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Ekskluzivno:Zadnji popravek za Skyrim 1.5 tudi na konzolah

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Menjaj jo za kak drug špil? Če ti še vedno ni dovolj, pa lahko greš še enkrat skozi, namesto magije uporabljaš sworde.

ma ne mene zanima kaj naj počnem zdej v igri še. Kje so še kakšni kul questi. Nočm na novo it ker se mi ne splača. Končno sm si naredu mage karakterja ki ima 100% fortify destrucion in namen imam še smithing perke si zdej naredit da bom mel full dragonplate set pa fortify destruction seveda.

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Pej d nrdit shrine quests, men se je pr Boethiah's srhine Lydia izkazala kot koristno if you know what i mean :P:D al pa Sheogorath je že sam zarad tega ker je on dobr :D edin nekej shrinou nima veze z dejanskimi kipi, amap kdobiš queste mal porandom :D drgač pa špila je bolš k pa z nogo u jajca! :D

ne vem kaj so shrine questi lohk razložiš?

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  • 2 tednov kasneje...

Stvari za počet v skyrimu preden se lotite main story:

-Side story questi: To so razni guildi za katere ne bom preveč spoilal ampak vsakič ko končaš en od teh side story dobiš res dobro nagrado kot so razne moči in armourji in nekje tudi najmočnejši dagger v igri ki ga lahko takoj izboljšaš na legendary. Ti side story so:

Thieves guild,

The Companions,

Imperial legion/Stormcloak rebellion(izbrati moraš katero izmed teh 2),

Dark Brotherhood(na ZS pište če vas zanima kako se pride v ta side story da ne bom spoilal)

The college of winterhold(Univerza za Mage karakterje ki ima zelo dobr side story :D)

-Deadric quests: Na nek način spadajo isto med te side story queste ampak jih jz ne uvrščam tja ker imajo relativno kratko zgodbo v primerjavi s tistimi questi. Teh questov je 17 in je najbolje da najdete na googlu kje se najdejo. Ko končaš vsak quest dobiš na koncu močano orožje

-Dragonpriest maske: Teh mask je se mi zdi da 8 in potem še glavna 9 ki jo lahko dobiš šele ko dobiš prejšnih 8 in še eno. Za vsako masko greš skozi relativno težak dungeon kjer najdeš dobre armourje kot npr dragon armour in na koncu moraš premagati tega močnega dragonpriesta.

-Miscellaneous Tasks: To so ti obični side questi ki nimajo ravno neke story čeprav jo nekateri imajo in je dokaj zanimiva če se v njo poglobiš in bereš razne dnevnike in knjige in jih je zabavno igrat.

-Smithing: Tudi če zdej mislite da smithing ne potrebujete se res splača ker potem ko si lahko sam narediš dragonplate in dragonscale armour ali pa deadric je res awesome. Najboljši armour v igri je Deadric, ki je heavy armour in zanj morate upgrejdat perke za smithing po desni strani, dragonscale je pa najboljši light armour za katerega morate upgrejdat po levi strani, in ga lahko naredite ko imate perk za dragon armourje(Lahko delaš potem dragonscale ali dragonplate armour). Da pridete smithing do 100 si enostavno kupite ogromno leather strips, leather, iron ore ter iron ingot. Iron ore spremenite v iron ingot na tistem kupu železa leather pa si spremenite v leather strips na tisti obešeni kravji koži/usnju. Nato greste tja kjer se dela iteme in najdete iron in iron dagger in jih naredite kolikor gre. Tako vam najhitreje naraste smithing do 100 in leveli gredo gor zelo hitro.

