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Gears of War 4


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Pri Epic Games po Judgement (katastrofi) za nekaj časa niso želeli nadaljevati z razvojem igre, zato se je MS odločil za odkup pravic. Konec koncev se MS močno zaveda za gre za kultno tretjeosebno Xbox streljačino, ki je s prvimi tremi naslovi prodajala konzole! :yes:

Razvoj so prepustili Black Tusk Studios, kjer so se žal morali odpovedati novemu IP naslovu.

Kakor koli, igra je komaj v začetni fazi razvoja in je ni za pričakovati na policah še kar nekaj časa. Pri MS so odgovorili, da si bodo vzeli čas za razvoj:

Microsoft head Phil Spencer said that the company has no plans to rush the next Gears of War installment onto the Xbox One, and that it wants to allow Black Tusk enough time to evolve the series' gameplay. That is, the next Gears of War needs to "reignite [the] franchise and grow it, [and] won't be a quick turn."

Razvijalci prav tako obljubljajo da se bodo držali jedra mehanike, ki je igro naredila tako uspešno:

"So I've already given multiple speeches to the team like 'here are the core tenets of Gears, here are the things that won't be changing, and here are opportunities for us to innovate that we think we can knock out of the park.'"

Še GoW XO teaser:

post-803-144771057451_thumb.jpg Jup, teaser for teaser. :tepen:

Edited by matej1990

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Cole Train se bo vrnil!

The next Gears of War title could feature the return of Private Augustus "Cole Train" Cole, according to a tweet from the voice actor that portrays Cole.

In response to a question on Twitter about whether he had been contacted to reprise his role for the next Gears of War — in the works for Xbox One — actor Lester Speight responded that he had.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Mogoče bo igra izšla tudi za PC:

Gears of War: Ultimate Edition is coming to PC in addition to Xbox One, developer The Coalition's Rod Ferguson announced at tonight's PC Gaming E3 showcase.

When asked about Gears of War 4, he said he had nothing to announce yet. The keyword being "yet".


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Fergusson obljublja slin slin grafiko!


When Microsoft first showed Gears of War 4 at E3 last year, it looked good. When it finally releases later this year, it will be one of the best looking games on Xbox One, according to studio head Rod Fergusson.

Fergusson, who worked on all three mainline Xbox 360 games, told Official Xbox Magazine, “Like how the original Gears of War was a visual showcase for the Xbox 360, Gears of War 4 will be a graphical showcase for the Xbox One.”

Namignjen je bil tudi 60fps v online multiplayerju:


Fergusson hinted at Gears of War 4 multiplayer running at 60 frames-per-second, but didn’t outright confirm it.

“Delivering [with Ultimate Edition] the first 60fps multiplayer experience in franchise history really taught us a lot about what it means to have a 60fps culture on the team and we’re leveraging that experience for Gears of War 4.”


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Gears 4 beta je že čisto blizu!


18.-24. april za imetnike Gears of War: Ultimate Edition in 25.4.-1.5. za vse Gold naročnike.


Beginning on April 18, fans who’ve played Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Xbox One or Windows 10 will begin to receive tokens in waves for early access to the beta. Following the conclusion of early access on April 24, all qualifying Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One will be invited to join the beta until it ends on May 1.


In addition, we’re extending the timeframe for Gears of War: Ultimate Edition players to qualify for early access to the Gears of War 4 beta from March 1 to April 11. To qualify, just log on to Xbox Live and play Gears of War: Ultimate Edition on Xbox One or Windows 10 by 11 p.m. PDT, April 11.


PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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