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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

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Igra bo ta vikend na voljo zastonj za lastnike vseh platform na katerih je na voljo igra od 24-27. avgusta. Bo pa igra od 24. avgusta do 4. septembra 50% cenejša, ves napredek v času zastonj vikenda pa se bo prenesel v polno verzijo igre.

Novi operatorji bodo na voljo za lastnike season passa 5. septembra, za vse ostale teden dni kasneje, medtem ko bo nova mapa za vse na voljo 5. septembra. Igra bo namreč na TTS izšla 29. avgusta.




Ying from the Hong Kong CTU, makes use of a shotgun or LMG, but as previously reported, she also uses Candela devices which shoot flash charges into the air and blind those in the vicinity. She wears special glasses that make her immune to these flashes.

Before tossing one of the Candelas, players can hold the button down which will make them rolls across the ground for a longer period of time. They can also be rolled under barricades or through drone holes. The Candela can also be deployed on a breachable surface so it fires the flashes into the room on the other side. Holding the button down on the grenade here will also increase the delay timer, allowing players a bit more time to get into position.




The other new operator is Lesion, from the Hong Kong CTU, who throws Gu mines that deploy on the floor and stick to any attacker who steps on them with a poison needle. Getting stuck will disorient the player, and does damage over time as the needle remains embedded.


Players can either fight through the disorientation and take the damage, or use the on-screen prompt to remove the needle; however, they will have to lower their gun to do it, making them vulnerable during this time. Using I.Q.’s electronics detector will allow the player to see the Gu mines, otherwise, the cloaking tech makes them invisible to operators other than Lesion.


A small icon above each deployed trap allows Lesion to see the mine. letting the player know when one is triggered. A total of seven mines can be placed in an area, but there is a cooldown timer. Players will be able to see how many are left and how long before another can be set watching the timer.




Ela is a defender who uses Grzmot mines which are proximity concussion mines which can be thrown or stuck to walls, ceilings, and floors. They will detonate when an enemy gets close, but do not cause damage. Instead, they will be stunned, hard of hearing for a bit and sight will be distorted. Here, Ela can use her speed to run up an take the dazed and confused enemy down using her SMG or a shotgun or a pistol with an integrated dot sight.

Should Ela go down in a fight, an extra Grzmot mines carried on her person will manually detonate a concussion charge. This provides a teammate time to clear the area and revive her.


Urejano od japanboy


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Danes ob 10ih se začenja zaključni turnir Y2S2 R6 Pro Lige na Gamescomu.


Sicer pa še video o novi spremembi, ki prihaja v R6 - rotaciji map. Po novem bo v RANKED načinu igranja na voljo le 9 map, teh map ki so na voljo tudi v PRO sceni, medtem ko bo v CASUAL načinu igranja na voljo 15 map. Ne bo 2 map Favele in Yacht. Bo pa novo mapo Theme Park možno igrati le v CASUAL. Ali pa v Custom načinu igranja.


Še video, ki lepo objasni zakaj.




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Favelo in Jahto so umaknili, ker bosta reworkani. Sploh lightning je fuc*ed up na Faveli. V kakšnem smislu bo rework ne vemo. Po mojem bodo spremenili kakšne dostope/kote, premaknili kkašen objekt. Je pa še nekaj res. Ni nujno da te mape, ki so zdaj v ranked, da bodo tudi v naslednji sezoni. Mape bodo rotirale. Theme Park bo sigurno v naslednji sezoni v ranked. Je pa tudi res, da kolkor sem razbral, da je pri konzolah neka težava s shranjevanjem oz. pomnilnikom - da ni dovolj prostora. In ker je vsaj 1 mapa na sezono se bo slej ko prej stvar zapolnila. Tako da mape rotirajo je dobrodošlo, vprašanje je le a to pomeni da čez čas določenih map več sploh ne bo?


From season three onwards, Rainbow Six: Siege will introduce the ranked and ESL pro league playlists at the same time, with the ranked playlist being rotated each season to offer a different selection of available maps.



"We are quickly approaching the limit of our data sizes, and this will require a rework of how our maps are stored," Ubisoft Montreal wrote. "As a result, we are currently planning on removing maps from the game entirely down the road (not in season three)."

Urejano od japanboy


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Najnovejša posodobitev igre na PS4 lahko povzroča resne posledice na konzoli. Od sesutja konzole do izbrisa celotne vsebine na disku PS4.



The latest Rainbow Six Siege PS4 update has been causing some serious problems for those who have downloaded the update.

According to reports, the issues with the update range from PS4 systems crashing to, more alarmingly, entire hard drives being wiped



Rainbow Six Siege players have reported seeing a CE-36329-3 error message when they go into their friends list after installing the latest update.

While some users on Reddit have reported losing saved data after installing the update, however these claims have not been verified.

In a post on their support website, Ubisoft said they are investigating the issue.

They said: “Players have reported a crashing issue regarding the party invitation. 


The issue was brought to light on a Reddit thread on the PS4 subreddit which has been upvoted thousands of times.

Discussing the issue, one Redditor said: “Can attest to this. Played a few matches, went to invite someone to a party, and it crashed. 

“Now opening up my Friends List causes a system error/crash.”



Klik 2


EDIT: Napaka je že odpravljena.

Urejano od japanboy


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