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Ob včerajšnjem igranju igre me je Bartala opozoril (:beer:) o pre-order bonusih in zakaj jih nimam aktiviranih (videl je mojo navadno vesoljko ladjo (Jumpship) s katero odpotuješ ko določiš destinacijo v orbiti). No... izgleda da sem eden izmed mnogih ki so imeli težave s temi pre-order bonusi:

Seems people have been having trouble accessing their extra content such as the ghost skins and vanguard armoury with complaints rising on the bungie support forum.

As i'm on the ps4, I managed to fix the issue by restoring my licenses. To do so, go to Settings -> PSN -> Restore Licenses and then the pre order bonuses should be available when you relaunch the game. Seems to be an issue with digital downloads as far as I can tell as the extra items weren't downloaded properly when preloading.

EDIT: I'll try update this with additional methods that people used to get their bonus content working.

Turned off the PS4 and turned it back on first, restored licenses again and under Destiny, in "Related Items" the DLC finally showed up. Credit: seooo13

Turn your ps4 all the way off (not stand by), turn in back on do not start destiny up, renew licenses, turn it all the way off and on again. This is the only way it worked for me. Credit: T1cklish

Log into the web store and download the expansion pack then download the vanguard armory. Then it was there after restoring licenses. Credit: mastamind229


Jaz sem svojo težavo rešil po tej metodi:

Turn your ps4 all the way off (not stand by), turn in back on do not start destiny up, renew licenses, turn it all the way off and on again.

Bonus moraš nato dobiti takoj ob vstopu v tower pri postmanu!

Mi je pa bilo vse skupaj že pred njegovim opozorilom zelo čudno, ker je na PS4 pod igro še vedno pisala cena z buy gumbom. Tega nisem imel še pri nobeni drugi že kupljeni igri. Ko sem izvedel zgoraj omenjen postopek je cena seveda izginila in je sedaj vse enako kot pri drugih igrah.

Aja, pa igra ga seka na polno, še posebej s soigralci! Komaj čakam raide! :rock:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Since the beginning, we’ve been confident that our investment and belief in Destiny would pay off. But not many people believed we’d be able to say it did so on day one…Destiny is officially the biggest new franchise launch in our industry’s history. It’s also the highest-selling day one digital console release in history. We have more confidence than ever that Destiny will become one of the iconic franchises of this generation, and Activision’s next billion dollar brand.

500 milijonov $ so dobili povrnjenih v enem dnevu! :jaw-dropping:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Ob včerajšnjem igranju igre me je Bartala opozoril (:beer:) o pre-order bonusih in zakaj jih nimam aktiviranih (videl je mojo navadno vesoljko ladjo (Jumpship) s katero odpotuješ ko določiš destinacijo v orbiti). No... izgleda da sem eden izmed mnogih ki so imeli težave s temi pre-order bonusi:

navadno jumpshit? a z pre-order je še kaj drugega kot vanguard amro in orožje?


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  • vrhovni

Malo sem se narobe izrazil ja. Pri ladji ne gre za preorder bonus.

Drugače pa ja, preorderju je dodan še en emblem. :cheerful: V preorder je zajet Vanguard Armory. Torej tole: KLIK!

Note that this is just an early access, so regular gamers who didn't bother to pre-order will still be able to unlock the Vanguard set eventually.

navadno jumpshit?

No, tudi to je lahko, ker gre samo za vizualno razliko med ladjami. :D

Jaz sem vzel Digital Guardian Edition, kjer je dodan ta drugačen skin za ladjo s katero potuješ od planeta do planeta.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

Gre za zbirateljske kartice v igri, ki ti nudijo dodatne informacije o celotni igri: zgodba, liki, orožja, nasprotniki, zavezniki, lokacije, multiplayer mape,... Kar zanimivo branje. Kartice dobivaš tako, da opravljaš misije v igri: igranje zgodbe, pobiranje ghostov, igranje multiplayerja (Crucible),... Aja, pa nekatere te kartice ti dajejo denar (Glimmer), ene več, ene manj, ene pa nič. Določene kartice ti tudi kažejo statistiko (koliko nasprotnikov si pobil, kako dolgo si igral katero MP mapo,...). Ko pobiješ na primer določeno število nasprotnikov, se ti odklene višji rank in potem ti nasprotniki več "puščajo za seboj", ko jih pobiješ.

Grimoire si lahko predstavljaš kot achivmente/trofeje z več teksta, slikicami in statistiko.

Grimoire Cards are collectible cards you unlock by reaching certain milestones in the game. Each Grimoire Card has Grimoire Points, which add to your overall Grimoire Score. Each Cards has a description on the back that details a piece of lore in the Destiny Universe. Additionally, as players level up their Grimoire Cards, they will unlock various in-game bonuses depending on the Card. The cards will play a big part in unraveling the mysterious of Destiny as the player progress through the game.

Players can check the Grimoire Cards they have collected and their Grimoire Score on their profiles on Bungie website.

Urejano od matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

Pri titanih sigurno, pri warlockih pa ima magični vonj. :)

Napovednik eventov:


Very soon, strange characters will arrive in the Tower with special offerings in hand.

Public Events will erupt from the skies over your favorite destinations with greater frequency.

And, Bungie will enter the fray with some bounties of our own for you to claim – if you can.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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  • vrhovni

Meni je kampanja na zemlji bila bolj tako tako, ampak verjetno zato ker sem jo že igral v alfi in beti. Sedaj ko sem pa na luni, pa sem samo: :drool: In mislim da bo še naprej tako.

Drugače pa sem čisto padel v crucible. MP je vsaj zame res zabaven, ker je ves čas tempo, hkrati pa so stili igranja čisto različni (odvisno od orožja, sposobnosti in igralne taktike).

Zaenkrat sta mi najljubša moda control in rumble.

Sem se pa odločil za tak potek igranja: najprej malo nabildam level v crucible (z bountiji), nato pa nadaljujem z zgodbo nastavljeno na hard (da dobim čim več XP-jev in da je nek izziv - vsaj v smislu večjega števila nasprotnikov). Meni je všeč tako in se bom dalje držal tega.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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