-Enchanting: Če kdo igra Mage zvadite to dokler nimate 100 in si dobite te osnovne začetne perke s katerimi si lahko potem enchantate armour tako da za destructon/alteration/illusion, itd. spelle porabite 0 magicka. Da lahko enchantaš moreš najprej uničiti določene iteme da dobiš določen efekt s katerim lahko potem enchantaš item. Kako močen bo efekt na tvojem orožju/armourju/itemu je odvisno od tega kako močan soul gem daš nanj in kater soul je ujet v ta soul gem in tudi kakšen je tvoj enchanting level ter katere perke maš. Efekt ki ga potrebuješ za to da porabiš 0 magicka za določene spelle se imenuje fortify destruction/illusion/alteration itd. Ki ga moreš uporabiti ko imaš 100 enchanting in te osnovne perke. Uporabiš ga na armourju, na čeladi, na prstanu in na verižici. Na vsakem ti mora pisat vsaj 25% fortify destruction/illusion/itd. in skupaj da to 100% kar pomeni da stanejo spelli 100% manj in torej stanejo 0.

-Speech: Speech si lahko najhitreje upgrejdate do 100 po tem videu:


Speech je zlo dobr met ker ga potrebuješ da lahko različne queste končaš mnogo hitreje ker ti par stvari sploh ni treba naredit in je to zlo zakon :D.

-Še zadnjih par nasvetov: Če želite napolnit soul geme si dobite spell pod imenom Soul trap. Ko ta spell uporabite na nasprotniku in ga ubijete v 60 sekundah se napolni en tvoj prazen soul gem. Najboljši soul imajo mamuti in gianti ter pa normalni ljudje. Za ljudi pa potrebujete black soul gem ki ga lahko random najdete in tudi kupite pri eni osebi ampak to šele pozneje v igri. Ko delate queste ne it direktno na quest ampak raziskujte. Pejte v vsako jamo ki jo vidite ker imajo vedno kaj dobrega. Če se kje kdo v mestu krega se večinoma lahko začnete pogovajat in dobite quest.

To bi blo to če vas še kaj zanima vprašajte. Največ stvari vem za Mage karakterje ker sem to tudi jaz in za Thief karakterje ker sm tud to.

Urejano od ozi
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Nekaj me zanima kako je s knjigami, jih moram nositi s sabo, ali je dovolj, da jo pogledaš in na to odvržeš?

Še mal heca iz igre :D


Knjige ni potrebno imet samo prebereš jo in jo lahko odvržeš če nima efekta. Drgač pa v Winterholdu lahko kupiš hišo za 5000 in jo boš rabu ker boš mel ogromno dragon scales in pa dragon bones in drugih armourjev ki jih boš kdaj v prihodnosti lahko uporabljal ampak jih zdej ne rabiš vn se jih pa ne splača vrečt. V hiši lahko vse daš v 2 skrinji brez limita jz mam tam stvari za verjetno 2000 weight :D

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Knjige si lahko postaviš na police v hiši, za zbirko. :)

Jaz sem si kupil še eno hišo v Markathu, ki je bistveno večja kot tista v Whiterunu, stane pa 8000 keša, za komplet opremit pa še dodatnih 4200 (v Whiterunu pa 1800 za komplet opremit).

Včeraj sem dobil quest od Phinis Gestorja (quest so pojavi ko dosežeš 90 v Conjuration), ki ti kot nagrado za končanje da Sigil Stone. Postaviš ga na Atronach forge, ki se nahaja v Middenu (dungeon pod Collegom of Winterhold), potem nametaš noter razno opremo, ki se nato spremeni v marsikaj, od Daedric Armorja do raznih Daedric orožij. Včeraj sem cel dan craftal, pa sem scraftal orožja za vse možne spremljevalne like :) Kul način kako priti do odlične opreme brez da vlagaš perke v Smithing.

Urejano od T.M.R.
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News on the Creation Kit and Game Updates


It’s been a few weeks since our last update on Skyrim’s status, so we wanted to share details on what we’re working on.

The Creation Kit and Steam Workshop are nearly ready. We’re currently working with members of Valve and our modding community to do some final testing, and we’re on track for a public release near the end of the month. We think Skyrim modding is one of the game’s best features, and we have the best modders of any game. It’s been a lot of exciting work for us, and we can’t wait to unleash it.

