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In the remote mountains of Colorado, horrors wait inside Mount Massive Asylum. A long-abandoned home for the mentally ill, the facility was recently re-opened by the “research and charity” branch of the transnational Murkoff Corporation. Taking advantage of the Asylum’s history and remote location, they’ve been operating in strict secrecy. That is, they were until the reporter arrived.

Acting on a tip from an anonymous source, independent journalist Miles Upshur has broken into the facility, and what he is about to discover inside will walk a terrifying line between science and religion, nature and something entirely other. Trapped with nightmares old and new, his only hope of escape will lie with the terrible truth at the heart of Mount Massive.


So, in short, you’re a journalist who’s found himself in a very wrong place at the very wrong time. You can’t hope to defend yourself against the mutated patients of the asylum, so you have to sneak, run, and hide… or die. We’ve done our best to create a memorable roller-coaster ride, one that entertains, scares, and leaves you craving more.

In fact, one of the most fun things about watching players make their way through Outlast has been watching the terrified looks on their faces, so we decided to step things up a notch. Newly added on PlayStation 4 is a difficulty level we call “insane.” If you feel brave enough to pick this mode, you’ll have very low health, very few batteries, no checkpoints, and no chance to save your game. It’s do or die. Survive or start again.


So here it is – turn off the lights, crank up the sound, and hold tight to your controller, because true horror is coming straight to your console


Ocene so obetajoče:


Zdaj pa naj čim prej posodobijo PS Store!

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Sam tudi nisem nek navdušenec nad tem, ker zna še tako sicer dobra igra hitro postati preveč ponavljajoča in frustrirajoča. Navadno igram igre na najtežji ponujeni stopnji ob prvem igranju. Včasih pa gredo s stopnjami težavnosti resnično predaleč (DmC!?). Še huje je opcija, ko se še težja težavnost odklene ko igro prvič preobrneš. Tam se smisel preigranja že resnično izgubi, razen pri redkih primerih iger, ki so mi všeč.

Je pa vsaj zame zelo dober filing, ko ti uspe preobrniti igro na takšni že hardcore težavnostni stopnji. :rock: Včasih se je lotim, večinoma pa ne.

V tem primeru mislim da bo kar ostalo pri ne, ampak razlog tiči bolj v tem, da je igra grozljivka. :D

Aja, pa za igro je že napovadan DLC z naslovom Whistleblower:


Whistleblower will once again take place in Mount Massive Asylum and, according to Red Barrels, “as the whistleblower whose anonymous tip brought original protagonist Miles Upshur to Mount Massive on one fateful night, you'll encounter the experiments and abuse (conducted in the name of science, of course) that led to the asylum's downfall.”

Torej gre za zadnje čase izjemno popularni prequel.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Jup! Vse kar sem do sedaj igral sem že videl na YT, ampak je vseeno strašno. Pač eno je ko gledaš, drugo je pa ko igraš.

Navadno ne trzam na te fore, ko kaj skoči pred ekran, ampak tukaj definitivno sem par krat. Vse do sedaj ni nič novega iz sveta grozljivk, je pa lično zapakirano v tej igri. Klasične fore vedno palijo: vidna roka tvojega lika ob nagibanju pri vratih ali plazenju, utripajoče in nihajoče luči, zaloputanje vrat, grozljivi prizori, veliko teme in malo svetlobe, sence, kri,... Pri grozljivih prizorih niti slučajno ne šparajo. :D

Je z razlogom napisano:

WARNING: Contains adult themes. Only suitable for those aged 18 and over.

Pred igranjem pa še malo bolj na dolgo. :tepen:

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Aja, pa za igro je že napovadan DLC z naslovom Whistleblower:


Torej gre za zadnje čase izjemno popularni prequel.

Znanega je nekaj več o dodatku:

The DLC will also explore beyond the events of the first game to reveal the final chapter in Mount Massive Asylum's story. Whistleblower drops players into the role of the anonymous tipster, a contract software engineer called Waylon Park.

"Spending a couple of weeks at Mount Massive, during which he was unable to even talk to his wife and son in Boulder thanks to strict security protocols, Weylon developed a deep-seated distrust of the profit-motivated scientists and doctors leading dangerous and irresponsible experiments on their patients," the post reads. "Identifying with those poor souls fueled Weylon's anger, and set the stage for his unmasking of Mount Massive's rotten core."

Trenutni izid je ciljan nekje v aprilu za PS4 in PC.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Huh, včeraj sem malo za spremmbo po dolgem času zagnal Outlast, pa me je navdušil, namreč predčasno sem ga nehal igrat, ker sem se zataknil v kleti, pri generatoraju in se mi ni več dalo. No včeraj je šlo v prvo in nadaljevanje lepo tekoče. Včasih paše bit nemočna žrtev, ki se lahko smo skrije pod posteljo in v temi čaka... a me bo al ne bo. BU!


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Outlast 2 je že v izdelavi:

Outlast 2 is in development at Red Barrels right now, co-founder Philippe Morin has announced.

“After shipping the XB1 version of Outlast, we took some time to analyze our situation and we quickly realized we had at least another horror game in us,” he told Bloody Disgusting.

“So, yes, we are working on Outlast 2.”

Morin confirmed the sequel is another survival horror game and is set in the same universe as the original, but said it will feature new characters and setting.

“We might go back to Mount Massive Asylum one day, but for now we have new ideas and themes we’d like to explore and we think we’re cooking up something special,” he said.

“We’re still a small indie studio (12 people), so we’ll need a little bit of time to ship our next game, but hopefully it will be worth it.”

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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