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The Tomorrow Children


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Nova stvaritev izpod rok Q-Games studia (PixelJunk igre)!


The Tomorrow Children tells the story of a future re-imagined from the after-effects of an experiment in 1960s Russia where it took the next 90 years for the few humans left to rebuild to the point where they have created you, the player, as a ‘projection clone’. Now you’re tasked with venturing out into ‘The Void’ to reclaim the human race and to restore.


You begin as a proletariat or normal citizen class. Every little thing you do garners recognition points that you can cash in at the labour office to earn coupons from the state. These ‘ration’ coupons can be cashed in for better abilities. For example, don’t want to line up anymore? Then get yourself the “Sharp Elbows” perk and push in like a bossy bourgeoisie!

The first thing you’ll be expected to do is explore and mine for materials, because the town needs as many resources as it can get to defend itself from the marauding attacks of the Izverg – giant monsters that roam the Void. The islands you visit to mine resources are also generated by the Void and contain all kinds of strange things, including monsters and treasure. They usually come in the shape of symbolic structures or objects from humanity’s past.

The human race will only survive if we cooperate, and as you do things your projection will become briefly visible in other player’s realities. Everything you do to manipulate the world is shared with everyone else in each stage.

With the mined resources you can craft buildings and items (such as gun turrets, light fixtures, cars and tanks) that everyone can use together to grow the town and defeat the Izverg.

The main goal is to restore the population of the world and you will discover strange Matryoshka dolls which contain the raw DNA essence of the devastated populace. Taking these to the restoration points in the town will bring them back to life and they’ll start working on the town, carrying things around and repairing it for you (when they feel like it!).

Every couple of days an election is held and everyone votes on the mayor they wish to be elected. And choosing the right mayor is crucial. One mayor might lower the resource cost of all buildings by 20%, while another might increase weapons’ efficiency, allowing the turrets to reload more quickly – handy when there is a swarm of spiders attacking!










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Ce imas v mislih Dylana Cuthberta (CEO in ustanovitelj Q-Games), model ni porocen s hcerko Miyamota. Pri Nintendu direkt ni delal zaradi non-compete kalvzule ker je bil tam kot usluzbenec Argonauta. Pri njih je sproduciral 3D engine za game boya in spil X, ki je bil povod za vabilo v Kyoto.Tam je zakrivil Super FX cip in Star Foxa ter neizdano nadaljevanje, preden se premaknil k Soniju v USA. Pol je prisel nazaj na Japonsko in ustanovil Q-Games s Kenkichijem Shimooko (avtor Ape Escapea). Je pa Miyamota ucil bedarije angleskega jezika, drugace pa spadal v skupino Gunpeija Yokoia. Ta ga je fural okoli po vprasljivih barih in mu odobril dnevni budget za sladkarije. ;)


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When an ambitious experiment designed to unite the minds of all humanity goes horribly wrong, almost all life on Earth disappears instantly, melting down into the planet to form “the Void”.

Years later, a handful of survivors begin to rebuild civilisation, but their endeavours are hampered by “the Izverg”, giant beasts formed from the residue of negativity and nightmares that now roam the land. Fortunately, engineers discover the ability to develop “projection clones” – new life forms capable of venturing deep into the Void in search of preserved human DNA. It is with these clones that mankind begins the long journey back to its former glory …

  • Choose your character class and travel into the Void in search of resources, building materials and trapped human souls that can be reinstated using a special machine
  • Work together with your comrades in a persistent world, obtaining supplies, creating objects, fighting enemies and establishing new settlements
  • Make paths through the Void, discovering islands where valuable assets can be obtained, but watch out for the Izverg that lurk around every corner…
  • Develop towns from small communes to fortified cities, defending them from Izverg attack, and building new facilities
  • Improve your character, develop your skills and boost your status on your own personal mission to rebuild the world – for the glory of all!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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No, po preigrani beti, bi to igro najlažje opisal kot online igro s komunistično tematiko.