Skyrim’s 1.4 update is currently undergoing testing on all three platforms. The update will include fixes and optimizations for the most common issues people have been reporting (see below). We’re hoping to finalize this next week, and submit it to the console manufacturers for certification, as well as release on PC.

Our current update plan for the PC is to first release our updates as “beta” versions through Steam. This is something you’ll be able to opt into through Steam and back-out of if needed. This is an extra safety check for everyone going forward and should expedite and improve our updating process for our PC users. We’ll have more info soon on how this will work.

Echoing what we said back in December, we’ll continue to look into issues that are being reported and subsequent updates will follow. You have all supported Skyrim in a huge way, and we’ll be supporting all of you, and continue to make the game better.

After the break, check out the current changelog for 1.4.

Current 1.4 Changelog (all platforms unless noted)


Skyrim launcher support for Steam Workshop (PC)


General optimizations for memory and performance

Fixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequin’s in player’s house. (PS3)

Improved compiler optimization settings (PC)

Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3)

Memory optimizations related to scripting

Fixed crashes related to pathing and AI

Fixed crash in Haemar’s Shame if player had already completed “A Daedra’s Best Friend”

Fixed rare crash with loading saved games

Fixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a line

Master Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian

Fixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctly

Fixed issue where quests would incorrectly progress after reloading a save

Fixed issues with placing and removing books from bookshelves in the player’s home

Fixed issue where weapon racks and plaques would not work correctly in player’s house if player immediately visits their house before purchasing any furnishing.

Fixed issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properly

Fixed crash related to giant attacks and absorb spells

Fixed issue with ash piles not cleaning up properly

Fixed occasional issue where overwriting an existing save would fail

Fixed memory crash with container menu

Fixed infinite loop with bookshelves

Fixed issue where traps in Shalidor’s Maze would not work properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian versions

Fixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally not fail

Bows and daggers will display properly when placed on weapon racks


The Unusual Gem inside the Thalmor Embassy is now accessible after finishing “Diplomatic Immunity”

In “Breaching Security”, the quest token is no longer required to receive a fortune reading from Olava the Feeble

Fixed issue where Galmar would not complete Joining the Stormcloaks properly if “Season Unending” was an active quest

Fixed issue where starting “Season Unending” after finishing “Joining the Stormcloaks” would prevent “The Jagged Crown” from starting properly.

Fixed issue progressing through “Message to Whiterun” while “Season Unending” was still open would block progression for both quests.

In “Arniel’s Endeavor”, fixed issue where a quest journal would trigger multiple times

In “Forbidden Legend”, the amulet fragment can no longer disappear after player leaves a dungeon without taking it

Fixed rare issue in “Forbidden Legend” where killing Mikrul Gauldurson while sneaking would make his corpse unaccessible

In “The White Phial”, the phial can no longer disappear if player leaves dungeon without taking it

“The White Phial” will now start properly if player already has a briar heart in their inventory

Player can no longer get stuck in Misty Grove after completing “A Night to Remember”

Fixed issue where leaving Riften during “A Chance Arrangement” would prevent quest from progressing

In “Darkness Returns”, a door in Twilight Sepulcher will properly open if the player leaves the dungeon for an extended period of time before completing the quest

In “Under New Management”, if the player leaves the Oculory for an extended period of time after placing the focusing crystal and returns, the quest will proceed correctly

“Onmund’s Request” will now start properly if player has already found Enthir’s staff before receiving this quest

Fixed instance where Tonilia would stop buying stolen items and also would not give Guild Leader Armor

“Repairing the Phial” will start properly if player already has unmelting snow or mammoth tusk in their inventory

Finding Pantea’s Flute before speaking with Pantea no longer prevents her quest from updating

In “The Coming of the Dawn”, fixed rare instance where a quest object would spawn incorrectly on the Katariah during Hail Sithis

Fixed rare issue in “The Mind of Madness” where player is unable to equip the Wabbajack

Fixed issue in “Pieces of the Past” where Mehrunes Dagon’s Razor will not trigger properly if player leaves the cell for extended period of time before activating it

“Blood’s Honor” will start properly if you visited and completed Driftshade and an extended period of time passes before starting the quest.

