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Vsi zapisi od matej1990

  1. Igra bo prišla tudi na PC. Zgleda da bo portanje starih iger na PC postala stalnica za Sony.
  2. PC port igre je Sony-u vrgel kar 2,5-kratno vrednost investicije v portanje.
  3. Videli bomo prvi gameplay in sicer v četrtek ob 32:00! 20 min bo trajal State of play, od tega bo 14 min tega: "brand new in-game action featuring our heroic protagonist Aloy, all captured directly on PlayStation 5". 🤤
  4. Tole bi naj bilo že na voljo pri nas (ja, tudi v SLO!): Kolikor razumem je pogoj, da si lastiš enega od teh TVjev: Z9J, A90J, A80J, A83J, A84J, X95J, X90J, X92J, X93J in X94J. Imamo koga za testiranje? 🤗
  5. Zgodil se je čudež... Igra je KONČNO dobila PS5 patch! Patch v1.08 (300MB) doda ummm... možnost igranja na rock solid 60 fps! In to je tudi vse. Nekaj se tudi izboljša hitrost nalaganja. The Last of Us Part 2 has been upgraded for PS5 - and we've tested it Kje je podpora DualSense vibri in triggerjem? Kje so grafične izboljšave? Težava je v kompatibilnosti za nazaj, ki ni niti približno na Xbox nivoju. 😞 The Last of us 2 je še vedno PS4 igra in zato imajo razvijalci zavezane roke glede tega kaj vse lahko naredijo ob poganjanju PS4 iger na PS5. Kar pomeni... The last of us 2 definitivno pride na PS5. Triggerji in lok je bila prevečkrat omenjena kombinacija. 😄 Zaenkrat je govorica, da se bo zgodil le TLoU (1) remastered.
  6. matej1990

    PlayStation 5

    Naj dajo raje ven barvne PS5 plate! Res ne vem kaj čakajo.
  7. Tenet se ti splača nabavit, ker ga boš moral vsaj 2x gledat. 😁 Torej praviš, da je to tvoja naložba za boljšo penzijo, za čase ko več ne bo fizičnih medijev?
  8. Info o igri že ves čas mic po mic curlja na splet, tako da je skrajni čas za temo. Pri EA so že potrdili, da bo izid na PS5 in XSX, ter tudi na PS4 in XO. Poslovno logična poteza, glede na še vedno težko dobavljivost novih konzol in zelo številčni trg konzol prejšnje generacije. Torej odpade sprva opevan "true next-gen vision for the franchise". Junija bi naj dobili prvi napovednik oz. več informacij:
  9. matej1990

    PlayStation VR2

    Nove govorice glede PS VR 2 očal: resolucija: 4000x2040 (2000x2040 po očesu), kar je podvojena resolucija iz PS VR (960x1080 po očesu). USB C priklop - torej prednji USB C bo za PS VR 2 slednje očem (eye-tracking) - največja prednost je selektivno renderiranje slike. Torej to kar direktno gledaš je najlepše renderirano, to kar vidiš okoli, pa je lahko megleno. Druga prednost so bolj realni avatarji v igri. Na primer soigralec lahko vidi kam gledaš ali pa vidi tvojo reakcijo z zavijanjem oči, ko ti pove "mega" novico, da na PS+ prihajajo filmi. Obstajajo tudi že primeri, kjer se močno izboljša natančnost ciljanja v igrah. Torej zraven gibov rok, se upošteva tudi kam gledaš. inside-out tracking - pa-pa kamera nad TVjem in PS Move svetleče lizike. Kamera bo sedaj na samih očalih in bo sledila našim gibom roke in premikom v prostorih. Posledično bo sledenje precej bolj enostavno za uporabnika. Ne bo se več potrebno postaviti v točno določeno razdaljo od kamere. vibra - DualSense tresenje bi naj bilo prisotno v očalih. Tukaj mislim da zna biti težava hrup, kar mi ni ravno všeč. The next PlayStation VR will be 4K and include eye-tracking, according to UploadVR
  10. Igra je izšla pred petimi leti! Kam ta čas beži?!?! Malo statistike:
  11. Sem ravno mislil objaviti trailer, pa si me prehitel. 😄 Prvi del je meni bil prijetno presenečenje. Upam, da bo part 2 tudi.
  12. Marvel je ponovno na DC uničevalskem pohodu s svojimi filmi. 😁 Največja pričakovanja imam pri Dr Strange. Upam da ne razočara.
  13. matej1990

    PlayStation 5

    To pomeni cross platform chat!
  14. Število PS+ naročnikov je 47,6 milijone. 14,7 milijonska rast napram lanskemu letu. Nič kaj presenetljivo glede na to, da je PS+ postal praktično nuja za normalno uporabe konzol. Kakšna bo šele rast, ko bo Sony na polno pričel konkurirati Netflixu s svojo video vsebino na PS+!!! /s
  15. matej1990

