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18. marca na GDC 2014:

On Tuesday, March 18th during GDC 2014, Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony Worldwide Studios, Anton Mikhailov, Senior Software Engineer at SCEA R&D, and Richard Marks, Senior Director at SCEA R&D, will be hosting a presentation called Driving the Future of Innovation at Sony Computer Entertainment.

With Mikhailov and Marks being key contributors to the development of PlayStation Move and the PlayStation Eye, and Shuhei Yoshida one of the higher-ups at Sony, it’s easy to speculate that we might finally hear about that PS4 VR headset on the 18th. Unfortunately, the description of the presentation doesn’t give out any hints as to what they’ll be presenting, instead we’re given just a vague teaser:

"Join Sony Computer Entertainment for a presentation on innovation at PlayStation and the future of gaming."


According to Edge, some developers may already have the hardware right now.

According to unnamed developers who have tried the Sony headset, the device surpasses the original Oculus Rift devkit.

Of course, Oculus has refined its headset since its initial debut, tweaking latency in an effort to lower the related nausea and improving visuals with a 1080p display. But the Rift is--as of now--still a PC-centric device, and a big push from Sony could finally launch the VR hype into the console space.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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No počasi napreduje tudi Gaikaia...


Gaikai site reveals PlayStation Now game pricing

While it’s hard to see in the picture the prices appear to be $5.99 to buy Far Cry 3 or $4.99 for Uncharted 3, while The Last of Us ramps up significantly to $49.99. It’s possible these are only place-holder prices but it wouldn’t be a surprise if a game’s cost is decided by demand. There’s also no mention of subscription fees either.

Po moje bosta 2 načina plačevanja:

  • Prvi je tale, ki je viden zgoraj. Plačaš 5-6€ in lahko streamaš igro (po možnosti za vedno?).
  • Drugi pa je v stilu PS+ naročnine. Plačaš neko večjo vsoto (50€ na leto) in lahko streamaš ves katalog iger v zbirki Playstation Now. Še bolje, če združijo PS+ in Playstation Now pod eno naročnino z nizko ceno (60-70€ na leto). :begging:

Dolgoročno so PS+ naročnini šteti dnevi, ko celotno Playstation Now zadevo porihtajo tako kot mora biti. Ampak pot do tja je še ZELO dolga. :)

Izgleda da bo rentanje za 1, 7 in 30 dni:


An update to the PS Store shows some titles, such as Catherine, have the option to rent for 1 day, 7 days and 30 days, although at the moment the option is non-functioning.

NeoGAF users have of course, been on the case, and have found evidence that the rentals appear to be linked to PS Now, Sony’s Gaikai-powered streaming games service.

The U.S PS Store is currently mis-behaving as far as accessing it is concerned, so it looks like Sony may have something to show sooner rather than later.



Urejano od matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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V bistvu ni prvi, so bili že prej z nastavkom za Move...



Slides at the show showed the prototype in development back on 2010 consisting of a Sony HMZ Personal 3D viewer with a Move strapped to the side (research started as soon as Move was perfected). The early demo involved a first person version of God Of War 2 from Sony Santa Monica where you played an arena mode complete with dismemberment and the ability to look down and ‘see’ Kratos body.

Za demo na GDC uprabljajo EVE Valkyrie, podobno kot ga je že Oculus Rift pred časom...


Sony are also working with NASA on a demo that lets you explore Mars in Morpheus using real geographic data. Confirmed studios working with device include Crytek, Epic and CriWare while Havok and Unity are also involved.

Sony also showed a demos at GDC deep sea dive, a castle exploration, and, more interestingly, versions of Thief and Eve Valkyrie.

