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Ekskluzivno:Prva slika prototipa Playstation 4?

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Isto jaz lahko pametujem o čemer koli hočem, ker smo v svobodni državi ampak tukaj je tebe motil to kar sem napisal.

Overly fanatic fanboyism isto kot ti in vsi xbox uporabniki na tej strani, a se nisi ti prerekal s Ke-kitom??

Ja, sam jz ti nism pametoval o tem da nisi lastnik KSija in da nimaš kej komentirat.

S kekitom se nisem kregal. Nisem xbox fanboy.

Link to comment (17.5.11)

What has bothered some of its customers and made Sony a big target in the

hacking world is its practice of clamping down on customers who meddle with its


Sony sued a famed hacker, George Hotz, this year for copyright infringement

and circumventing PlayStation 3's protection schemes. Hotz, who is well known

for "jailbreaking," or unlocking Apple Inc's iPhone, said on his blog he was

not involved in the break-in.

The company settled the charges against Hotz on April 11. About a week later,

Sony's systems were hacked.

Mark Harding, a Maxim Group analyst, said Sony could have employed less

severe methods to protect itself from copyright infringement. "There were

probably better ways Sony could have done it without being heavy handed," he


Stringer said the attack was likely related to its suit against Hotz but

defended Sony's actions.

"An act was done that was dangerous to Sony, dangerous to PlayStation and we

thought it was a criminal act and we had to protect ourselves."

Dobro so se zaščitili... LOL

Najbrž je bilo vredno... me zanima kolko iger bodo morali prodati, da se jim pokrije ta škoda... najbrž več, kot jih bodo pirati spiratizirali v celi življenski dobi PS3...

Da ne omenjam špilov, ki jih ne bodo prodali ravno zaradi tega fiaska... pa bi sicer jih... to, da spiratizirana kopija ni neprodana kopija itak vemo že vsi.

Sony res misli na dobro third party developerjev in svojih strank... ni kaj reči. LOL

Da ne omenjam, da prodaja špilov na 360 krepko presega prodajo špilov na PS3 že od vedno... pa imamo pirate na 360 praktično od začetka.

Ni kaj... to je bila ena lepa lekcija iz pohlevnosti... LOL

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A so mal pretiraval in preobremenil konzole...

Iz vgchartz

According to a Rockstar Customer Services representative, the latest PlayStation 3 firmware update, 3.61, which was released as part of an ongoing effort to fill in the holes caused by the recent hack on the PlayStation Network, is actually doing more harm than good on slightly older console models.

"We have received some reports of PS3s overheating while playing L.A. Noire or beeping three times before shutting down/turning themselves off, mostly on older 60GB and 80GB fat models," begins a statement found on Rockstar's website.

Primary reports seem to be that updating to firmware 3.61 will cause PlayStations to overheat. There have been various reports of this on a few different games now, all reporting their PS3s turning off or 'Red Lighting' after having installed 3.61. This can range from games randomly freezing to PS3s turning off anywhere between 30 mins use to 2 hours. We have confirmed locally that multiple games (Rockstar and non-Rockstar) overheat or freeze only when 3.61 is installed.

"At this time we are recommending contacting Sony directly to report the overheating issue. However, this is not the end of our support; we are continuing to test L.A. Noire on all firmware versions and hardware models to isolate the issues and see what can be done. As always, we will update this article as soon as we have updates."

Has any of you been affected by the firmware update? Noticing that your PS3 is getting a bit hot? Let us know.

t seems Rockstar may have been trying to pass the buck when they were blaming the recent Sony firmware update on overheating issues. The overheating has now started occurring on some Xbox 360 consoles as well while playing L.A. Noire.

Sony issued their own response to the overheating:

As with the release of any System Update, we will invariably see a very small number of users whose console has failed following updating their console, which is an unfortunate coincidence.

Rockstar has added a workaround for the issue on their official FAQ for the game, citing both consoles as potentially having the issue.

For those of you that started playing L.A. Noire, have you had any freezing or overheating issues with it?


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In po tvojih komentarjih sodec ustrezas xbox fanboyu sorry zanikanje je 1. korak.

Nevem kake razpredelnice maš to, ampak očitno so fail. Poleg tega zanikanje ni prvi korak, fanboyi konstantno navijajo za svoj platform of choice, meni se precej jebe.

Mittko: Yes sirr, bom.

@Bessie's post: Đizs, ne morm verjet kaj se dogaja s sonyjem no.

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Sploh mi ni jasno zakaj mi je tolko zabavno da ps3 tolko fejla.

Side note: Komi čakam Gearse 3 !!! BETA je bla nora :)

Three rifles, two shotguns, three pistols, Longshot, Torque Bow, Boomshot, Digger, Mortar, Mulcher, One-Shot, Hammer of Dawn, Boomshield, four types of grenades, and a ****ing fire extinguisher. MITKKO HAZ SPOKEN

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Težave z novim formatom diskov

Some Xbox 360s won't read discs
If you're wondering how many people are in for a swap, all we could find out is that something less than 10,000 of the 50 million or so Xbox 360s sold worldwide are affected.


