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Final Fantasy VII


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For F**k's sake!

FF VII je časovna PS4 ekskluziva in sedaj se dogaja čisto enaka zadeva kot pri Rise of the Tomb Raider... Nočejo povedati kdaj ekskluzivnost pade.

Another big E3 reveal for you was the HD Final Fantasy 7 Remake, which was a huge crowd pleaser. How long does the timed exclusivity deal last?

We don’t have anything to say about that at this point in time.

I understand. I remember when Microsoft announced the Rise of the Tomb Raider exclusivity deal, and Phil Spencer was engulfed by the press who were asking him how long the exclusivity lasted. I feel this issue deserves the same scrutiny.

Yes, but that whole thing was very ambiguous.

Yes, but this is ambiguous as well. No one knows how long Final Fantasy 7 is a timed exclusive for.

[PR spokesperson: “At this stage, we are announcing that it’s coming to our platform. There’s nothing else we can say, in terms of exclusivity.”]

But that is ambiguous. People who want to buy this game don’t know how long it will remain as a PlayStation 4 exclusive.

[PR spokesperson: “At this stage, we are just saying announcing the title, so it’s very common, especially at this stage, to say it’s coming and that it’s coming to our platform.]

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Jup. Saj je bilo na koncu promota lepo videti: First on PlayStation.

Ampak tle bo Sony velik več dobu, kot pa MS s Tomb Raiderjem. Na Japonskem sploh, ker je njihova baza neprimerno večja od MSja, ki ga praktično ni, Evropi tud ni za dvomit. Edino vprašanje je ZDA, pa še tam dvomim da bo kaj drugače.

Bo Sony veliko bolj profitiral kot pa MS.


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Pa še par reakcij na najnovejši napovednik a remake Final Fantasy VII:








Urejano od japanboy


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Ja, ampak a misliš da jim je v končni fazi mar? Če bi jim bilo, potem že v osnovi tega sploh ne bi bilo, ampak bi moralo bit pač na voljo za vse takoj, al pa bi bila igra pač ekskluziva samo za določeno platformo. Tako pa temu ni tako.

Sej sam poglej najnovejši odteg - Black Ops III. Activision sigurno ni šel stran od MSja zaradi lepote, pač pa $$$, ker je install base večji trenutno pri Sonyju in bo očitno samo še rasel.


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Potrjeno je, da bo port FF VII izšel enkrat proti koncu letošnjega leta (najverjetneje pozimi, kot je rečeno v uvodnem prispevku te teme).

Kaj bo port prinesel?

The PC re-release comes complete with achievements, the ability to save your game anywhere using cloud and a new character booster, which reduces grinding.

Najbrž pa kaj več kot zgoraj omenjeno ni za pričakovat, saj je večji del ekipe osredotočen na remake.

There's no word on there being any other new features at the moment, but we don't expect too many as Square focuses its attention on the remake.


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