The current dev kit uses a 1080p display and a 90-degree field of view with 360 degree positional head-tracking. The camera can track the headset, pad and Move all at once at rate of 1000Hz. The image of what you see is mirrored on your TV screen for others to watch. The prototype is currently wired (with a five foot cable) but Sony hope the final product won’t be,
Urejano od Bessie


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Vse je odvisno predvsem od tega kako agresivno bodo nastavili ceno. Upam da bo poceni in da deluje vsaj tako dobro kot zadnji Oculus prototip. Če bo povrhu zadeva še brezžična toliko bolje.


Project Morpheus also features our new 3D audio technology that re-creates stereoscopic sounds in all directions and changes in real-time depending on your head orientation.


EDIT 2: In Playstation kamera bo s tem dobila uporabnost. :)

Urejano od matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Vse je odvisno predvsem od tega kako agresivno bodo nastavili ceno. Upam da bo poceni in da deluje vsaj tako dobro kot zadnji Oculus prototip. Če bo povrhu zadeva še brezžična toliko bolje.



EDIT 2: In Playstation kamera bo s tem dobila uporabnost. :)

VR na PS4 bo flop, kot je bil move na PS3. Pa ne zgolj zato ker bo podpora s stani Sonya po začetnem navdušenju splahnela, ampak enostavno hardware je prešibak. Če sem rahlo žaljiv so trenutne konzole current gen in ne next gen, to je edino PC.



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Čisto možno.

Meni osebno je move všeč in če pogledam nazaj mi ni žal denarja zanj. Je pa res, da mi je všeč le do neke mere in samo pri določenih igrah. Včasih bi raje videl da ga ne implementirajo, ker enostavno ne "paše" v igro. Na primer Sports Champions je odlično izkoristil move. Odlično se obnese tudi s temi igrami: EyePet, The Shoot, Killzone 3, Heavy Rain, The Unfinished Swan,... Ampak vseeno je zanj relativno malo iger. + žal je Sony na PS4 konzoli popolnoma pozabil na move...

Tudi za VR očala bo držalo verjetno nekaj podobnega. Vse igre jih ne bodo podpirale, tako da TV bo še vedno potreben. Možno da bo usoda podobna kot z move kontrolerjem: popestritev igralne izkušnje, TV pa še vedno ostaja kralj.

Obremenitev PS3 z move kontrolerji je bila za konzolo veliko lažja, kot pa bo VR za PS4. Tako da imaš point glede prešibkosti. Bomo videli koliko bodo lahko izstisnili iz sistema z nadaljnjo optimizacijo. Upam da dovolj.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Zakaj bi pa VR obremenjeval konzolo? Res da moraš 2x izrisovati isto sceno a po drugi strani rabiš precej majnšo končno resolucijo. Pozicija čelade v prostoru je nadgradnja obstoječe lučke na kontrolerju, tako da tudi tu verjetno ni bistvenih sprememb. Podatke s senzorjev na VR čeladi pa lahko tudi obdelajo namenski čipi, preden jih posredujejo PS4.

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Če se ne motim gre nekako takole (če nimam prav me naj nekdo prosim popravi): v očalih je samo en (tako kot v Oculus) 1080p (1920x1080) ekran. Torej slika ima enako resolucija kot na TV-ju. Pri tem ni razlike. Razlika je pa v tem: na tem enem ekranu v očalih se drug ob drugi izrisujeta 2 sliki (2 krat 960x1080), ki pa ne prikazujeta popolnoma enake vsebine (sliki sta rahlo zamaknjeni), da naredita 3D efekt (popolnoma enako kot naše oči). Torej sliki nista enaki. Posledično je to bolj zahtevno kot če bi hotel imeti prikazano samo eno 1080p sliko (tako kot local co-op igre aka split screen bolj obremeni konzolo kot če igro igra samo en igralec). Torej 3D je grafično zahtevnejši za konzolo kot 2D.