So either nobodys' systems are really overheating or nobody wants to take the blame for this particular rash of console issues. A joint statement from both Sony and Rockstar Games is claiming neither L.A. Noire nor the 3.61 firmware updates are causing overheating issues. So if your PS3 recently overheated while playing L.A. Noire, you can't blame anybody.

It seems Rockstar may have been trying to pass the buck when they were blaming the recent Sony firmware update on overheating issues. The overheating has now started occurring on some Xbox 360 consoles as well while playing L.A. Noire.

Sony issued their own response to the overheating:

As with the release of any System Update, we will invariably see a very small number of users whose console has failed following updating their console, which is an unfortunate coincidence.

Rockstar has added a workaround for the issue on their official FAQ for the game, citing both consoles as potentially having the issue.


Urejano od Bessie


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Kaj ni jasno kaj je krivo za pregrevanje?

Slab design hardwera, normalno...

Od kdaj pa je softwere lahko kriv za pregrevanje? LOL

Vsakdo, ki je kdaj zgradil lasten PC ve, da moraš poskrbet za kvalitetno hlajenje... Ki je seveda odvisno od komponent, ki si jih nudiš. Če zagotoviš primerno hlajenje lahko poganjaš hardwere na 100% kapaciteti v neskončnost pa se ne bo pregrel.

Če ti nek kos softwera zažene procesor na 80% in ti ga posledično pregreje si pač sam kriv, ker nisi vgradil primernega hladilnika... ali kaj? LOL

Po drugi strani pa me vedno bolj zanima kdaj bo prišla točka, ko 360 ne bo več zmožen dohajati PS3ja, ki je desetkrat močnejši... to naj bi se sicer že zgodilo nekaj let nazaj, vendar očitno ima 360 skrit potencial... ki ga potegne vedno znova na plano... ali pa PS3 nikoli ni imel tistega skritega potenciala, ki ga je obljubljal med slow startom. LOL

Urejano od Travar
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Čaki malo.... a Bessie še kr prepričuje folk da je ps3 top??? Kaj pa Krekit ???

A sm samo jaz igral beto od Gearsov in se smejal zraven ko so kradli

folku iz računov cash na ps3??? Nisem spremljal non sense on kSi lately !!!

@Travar- sej če jim znese bo geohot vrnu 10miljonov+ugled Soniju iz žepa

svojih platnenih hlač ;) stoposto... praši Bessija

Three rifles, two shotguns, three pistols, Longshot, Torque Bow, Boomshot, Digger, Mortar, Mulcher, One-Shot, Hammer of Dawn, Boomshield, four types of grenades, and a ****ing fire extinguisher. MITKKO HAZ SPOKEN

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@Travar- sej če jim znese bo geohot vrnu 10miljonov+ugled Soniju iz žepa

svojih platnenih hlač ;) stoposto... praši Bessija

Edini problem je, da je Sony platnohlačnika že izpustil, ker niso imeli nič proti njemu. LOL

Je pa Geohot ponudil, da ga lahko še enkrat tožijo ako imajo muda... LMAO

Vendar mislim, da je Veliki Sony postal mala pičkica po lekciji, ki jo je fasal.

Nikoli se ne spravljaj na malega revčka, če ne veš kdo mu daje hrbet... videz vara... in nihče ni nepremagljiv.... vendar nekateri se radi učijo na lastnem kožuhu.

Urejano od Travar
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...All existing PlayStation Network members will be able to access the following from PlayStation Store*:

Two PS3 games from the following list:

  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Infamous*
  • Wipeout HD/Fury
  • Ratchet and Clank: Quest for Booty
  • Dead Nation*

For those with PSP accounts, you will also be eligible to download two PSP games from the following list:

  • LittleBigPlanet PSP
  • ModNation PSP
  • Pursuit Force
  • Killzone Liberation*

- 30 days free PlayStation Plus membership for non PS Plus subscribers*

- Existing PlayStation Plus subscribers will be given...

Zakon Ta igra sama odtehta bit dva tedna brez storitve, ki je itak zanič. Sony carji! :car:

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Samo res. Zame so propisne futuristicne dirkacine totalen killer app. Ps3 imam le zaraditega wipeouta, gc pa sem tedaj vzel le zaradi FZera GX. Obe vec kot vredni konzole. Hja, z wii je bilo drek, ker je bil podhranjen od starta in si verjetno tudi zato niso upali. Ce bo cafe al kaj vraga bo dovolj mocen, da bodo imeli jajca ufurati nov F zero, je moj subito. :love:

Studio Liverpool je medtem v eni od svojih briljantnih potez Sony razdrl. Kako... Kako naj clovek ne sovrazi take firme. Oz, no, to kar je danes!?! :no_no:

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Kaj ni jasno kaj je krivo za pregrevanje?

