihče nima namen prcat ter trollat.

Če veš kake dobre trike za xbox one, povej!

The more, the better!

Postransko vprašanje je bilo le, kot uporabnik xbox one, s čim si najbolj zadovoljen?

Katera funkcija ti je awesome? Recimo snap mode, koristiš res dnevno, kot je bilo to v reklamah? Je res tako uporabna?

Ker tema s strani uporabnikov nekako stagnira....

moje videnje, xboxone je večji kot ps4, na polici deluje impresivno.....



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Ne moreš delat primerjave med PS4 in Xbone, ker si ne lastim PS4 in ne vem kaj vse omogoča.

PS4 koliko sem imel šanso sem preletel meni in je enak kot PS3, kake napredne funkcije pa nevem kaj ima .

Xbone ima snap mod, kar je zelo uporaben, če želiš Skaypat in igraš zraven, sproti snapaš achivmente in vidiš kolk ti manjka, prehod iz snapa je hiter in enostaven.

Oktoberski prewiev imaš že gor in je veliko stvari spremenjenih in narejeno bolj enostavnih in preglednih.

Prehod med igro v drugo igro ni problem špil se da v pauso in te počaka oz. se ne zapre v ozadju.

velik plus M$ da sproti izboljšujejo dashbord in upoštevajo zahteve uporabnikov.

Presentil me je tudi Smartglass v navezi z Xbone, imam WP8 in ga uporabljam za pisanje na twitch,sporočila lahko ga imaš kot daljinec za tv oz. navigiranje po dashbordu....

V DR3 kot dodatni displej kjer te kao kliče za nove misije....potencijal je še veliko ...


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  • vrhovni

Snap mode vidim kot najbolj uporaben za achivmente, da bi pa igral in hkrati gledal TV/Skypal/brskal po spletu pa mi je totalno mimo. Itak ne moreš sledit obojemu.

MS ga raztura s temi rednimi posodobitvami in Sony bo pri tem moral nekaj narediti, sicer bo zaostal. Zelo dobro bi bilo če bi imeli bolj direkten feedback, tako kot ga dobi MS.

Prehod med igro v drugo igro ni problem špil se da v pauso in te počaka oz. se ne zapre v ozadju.

Err... tole pa kolikor vem ne bo res. Dveh iger ne moreš laufati in potem hitro preklapljati med njima. Ena igra se mora zapreti, da se lahko zažene druga. Lahko pa delaš prehod med igro in bilo čem drugim (razen igre). Ali se pa jaz motim? :sweat:

Presentil me je tudi Smartglass v navezi z Xbone, imam WP8 in ga uporabljam za pisanje na twitch,sporočila lahko ga imaš kot daljinec za tv oz. navigiranje po dashbordu....

V DR3 kot dodatni displej kjer te kao kliče za nove misije....potencijal je še veliko ...

Vse to imaš tudi na PS4. ;)


Only in Dubai!


Jumbo Electronics is going to release a gold version of Xbox One and Playstation 4 consoles at GAMES14 which begins tomorrow. The rose gold cases which have been created by the Italian Jeweller Gatti will retail for AED 49,999 or approximately $13,600.

The consoles features a specially cut and craft gold case with etching for the Playstation and Xbox logos respectively as well as the Gatti branding.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

XBOOK ONE - The Xbox One laptop:



Ed Zarick, a self-taught engineer from the US, had already created a number of Xbox 360 laptops - what he calls Xbooks. Now, he's turned his attention to the Xbox One, and come up with the Xbook One.

Zarick explains the process of making an Xbook One in a post on his website:

Essentially, the Xbook One is a plastic case which holds an Xbox One inside, with a 22" LED LDC monitor hooked up. The Xbox One is unmodified, so you're not breaking any rules around Xbox Live. However, your console loses its warranty as Zarick has to take it apart.

All the ports are still accessible in the back of the unit, so you can still plug in Kinect if you fancy it.

Here's how much it costs:

  • Xbook One 500GB with Kinect: $1495
  • Xbook One (you provide the Xbox One): $1095
  • To include HDMI Out: $50
  • Flat Rate Shipping of $75 to 48 US States (Zarick suggests getting in touch if you're after international shipping).

"I have spent a lot of hours working on this trying to get ease of producing them easier," he explained.

"The quicker I can build these, the cheaper I can sell them. It's that simple. But with the cost of the new Xboxs compared to the 360s, and the higher cost of the parts used in production of this unit, it's going to be more than my last Xbook.

"A 500 Xbook One with Kinect is going to cost $1495 plus shipping. This may seem expensive, but they are expensive to produce."

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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evo najdu sem ti nekaj mogu bi tut pomoje muller no za bigbang nevem samo škoda ker nisi napisal za kateri xbox rabiš x360 ali xboxone v muller najbolje da greš pogledat mislim pa da bo cena ista odloči se pa sam kje boš vzel upam da sem ti kaj pomagal

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