Upam da razumeš kaj mislim in da pravilno mislim. :tepen:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Co-op je popolnoma druga pesem, ker tam moraš dejansko skrbet za dve sceni hkrati (predstavljaj si, da sta igralca obrnjena en proti drugemu in vidita popolnoma različne stvari). Pri VR pa gre za nekako isto sceno (isti objekti, fizika, ...) in ko imaš vse postavljeno na sceno jo renderiraš za eno oko in nato za drugo. To je tudi najbolj zahteven del, ki pa ga v primeru VR delaš pri polovični resoluciji, zato je izguba minimalna, po nekaterih ocenah nekje do max 15%. Zahtevnost VR je nekako na nivoju ogledal v igrah ali pa kakih nadzornih kamer.

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Kaj bo v novem update-u

Here at PlayStation, we listen closely to your comments and requests, which are weighted heavily when looking at the future of our platforms. Since PlayStation 4 launched, we’ve heard a lot of great feedback from you about what you like with the platform and what you’d like to see us work on. I’m happy to report that, as a direct result of your feedback, we’ll soon be bringing some of your most-requested features to PS4 with a system software update in the upcoming weeks. These features and additions will help make your PS4 even more socially connected by further enabling you to customize your most epic gaming moments and granting even more options to show them to your friends.

This upcoming update will add a rich video editor with a simple tool to personalize your video clips, and you’ll also be able to export to and save the videos and screenshots you create by pressing the SHARE button to a USB drive. In addition, this update will add an HDCP off option for capturing gameplay via HDMI, a feature we’ve previously said would come after launch. We recognize that some gamers want to record and share longer clips of their gameplay sessions, and we’re excited to deliver this option with PS4. There’s a lot more coming in this update as well, so stay tuned for more—there will be plenty in the update to excite everyone.

As part of a separate system software update in the future, we have been working with our partners at Twitch and Ustream, and will also be adding the ability for Twitch broadcasts to be archived – another highly requested feature among PS4 fans who are taking advantage of the SHARE button features. These broadcasts will be also provided with a higher resolution of 720p, so PS4 fans can enjoy live broadcasts with clearer images. We’ll have more to come on these updates and more in the coming weeks.


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Morfej @GDC




Journalist Impressions:


The cat's out of the bag and ... uh, on our head? Okay, we can do better than that, but what we're trying to say is that we just used Sony's new Playstation 4 virtual reality headset: Project Morpheus. You already know the specs and all that good stuff, we're here to tell you what it's like using the still-in-prototype-form virtual reality headset for the PlayStation 4. Good news: it's pretty great! Surprise!

The Verge

There's no price or release date on a final version of Project Morpheus,
and Sony has confirmed that it's definitely not coming this year.
What we've seen, though, is a worthy entrant into the admittedly small head-mounted display market. Sony's hardware improves on the Rift's design, and despite some problems with image quality, it certainly measures up to similar options. For now, what we're really waiting on is a real stable of VR games, beyond tech demos and some adaptations of non-VR titles like Thief. And given its considerable clout with game developers, this will hopefully be an area where Sony really shines.

VR Focus

Sony Computer Entertainment’s Project Morpheus was yet another of their poorly kept secrets, and yet little could have prepared the audience at yesterday’s ‘Driving the Future of Innovation at Sony Computer Entertainment’ for just how accomplished the device would be. Today however, VRFocus was granted access to the playable builds of both The Deep and The Castle Demo. There’ll be hands-on previews of both of these titles coming very soon, but before that there’s something more important to discuss: the headset itself.

Twitter Impressions:

Sebastien 'Cb' Kuntz ‏@Cb_VRGeek 2m

#Morpheus: good rez, comfortable, low latency, wide range position tracking , hand tracking 2b improved, some blur

#Morpheus: not tried DK2 yet, but FOV was similar to DK1. Less blur, but still a bit. The tracking (head/hand) is very stable.