Slab design hardwera, normalno...

Od kdaj pa je softwere lahko kriv za pregrevanje? LOL

Vsakdo, ki je kdaj zgradil lasten PC ve, da moraš poskrbet za kvalitetno hlajenje... Ki je seveda odvisno od komponent, ki si jih nudiš. Če zagotoviš primerno hlajenje lahko poganjaš hardwere na 100% kapaciteti v neskončnost pa se ne bo pregrel.

Če ti nek kos softwera zažene procesor na 80% in ti ga posledično pregreje si pač sam kriv, ker nisi vgradil primernega hladilnika... ali kaj? LOL

Po drugi strani pa me vedno bolj zanima kdaj bo prišla točka, ko 360 ne bo več zmožen dohajati PS3ja, ki je desetkrat močnejši... to naj bi se sicer že zgodilo nekaj let nazaj, vendar očitno ima 360 skrit potencial... ki ga potegne vedno znova na plano... ali pa PS3 nikoli ni imel tistega skritega potenciala, ki ga je obljubljal med slow startom. LOL

Well, včasih je lahko kriv tudi software. Se spominjam, da so včasih kakšne grafične crkavale, ker se je ventilator prepočasi zagnal oz. prehitro ugasnil.

IMO ima PS3 nekaj malega skritega potenciala, vendar se mi zdi da je za njega potrebno preveč truda, da bi se dejansko izplačalo.

Zaradi treh dodatnih senc in 5 dodatnih špurah na avtu ter enega napisa na vhodu pred trgovino pa se ja ne splača trudit in najemat dodatnih xxx-programerjev.

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Get a free Xbox 360 4GB console with the purchase of a Windows 7 PC $699 or more, at participating retailers in the US from 5/23-9/3 or while supplies last. Verification of student status required. See participating retailers for full details.


Še malo pa ga boš zraven praška dobil ;)

Urejano od Bessie


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Lol. Zdej bo pa kar vsak hack povezan s tem, da si je Sony sam nakopal težave, ker preganja hackerje... :lol:

Kaj pa vem... glede na to, da so nase narisali eno veliko tarčo...

Sicer pa kadar sem v dvomih se oprem na statistično najbolj verjetno možnost... kar je seveda ta, da je Sony trenutno vroča tarča... Kartice lahko hekerji spizdijo kjerkoli... Vendar, če jih spizdijo Sonyju dobijo poleg kartic za to še mad style pointze.

Nevem, če me razumeš vendar, če bi recimo rdečemu križu spizdil bazo kreditnih za to ne dobiš mad style pointzov... prej obratno... Če dandanes shekaš Sony je jasno, da ti pripadajo še style pointzi... LOL

V glavnem... dokler ne bomo imeli bolj verjetnih vzrokov z katerimi bi bil povezan napad.... bo najbrž povezan z najverjetnejšim vzrokom...

Nenazadnje tudi sirček Howard Stinker meni, da je bil Sony verjetno pohekan (govora je o the great PSN heist-u), ker se ni zavedal kje jim je mesto.

Stringer said the attack was likely related to its suit against Hotz but

defended Sony's actions.

"An act was done that was dangerous to Sony, dangerous to PlayStation and we thought it was a criminal act and we had to protect ourselves."

Morala zgodbe? Da se s folkom, ki ti lahko v par minutah roota serverje ne zajebavaš. Res ne... To je ekvivalentno, da bi poslal ICBM na ameriko... Sej mogoče boš kej zadel... sam končalo se bo pa slabo... No Sony ni zadel ničesar, ker je bila raketa prestrežena... LOL

No razen, če ne ceniš svoje infrastrukture in osebnih podatkov miljonov strank... Ker s tem, ko je Sony "protect ourselves" je neposredno izpostavil in dejasnko kompromitiral osebne podatke miljonov nedolžnih uporabnikov. Še dobro, da je po Sonyjevem njihov kurčev copywrong pomembnejši od mojih osebnih podatkov. Kakšen egoizem... In potem je piratiziranje nekaj slabega? Zakaj že? Meni se zdi samo druga plat te medalje... Če je Sony egoist... sem lahko tudi jaz, kajne?

Če developer želi denar naj najprej izda špile na platformah katerih proizvajalci imajo določeno spoštovanje in korekten odnos do strank, ki jih hranijo... V nasprotnem primeru pa naj požrejo drek skupaj s proizvajalcem platforme... Da se naučijo, da se slab odnos proizvajalca platforme do strank pozna tudi pri njihovem produktu... Nenazadnje je glasovanje z denarnico edini glas, ki ga imam.

Da ne omenjam, da je edini dejanski rezultat ta, da so izgubili osebne podatke miljonov nedolžnih ljudi... kršenja njihovega svetega copywronga in guljufanja v online igrah pa seveda niso odpravili. LOL

To pove vse o smiselnosti boja z mlini na veter. LOL

Urejano od Travar
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