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Assassin's Creed Rogue

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Kot prvo je potrebno novico vzeti z rezervo, saj še ni uradne potrditve s strani Ubisofta.

Igra je za razliko od AC Unity nadaljevanje AC IV Black Flag. Na voljo naj bi bila za razliko od Unity (le za next-gen konzole ter PC) tudi za Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PC in PS4.

Podrobnosti so se pojavile na Reddit strani preko GameRanx.

According to the site, which sources French site GameBlog, Comet is a direct sequel to Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, and takes place in the year 1758. This is the same year in which Halley's Comet was predicted to return by the English astronomer, Edmond Halley -- hence the game's title.

The report claims that Comet’s lead character is Shay, a young Englishman who is planning on betraying his former captain, Adewale.

Obstaja pa še druga verzija govorice, ki pa izvira iz posnetka zaslona, ki je namenjen javnosti za jutri:


Zgodba se pravtako razlikuje od tiste v prvi verziji.

Here, it describes Comet as a project headed by Jade Raymond, and is in development at numerous studios including Ubisoft Annecy, Bucharest, Kiev, Quebec, Singapore. Studios Solia and Reflects are also involved.

The plot details differ somewhat from the first report, however. Adewale’s grandson Eseosa is labelled the game’s main protagonist, and is in contact with Assassin’s Creed III hero Connor for guidance.

Kaj je oziroma ni res bomo videli že jutri.

Edited by japanboy


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Tole se je pojavilo na eni spletni strani in bilo hitro odstranjeno. Tudi iz Googlovega cacha.


Back in March it was reported a new Assassin’s Creed game, codenamed Comet, was in the works for PS3 and Xbox 360. Today, a Swiss retailer listed Assassin’s Creed Rogue for the systems.While the listed has been removed since first appearing, retailer World of Games had Assassin’s Creed: Rogue listed per Google Cache – which has now disappeared as well.


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Še par novosti, ki so pricurljale v javnost predčasno iz revije Game Infomer:

  • Igra bo singleplayer only - nič več multiplayerja
  • Ime glavnega protagonista je Shay Cormac
  • prikazano bo obdobje med 1752 in 1761 - Sedemletna vojna in prehod Carmaca od assassin-a do templarja
  • vrnil se bo Haytham Kenway (AC3)
  • "With Rogue you'll have something that will tie perfectly to AC4 - so in a chronological order you'll have a link between AC4, AC3 and AC Unity,"


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Nisem želel odpirati nove teme, sem pa obudil staro temo, ker je že odprta.


Igra bo dobila remastered edicijo na PS4 in Xbox One 20. marca.




Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered will include all of the downloadable content from the original game: two bonus missions (The Armor of Sir Gunn Quest and The Siege of Fort de Sable), as well as the Master Templar and Explorer packs.

The latter contain weapons, customization items and special outfits, including Bayek’s legacy outfit from Assassin’s Creed Origins.


Igra bo na PS4 Pro in Xbox One X prikazana v 4K, medtem ko bo na PS4 ter Xbox One 1080p.

  • goodone (+1) 1


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