I tested "The Deep", unnderwater demo, IK was off, but position tracking really adds. Earphones not so good but 3D audio quite nice. Head and hand tracking are stable. It was really showing in the sword demo, especially hand tracking. They have body IK also

Solanimus - DavidHK ‏@Solanimus 3m

So the resolution is not an issue for Morpheus. The depth is good, comfort is good... Not best tracking, but can be fixed I think. I'm definitely looking forward to developing for Morpheus. #GDC2014

Morpheus did not feel the same as oculus. I mean that in more than one way. The only thing I would have liked more besides tracking is that the sound was too quiet so I could not hear the nuances of the sound work done by Sony.

The first demo I played was The Deep. I was inside a cage going underwater and got attacked by a shark. The second demo was one where I could move more freely; punching and shooting in a medieval setting. I got eaten by a dragon. Both demos looked impressive graphically and the depth was very well done. Bubbles close and wreckage far away in the deep. The current downsides for Sony to work through: tracking, quicker resetting of calibration, and perhaps the sound.

What currently sets Morpheus apart from what I've done with oculus is the clarity of very near and far as well as full body tracking, and overall comfort of course. The consumer version of Morpheus (as this was a prototype) will hopefully have more precise tracking with good calibration, and good 3dsound. I must emphasize the comfort. Morpheus is very comfortable; I didn't even think about that I was wearing it until I got asked in an interview.

Project Morpheus gets Sony a gold star so far.



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Podatke s senzorjev na VR čeladi pa lahko tudi obdelajo namenski čipi, preden jih posredujejo PS4.

Odgovor na Playstation EU Blogu

I’m a bit curious, will it connect wirelessly to the PS4? Also, does it utilize the PS4′s GPU for stereoscopic 3D or does it contain its own GPU?

Shuhei Yoshida 19 March, 2014 @ 4:21 pm

Processor unit connects with PS4 via HDMI and USB, both PS4 and Processor Unit contribute to processing

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Sony je do danes prodal 900.000 PS4 kamer.

Sony has revealed that it has sold 900,000 PS camera's for PS4 to date, which is a much higher attach rate than it was expecting.

Speaking at GDC this week, Chris Nordon, the platform holder’s Senior Staff Developer Support Engineer, said that sales of the peripheral were hampered by supply issues.

Nordon commented that Sony had underestimated the demand for the PS Camera, resulting in the device being “severely supply constrained.”

Urejano od japanboy


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LED lučko na kontrolerju bo možno zatemniti, ampak ne ugasniti:

An upcoming PlayStation 4 firmware update will allow users to dim the lightbar on the DualShock 4 controller, but it's not possible to completely turn the light off, PlayStation president of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida told Polygon.

"We are working to dim it," Yoshida said. "I'm not talking about the percentage, but you'll be able to make it very, very dark.

"We need to keep it on, even if it's dark, because that's the only way to tell the controller is switched on. It's kind of required."

The lights in the lightbar can be tracked by the PlayStation 4 camera. It can also light up in different colors to designate which controller is for which player in a multiplayer game.

Yoshida said once dimmed, the reflections from the lightbar will be "much dimmer." He also pointed out that people who have theorized that the controller's battery life is significantly impacted by the LED lights used in the lightbar, are wrong.

"The LED [power usage] is much lower than people think," he said. "We know the DualShock 4 lasts less than the DualShock 3, but that's because there is much more in the DualShock 4, like the touchpad."

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Dela jim kar solidno, samo v praksi je pa popolnoma neuporabno. Delam s temi stvarmi in delujejo dokler imaš glavo dokaj pri miru (če že gledaš ta video zgleda tip kot da ima čisto trd vrat). Poleg tega moraš biti glede na velikost ekrana dokaj blizu. 1,5m vstran od 42" TVja, s kamero nad ekranom (ne vem na pamet kater objektiv smo imeli, višina zajetega obraza je bila nekje 1000px) smo opazili da je lahko premik iz centra na spodnji rob ekrana bil nekje 3-6piksov - tako majhna sprememba, da sem moral včasih večkrat pogledat posnetek očesa, da sem opazil kdaj se je zgodil premik.

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