Fixed rare issue where “Dampened Spirits” would not start properly

Fixed issue where player would be unable to become Thane of Riften if they purchased a home first

Fixed issue where killing guards in Cidhna Mine woud block progression for “No One Escapes Cidhna Mine”

Fixed numerous issues with “Blood on the Ice” not triggering properly

In “Blood on the Ice”, Calixto can now be killed if player owns a house in Windhelm

In “The Cure for Madness”, killing Cicero then resurrecting him no longer impedes quest progress

Fixed rare issue in “To Kill an Empire” where an NPC would fail to die properly

Clearing Knifepoint Ridge before starting “Boethiah’s Champion” no longer prevents quest from starting.


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  • 2 tednov kasneje...
  • 2 tednov kasneje...

Popravek je na PS3 malo ksneje.


Update 2/9: 1.4 update is now live on Xbox LIVE. PS3 update is looking good for today as well. If we get an update from Sony, we’ll let you know.

Today we’ve taken Skyrim’s 1.4 update out of beta and made it available for everyone on Steam. In addition to bug and quest fixes, 1.4 adds launcher support for the Skyrim Workshop. Currently we’re putting the final touches on the Creation Kit and Skyrim Workshop and will let everyone know as soon as they’re up.

As an update to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 users, we’re submitting 1.4 to the console manufacturers this week. When these updates are available, we’ll let everyone know.

After the break, check out the final release notes for 1.4. The changes impact all platforms unless noted.


Skyrim launcher support for Skyrim Workshop (PC)


General optimizations for memory and performance

Fixed occasional issue with armor and clothing not displaying properly when placed on mannequins in player’s house (PS3)

Long term play optimizations for memory and performance (PS3)

Improved compiler optimization settings (PC)

Memory optimizations related to scripting

Fixed issue with dangling scripts not properly clearing from memory

Fixed crashes related to pathing and AI

Fixed crash in “Haemar’s Shame” if player had already completed “A Daedra’s Best Friend”

Fixed rare crash with loading saved games

Fixed issue with accented characters not displaying properly at the end of a line

Fixed issue where dragon priest masks would not render correctly

Fixed issue where quests would incorrectly progress after reloading a save

Fixed issues with placing and removing books from bookshelves in the player’s home

Optimized bookshelf script in player-owned houses that would occasionally block other scripts from properly firing off

Fixed issue where weapon racks and plaques would not work correctly in player’s house if player immediately visits their house before purchasing any upgrades

Fixed issue where the player house in Windhelm would not clean up properly

Fixed crash related to giant attacks and absorb spells

Fixed issue with ash piles not cleaning up properly

Fixed occasional issue where overwriting an existing save would fail

Fixed memory crash with container menu

Fixed infinite loop with bookshelves

Fixed issue where transforming back to human from werewolf would occasionally fail

Bows and daggers will display properly when placed on weapon racks

Fixed occasional audio issue that would play sound effects louder than intended

Fixed bug related to hitching between cell boundaries

Master Criminal achievement/trophy unlocks properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian

Fixed issue where traps in Shalidor’s Maze would not work properly in French, German, Spanish and Italian versions


The Unusual Gem that was inside the Thalmor Embassy is now accessible after finishing “Diplomatic Immunity”

In “Breaching Security”, the quest token is no longer required to receive a fortune reading from Olava the Feeble

Fixed issue where Galmar would not complete Joining the Stormcloaks properly if “Season Unending” was an active quest

Fixed issue where starting “Season Unending” after finishing “Joining the Stormcloaks” would prevent “The Jagged Crown” from starting properly

Fixed issue where progressing through “Message to Whiterun” while “Season Unending” was still open would block progression for both quests

In “Arniel’s Endeavor”, fixed issue where a quest journal would trigger multiple times