Igraš posameznika v skupščini in vsak posameznik doprispeva k skupnemu dobru. Vsi za enega in eden za vse. Brez teamplaya ne gre, žal pa je komunikacija v igri precej okrnjena in je na nivoju gest (salute, no-no, razočaranje,...)


Beta se prične s kratkimi navodili, po katerih nimaš pojma kako in kaj, nato pa greš skozi praktični tutorial kako kopati, si svetiti v temi, pobirati dobrine in jih seveda deliti z drugimi. Navodila ti govori kar sam vrhovni tovariš.

Po uspešnem uvodu, iz tal prileze železniška postaja, katera te popelje v prvo pravo mesto. No, v mestu nato lutaš in gledaš kaj katera stavba predstavlja in kaj moraš delati. Tu je težava, ker ni nekega tutoriala, ki bi te usmerja korak po koraku. Informacij je polno, ampak ne veš kaj katera pomeni in s čim bi največ doprinesel k skupnosti.

V posameznih stavbah lahko s tekanjem po tekočem traku ustvarjaš elektriko in ob tem igraš mini igro. Čez čas elektrike zmanjka in mora nekdo ponovno opraviti nalogo polnjena. Mesto ima tudi topove, s katerimi se brani pred raznoraznimi pošastmi, ki napadajo mesta. Največkrat je to godzilla. Postavljen je tudi štant z obsežnimi osnovnimi navodili. Žal so ta obsežna, ampak še vedno dajo bore malo informacij. No, gradijo se lahko tudi nove zgradbe, ampak nisem uspel priti tako daleč.

Z delom, si prislužiš denar in točke, ki jih nato vložiš v nadgradnjo svojega karakterja.


Ima pa igra en adut in to je zelo prikupna vizualnost. Prevladuje minimalizem. Dejansko deluje igra kar malo nedodelana v smislu praznosti na ta račun. Mene spominja na lutkovne predstave iz otroštva.


Lahko da je samo v beti tako, vendar ljudje kar sproti izginjajo, ko se jim približaš. ko se spet oddaljiš, pa se prikažejo nazaj.

Ko sem se naveličal mesta, sem hotel iti v drugo. No, tukaj se je igra obesila (črni zaslon) z glasbo v ozadju in tukaj se je moja beta tudi zaključila.


Sam nisem navdušenec online ideje takšnega multiplayerja kot ga ima The Tomorrow Children. Rezultat posameznika so premalo vidi in če par posameznikov ne posameznik ne opravlja svojega dela, potem vsi igrajo slabo in čutijo posledice. Itak ker je bila beta in je igra čisto nova, je zato veliko ljudi lutalo, gledalo in probavalo različne stvari. Teamplay je bil druga briga. Ni čudno, da je mesto bilo velikokrat v plamenih in mu primanjkovalo lesa. Če bi vedel kako, bi probal situacijo popraviti. Žal me igra ni dovolj dobro naučila kako to storiti. :)

Vem da zame ta igra ni, zaradi predvsem zaradi te zvrsti multiplayerja. Je tudi malenkost komplicirana igra, tako da je potrebno večurno igranje da se naučiš kaj in kako. Škoda da ni kakšna druga zvrst ali pa kar single player igra. Vizualnosti in same osnovne tematike se nikakor ne bi branil v kakšni drugače zapakirani obliki.


Posnetek igranja bete, na podlagi katerega je bil spisan zgornji tekst:


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sony bo gostil 24 urno zaprto beto za igro. Le-ta se bo pričela v nedeljo ob 10 uri po srednjeevropskem času in končala v ponedeljek ob isti uri.

Povezava do vpisa za zaprto beto se nahaja v citatu kot tudi ura. (Upam da sem pravilno pretvoril)



European residents can sign up for the beta through here.



Sony is hosting another closed beta for The Tomorrow Children, and it will only last for 24 hours.

It kicks off February 7 at 9am GMT and ends Monday, February 8 at 9am GMT.



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