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[Uradna tema] Nintendo Wii


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Utube predstavitev:


HOMEBREW is not possible on the Wii because the executables are signed. So the backdoor 2 method he describes can be used ONLY for backups. This makes it highly unlikely that the information will be released publicly, as the hackers involved do not support piracy

Polna predstavitev: ... ing2k6.ogm

To je OGM video, Potrebujete npr. VLC Player.


Leo : 6330 8814 3099 7789

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Hmmm, opazil sem, da se je gobica na nunčaku razbarvala. Problem sicer zame ni pretirano moteč, zanima pa me, če sem edini s to težavo, ali se je zgodilo še komu (rekel bi, da je nunčak bil v uporabi kake 50 ur).



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Obeta se velik multiplayer FPS! Bozon iz IGN-a je tako nekemu mulcu odgovoril v mailbagu...

As of right now there's no announcement of any online FPS for Wii though. The cat is pretty much out of the bag as far as why no games were online at launch, and if you're late to the party we can catch you up by simply saying "Nintendo wasn't ready" and leave it at that, but we also know that online is on the way, and from the sounds of it the Wii will be getting some support. Obviously our mouths are sealed right now, but let's just say we're hearing rumblings of Wii-specific versions of at least one of the main FPS franchises out there. Oh, and when we say "Wii-specific" we don't mean tacked on controls that claim to make it a new experience. We're talking an immersive, competitive experience built from the ground up for Wii. Here's hoping everything works out as planned, as I look forward to be fragging each and every one of you ASAP.


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Ce multiplayer pomeni zgolj izbira med friends listo, potem je to bolj oskubljen multiplayer.

Wiiju manjka neke vrste game/server lobby, kjer lahko folk ustvarja in se joina igram iz vsega sveta.

Ze tako preprosta igra kot je recimo Wii Sports bi s tem ogromno profitirala.

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