In “Forbidden Legend”, the amulet fragment can no longer disappear after player leaves a dungeon without taking it

Fixed rare issue in “Forbidden Legend” where killing Mikrul Gauldurson while sneaking would make his corpse unaccessible

In “The White Phial”, the phial can no longer disappear if player leaves dungeon without taking it

“The White Phial” will now start properly if player already has a briar heart in their inventory

Player can no longer get stuck in Misty Grove after completing “A Night to Remember”

Fixed issue where leaving Riften during “A Chance Arrangement” would prevent quest from progressing

In “Darkness Returns”, a door in Twilight Sepulcher will properly open if the player leaves the dungeon for an extended period of time before completing the quest

In “Revealing the Unseen”, if the player leaves the Oculory for an extended period of time after placing the focusing crystal and returns, the quest will proceed correctly

“Onmund’s Request” will now start properly if player has already found Enthir’s staff before receiving this quest

Fixed instance where Tonilia would stop buying stolen items and also would not give Guild Leader Armor

“Repairing the Phial” will start properly if player already has unmelting snow or mammoth tusk in their inventory

Finding Pantea’s Flute before speaking with Pantea no longer prevents her quest from updating

In “The Break of Dawn”, fixed rare instance where a quest object would spawn incorrectly on the Katariah during Hail Sithis

Fixed rare issue in “The Mind of Madness” where player is unable to equip the Wabbajack

Fixed issue in “Pieces of the Past” where Mehrunes Dagon’s Razor will not trigger properly if player leaves the cell for extended period of time before activating it

“Blood’s Honor” will start properly if you visited and completed Driftshade and an extended period of time passes before starting the quest.

Fixed rare issue where “Dampened Spirits” would not start properly

Fixed issue where player would be unable to become Thane of Riften if they purchased a home first

Fixed issue where killing guards in Cidhna Mine would block progression for “No One Escapes Cidhna Mine”

Fixed numerous issues with “Blood on the Ice” not triggering properly

In “Blood on the Ice”, Calixto can now be killed if player owns a house in Windhelm

In “The Cure for Madness”, killing Cicero then resurrecting him no longer impedes quest progress

Fixed rare issue in “To Kill an Empire” where an NPC would fail to die properly

Clearing Knifepoint Ridge before starting “Boethiah’s Champion” no longer prevents quest from starting.


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The main thing you’ll get from Skyrim’s new 1.5 update is a range of new kill cams and animations. There’s everything from wrestling moves to swords thrust into soft places. The new cams also cover archery and magic. Basically killing people just got a lot more fun to watch. There’s also a range of fixes for various knackered missions. Full list and trailer after the click.

The patch is only on PC at the moment but will be on PS3 “soon”.

UPDATE 1.5 (all platforms unless noted)


New cinematic kill cameras for projectile weapons and spells

New kill moves and animations for melee weapons

Shadows on grass available (PC)

Smithing skill increases now factor in the created item’s value

Improved visual transition when going underwater

Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes


General crash fixes and memory optimizations

Fixed issue with Deflect Arrows perk not calculating properly

In “A Cornered Rat,” the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression

Fixed issue where Farkas would not give Companion’s quests properly

Fixed crash when loading saves that rely on data that is no longer being loaded

Followers sneak properly when player is sneaking

Fixed issue with weapon racks not working properly in Proudspire Manor

Arrows and other projectiles that were stuck in objects in the world now clean up properly

Fixed issue where “Rescue Mission” was preventing “Taking Care of Business” from starting properly

Fixed issue where certain NPCs would fail to become Thieves Guild fences

Fixed issue in “Diplomatic Immunity” where killing all the guards in the Thalmor Embassy before starting the quest would break progress

In “Hard Answers,” picking up the dwarven museum key after completing the quest, no longer restarts the quest

Killing Viola before or after “Blood on the Ice” no longer blocks progression

Fixed issue where Calixto would fail to die properly in “Blood on the Ice”

