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Ekskluzivno:Prva slika prototipa Playstation 4?

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Zadnjič sem se menil na FB s frendi za kavo, pa smo rekli, da še vsak koga pripelje in da bomo imeli en manjši lan party, en malo sem zamujal in ko pridem vidim tole...

post-101-144771013369_thumb.jpg saj ne to je slikca iz Dreamhacka

the world's largest LAN party, offered up all sorts of gaming thrills along the lines of StarCraft II and Counter-Strike to the 12,000 attendees.

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David Cage is pretty awesome. He makes games that really push the PS3 and they sell really well. Cage showed off a new tech demo at GDC but still believes more can be extracted from Sony's console, even in it's sixth year of development and no word on any next-gen work from Sony.

With games like Heavy Rain and the amazing Kara video Quantic and Cage showed off at GDC, Cage told GamesIndustry that Sony's hardware has much more to offer. "Much more, to be honest with you. One of the reasons why we didn't show this [Kara video] a year ago was that we had discussions with Sony, and they weren't sure that we were going to show after that was going to look better than Kara. It took us a year to prove what we were going to show was a thousand times better than that," which is good and I just hope Cage is looking further than the PS3 or at least asking 'Sony, hey guys what the hell are we doing next?'

"So we're very far from seeing everything the PS3 can do, it's very powerful hardware. There is still a lot to do with it, people will be surprised." Cage didn't put a number on the power currently being used by games on the PS3. "That's difficult to answer. Developers use the hardware in different ways. We put the focus on very close shots and the lighting is very important to us. Other developers consider what matters the size of the landscape you can display. So different developers have different views of the hardware," he said.

"Personally, I consider it takes two to three games on the same path to really see what you can do with the hardware. The teams discover the hardware, they start to use it. The more it goes, the more you can discover what you can do with it," Cage said about the future of Sony and I wish him the best of luck, just maybe less "Jason!" in your next game.


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Težko se strinjam s teboj, res zanimivih ekskluziv je na X360 letos bolj malo, Halo4, Forza Horizon, Steel Battalion Heavy Armor ..., na PS3 jih omenim samo par Starhawk, Dust514, LittleBigPlanet Karting, Sorcery, Twisted Metal...The Last of Us in The Last Guardian verejtno drugo leto, to so konkretni naslovi ne pa rekla kazala trololo!!!

Top 20 Xbox 360 Exclusives of 2012 proti The Top 20 PlayStation 3 Exclusives of 2012 kaj pa vem jaz na PS3 vidim več iger zase, na X360 me od ekskluziv zanima edino Halo4, multiplarforme bom pa verjetno veliko igral na X-u pač zaradi nekaterih kolegov :objem:


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Počasi bomo lahko začeli debatirat o naslednji generaciji. E3 je sicer pred vrati, ampak koliko je meni znano vsi na široko razpravljajo, da kakšnega večjega odkritja še ni za pričakovat. Jaz bi sicer zelo rad, da pokažejo kako novo konzolo in jo potem pripeljejo še v Koln, ampak se mi nekako zdi, da ne bo iz vsega skupaj nič in da se bo res zgodilo to, kar vsi govorijo. Torej še par dodatnih multimedijskih funkcij za X360 in PS3, mogoče kaka novica glede WiiU in en kup zanič iger, ki ne bodo zanimale nikogar razen hardcore kinectovcev. Upanje za GTA V sicer še vedno je, ampak če ne bo nekega res dolgega prispevka ali pa kakega gameplay trailerja, potem bo vse skupaj res jalovo.


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Sonyjev programer je v svojem profilu objavil domnevno sliko prihajajoče nove konzole!


Sony zaenkrat še ni potrdil ali zanikal avtentičnosti slike...

Linkedin is just throwing it out today. The listing appears on Frederick Umminger’s profile, a software engineering manager at Sony Computer Entertainment America. It says that his work between 2010 and the present “Maintained voice chat library for PlayStation 4″.



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