    PlayStation 5

    7,8 milijonov prodanih PS5 konzol. Od tega jih je bilo 3,3 mil prodanih med januarjem in marcem. Še najbolj zanimiv podatek pa je, da je PS5 najhitreje prodajana konzola v USA do sedaj. Presenetljivo, glede na to, da so dobave še vedno okrnjene in kot kaže še bodo nekaj časa. Sony has sold 7.8 million PS5 consoles
  16. Izide 11. junija. To bo kar day 1 nakup za mene.
  17. Včeraj mi je uspelo igrati (in glih za malo tudi ne preigrati) RE Village demo. Mi je hudo všeč igra. Morda celo nabavim takoj ob izidu.
  18. Napovedana sta tudi 2 demo obdobja, ki bosta PS ekskluzivi in bosta na voljo za zgolj 8 ur (Resident evil 8). Torej ne 8h igranja, ampak 8h je časovni razpon v katerem bo demo odklenjen. Izjemno bedna omejitev. Oba demota bosta imela omejitev 30 min igranja. Dodatno bedna omejitev. Oba demota bosta na voljo za pre-load na konzolo! 1. demo: PLAYSTATION EXCLUSIVE 30-MINUTE VILLAGE DEMO - Europe: April 18 @ 7pm to April 19 @ 3am CEST - pre-load je že na voljo! 2. demo: PLAYSTATION EXCLUSIVE 30-MINUTE CASTLE DEMO - Europe: April 25 @ 7pm to April 26 @ 3am CEST Kasneje bo na voljo tudi 3. demo obdobje, ki bo veljalo za vse platforme: ALL PLATFORMS 60-MINUTE VILLAGE AND CASTLE DEMO - Europe: May 2 @ 2am to May 3 @ 2am CEST Demo bo odklenjen le za 24h. Torej v teh 24h ga bo potrebno preigrati, nato pa se zaklene. Igrali bomo lahko max 1h. Ponovno je oboje zelo neumna omejitev.
  19. matej1990