In “Waking Nightmare” fixed occasional issue where Erandur would stop pathing properly

Fixed issue where letters and notes with random encounters would appear blank

Fixed rare issue where dialogue and shouts would improperly play

Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun

Fixed issue where if player manually mined ore in Cidhna Mine, jail time would not be served

Fixed rare issue with skills not increasing properly

Fixed issue where the Headsman’s Axe did not gain proper buff from Barbarian perk

In “A Night to Remember” it is no longer possible to kill Ysolda, Ennis or Senna before starting the quest

Fixed issue with the ebony dagger having a weapon speed that was too slow

Fixed issue with “The Wolf Queen Awakened” where backing out of a conversation with Styrr too soon would block progress

The third level of the Limbsplitter perk now properly improves all battle axes

Fixed a rare issue where Sanguine Rose would not work properly

In “Tending the Flames” King Olaf’s Verse will no longer disappear from explosions



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The main thing you’ll get from Skyrim’s new 1.5 update is a range of new kill cams and animations. There’s everything from wrestling moves to swords thrust into soft places. The new cams also cover archery and magic. Basically killing people just got a lot more fun to watch. There’s also a range of fixes for various knackered missions. Full list and trailer after the click.

The patch is only on PC at the moment but will be on PS3 “soon”.

UPDATE 1.5 (all platforms unless noted)


New cinematic kill cameras for projectile weapons and spells

New kill moves and animations for melee weapons

Shadows on grass available (PC)

Smithing skill increases now factor in the created item’s value

Improved visual transition when going underwater

Improved distance LOD transition for snowy landscapes


General crash fixes and memory optimizations

Fixed issue with Deflect Arrows perk not calculating properly

In “A Cornered Rat,” the death of certain NPCs no longer blocks progression

Fixed issue where Farkas would not give Companion’s quests properly

Fixed crash when loading saves that rely on data that is no longer being loaded

Followers sneak properly when player is sneaking

Fixed issue with weapon racks not working properly in Proudspire Manor

Arrows and other projectiles that were stuck in objects in the world now clean up properly

Fixed issue where “Rescue Mission” was preventing “Taking Care of Business” from starting properly

Fixed issue where certain NPCs would fail to become Thieves Guild fences

Fixed issue in “Diplomatic Immunity” where killing all the guards in the Thalmor Embassy before starting the quest would break progress

In “Hard Answers,” picking up the dwarven museum key after completing the quest, no longer restarts the quest

Killing Viola before or after “Blood on the Ice” no longer blocks progression

Fixed issue where Calixto would fail to die properly in “Blood on the Ice”

In “Waking Nightmare” fixed occasional issue where Erandur would stop pathing properly

Fixed issue where letters and notes with random encounters would appear blank

Fixed rare issue where dialogue and shouts would improperly play

Lydia will now offer marriage option after player purchases Breezehome in Whiterun

Fixed issue where if player manually mined ore in Cidhna Mine, jail time would not be served

Fixed rare issue with skills not increasing properly

Fixed issue where the Headsman’s Axe did not gain proper buff from Barbarian perk

In “A Night to Remember” it is no longer possible to kill Ysolda, Ennis or Senna before starting the quest

Fixed issue with the ebony dagger having a weapon speed that was too slow

Fixed issue with “The Wolf Queen Awakened” where backing out of a conversation with Styrr too soon would block progress

The third level of the Limbsplitter perk now properly improves all battle axes

Fixed a rare issue where Sanguine Rose would not work properly

In “Tending the Flames” King Olaf’s Verse will no longer disappear from explosions


X360? No?

[No fear, no pain, be crazy & ride BMX]

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Kaj je to X360? Če klikneš na povezavo ti piše

It all starts with our upcoming 1.5 title update – available now as a Beta Update on Steam and arriving soon for Xbox 360 and PS3.

Zgornje citiranje sem pa povzel, se mi zdi, na eni bolj Playstation strani, itak, da X-a nobe ne omenja ;)


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