    TV Serije

    Deluje precej ok. Upam da ne bo precej dolgočasna zadeva, glede na to, da se samo gleda in ne tudi igra.
  20. Kot kaže je sprememb veliko več od sprva povedanih in odkritih. Vse spremembe v version: 21.01-03.00.00: You can now store PS5 games in USB extended storage. To move PS5 games from console storage to USB extended storage, go to your home screen or game library, open the options menu for the PS5 game you want to move, and then select Move to USB Extended Storage. To play PS5 games that are in USB extended storage, go to your game library, and copy the game to console storage from the options menu. Copying games is faster than redownloading them. It's also faster than reinstalling them from the disc if the game on USB extended storage has add-ons or has been updated. You can now enjoy Share Play with players on PS4. Use Share Play to invite your friends on PS4 to watch you play a game, or even hand over control to them. We've added zoom to our accessibility features. Use zoom to magnify what's on your screen. Go to Settings > Accessibility > Display > Zoom to enable this feature. We've added Disable Game Chat Audio in the control center under Sound. If you turn on this setting, your voice won't be heard, and you won't hear other players' voices in game chats. This setting doesn't apply to party voice chat audio. In Game Base, we've updated the following: You can more easily access recent parties and see your online friends. Use the R1 and L1 buttons to quickly move between tabs. You can now turn notifications on or off for each of the parties you're in. You can now adjust the volume of other players' voices in party voice chat as well as in the game chat of some games. From the voice chat card in the control center, select a player to adjust their volume. In Profile, we've updated the following: You can now share your favorite gaming moments more easily than ever. Under the Shared tab, select Go to Media Gallery and pick your favorite media to share. We've separated videos and broadcasts under the Shared tab for easier browsing. You can now manage all the games you follow by going to Settings > Saved Data and Game/App Settings > Manage Followed Games. This allows you to unfollow games without having to navigate to the individual news posts or game hubs. For displays that support the HDMI device link feature, you can now enable or disable one-touch play and power off link individually. Go to Settings > System > HDMI to change these settings. When one-touch play is enabled, turning on your PS5 console will also turn on your connected display. When power off link is enabled, turning off your connected display will put your PS5 console in rest mode. You can now set the country or region in the parental control settings for PS5 console users and guests who haven't joined or signed in to PlayStation Network. The country or region you select will determine what rating system is applied to PS5 games and apps. To change a user's country or region, go to Settings > Family and Parental Controls, select the user, and then select PS5 under Age level for games and apps. You can also set the country or region in advance for new users and guests on your PS5 console. To do so, go to Settings > Family and Parental Controls > PS5 Console Restrictions > Parental Controls for New Users > PS5. You can now hide games in Game Library. If you hide a game, it will no longer be displayed under the Your Collection tab. To hide a game, go to the Your Collection tab, open the game's options menu, and then select Hide. To view your hidden games, go to the Your Collection tab, open the Sort and Filter menu, and then select Hidden Items. To unhide a game, turn on the Hidden Items filter, open the options menu for the game you want to unhide, and then select Unhide. Games you hide on your PS4 console will also be hidden on your PS5 console. Other updated features: We've added the following features to saved data management: When you start or resume a PS5 game, your console will check for newer saved data in cloud storage. If you have more recent saved data in cloud storage, you can choose to sync the data. It's now easier to manage your saved data directly from the home screen. When you open the options menu for a game, you'll now see Upload/Download Saved Data and Check Sync Status of Saved Data. We now support more emojis. In Trophies, we've updated the following: You can now access screenshots and videos taken the moment you earn a trophy. Select a trophy you've earned to see related media. You can now choose which grades of trophies you want to save trophy screenshots and videos for. To change these settings, go to Settings > Captures and Broadcasts > Trophies. Now when you select a hidden trophy, you can press the square button to quickly show hidden information. You can now go directly to a game's trophy list from a trophy card by selecting Go to Trophies in the options menu. Once you've selected a sort order for your trophies, your trophies will remain sorted in that order for all games. You can now view your trophy stats by pressing the square button on the Trophies screen. Now when you sort your trophies by rarity or earned date, the trophy cards will show the rarity or earned date information. If you install this update, Enable Chat Transcription in accessibility settings will be turned off. If you want to use the chat transcription feature, turn this setting back on. In the multitasking feature for cards, we've updated the following: Now when you focus on the multitasking icon on a card, you'll see hints about the multitasking modes that are available: picture-in-picture, pin to side, or both. We've added a button guide to show you how to interact with a card that's currently in multitasking mode. You can now see your wireless controller's battery percentage in the control center. In the game or subscription hub, you'll now see promotional offers that are currently available, including those for PlayStation Plus, PlayStation Now, and EA Play subscribers. To view the options that aren't displayed in the hub, press the ... (more options) button. When playing a game you've hidden by selecting Hide your games from other players in your privacy settings, other players will no longer see information about the game you're currently playing next to your online status. Some PC monitors that can display 1080p/120 Hz now support 120 Hz display for games. If you're having trouble viewing your game at 120 Hz, go to Settings > Screen and Video > Video Output, and then turn off Enable 120 Hz Output. We've added the option to switch the video output to non-HDR when using a game or app that doesn't support HDR. To change this setting, go to Settings > Screen and Video > Video Output > HDR. We've made updates to the system software to improve stability and performance.
  21. Nova posodobitev (v 21.01- je že na voljo. Še nekaj novosti: HDR nastavitev je dobila ša tretjo opcijo (On when supported), kar pomeni, da bo PS5 sedaj sam preklapljal med HDR podprto in nepodprto vsebino (enako kot PS4 in PS4 Pro). HDMI-CEC je dobil fine nastavitve. Ločeno lahko vklopimo/izklopimo funkcijo avtomatskega vklopa TVja bo prižigu PS5. Druga opcija pa je avtomatski PS5 izklop ob izklopu TVja. Več 1080p monitorjem ima sedaj podporo za 120Hz. System feature update. Morda gre za ločeno posodabljanje določenih zadev, da ni vedno potreben FW update? Nastavitve sedaj ponujajo v meniju tudi nastavitve za povezane zadeve: DualSense je dobil nov FW update.
  22. Jutri izide prvi večji FW update (spoiler: SSD razširitve še vedno ni): PS5 igre se bo dalo kopirati na USB disk. PS5 igre iz USBja ne bodo igralne in jih bo potrebno skopirati nazaj na SSD. Cross-generation Share Play - PS5 in PS4. Tudi Request to Join je cross-gen. Game Base je dobil Parties in Friends zavihek Opcija za hitri izklop in-game chata. Izklopi se mikrofon in zvok ostalih igralcev. Za posameznega igralca bomo lahko prilagodili glasnost v chatu! Torej ne bo več potrebno prositi sogovorca naj si zmanjša/pojača mikrofon. Pre-download posodobitev za igre. Slično kot preload za igre, le da v tem primeru gre le za posodobitve. Razvijalec bo moral to omogočiti v sami igri. Game Library si bomo lahko prilagodili. Lahko skrijemo posamezne igre. Screen Zoom - povečava teksta? Nove nastavitve za trofeje in nov status screen: The level of trophies that results in automatic capture of a screenshot or video clip can now be customized — so you can now choose to only capture and save images/videos of moments when you earn higher-grade trophies, like Gold or Platinum. We’re also introducing a new player Trophy Stats screen, where you can check out the summary of your trophy level and status at a glance. PS app novosti: pridružitev v PS5 multiplayer kar iz appa, na daljavo bomo lahko upravljali s PS5 spominom (storage). Jutri bo znanih več detajlov.
  23. Ni slabo. Mi je všeč nova izvedba skladbe.
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