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Ekskluzivno:Team Meat (ne) razkrije omejitve velikosti na 3DSjevem eShopu


Priporočene objave

Na konferenci naj bi med drugim predstavili:

  • Monster Hunter exclusive for 3DS, supports online play.
  • A Yoshi side scroller for 3DS, developed by Good-Feel.
  • New game from WarioWare team.
  • Etrian Odyssey 3DS
  • Hatsune Miku 3DS, contains all songs from Project DIVA 1 and 2.
  • New 3DS color: solid silver.
  • Presentation on eShop demos; Super Mario Land 3D will have a downloadable demo.
  • The “new project” from Alchemist, the famous visual novel company, is an entirely new “moe mystery” for 3DS.
  • Ace Attorney 5, will supposedly include an Edgeworth scenario. AA: Investigations being phased in to main series?

You better be not shitting me, ker te drugače najdem osebno. :):D :D

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Insajderji poročajo. Jaz močno upam, da se vse uresniči. Dajmo prekrižat prste. :D

So se pa pojavile spet nove govorice in sicer, da bodo na TGS-ju predstavljeni Fire Emblem, Contra, in Castlevania. Pa Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright bo imel svojo lastno predstavitev. Pa Zone of the Enders itd.

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Insajderji poročajo. Jaz močno upam, da se vse uresniči. Dajmo prekrižat prste. :D

So se pa pojavile spet nove govorice in sicer, da bodo na TGS-ju predstavljeni Fire Emblem, Contra, in Castlevania. Pa Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright bo imel svojo lastno predstavitev. Pa Zone of the Enders itd.

Yes please. Nasploh bo zdaj 3DS vse bolj poželjiv, saj se bo kmalu ulil plaz špilov zanj. Predjed za WiiU :P:)

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  • vrhovni


Tako pa je padla N konferenca:

  • epic fail 3DS dodatek z gobico je dobil datum izida in ceno: ¥1,500 (US$19), izide pa 10. decembra (JAP), za EU in USA še ni bilo nič najavljeno. Zadeva potrebuje eno AAA baterijo... spet fail! Fail je še večji, saj so napovedali da dodatek poleg že znane igre Monster Hunter 3 G, podpirajo tudi naslednje igre: Resident Evil: Revelations, Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D, Ace Combat 3D Cross Rumble, Dynasty Warriors VS in Kingdom Hearts 3D. Izjemno upam, da za delovanje teh iger ta dodatek ni nujno potreben ampak bo le kot opcija. Oja, nova revizija 3DSa bo definitivno imela dve gobici.


  • Napovedali so rožnati 3DS, zaenkrat only in Japan.


  • Kid Icarus se je prestavil v leto 2012! Bojda zaradi podpore dodatka.
  • Mario Tennis, Paper Mario in Animal Crossing so načrtovani za 2012.


Več na: Kotaku

N je tudi napovedal kmalu prihajajoč software update za 3DS. Omogočeno bo 3D zajem videja, posodobljena pa bosta Street Pass Mii Plaza in eShop.

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dodana novica o posodobitvi

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords will be free to download for all Nintendo DSi and 3DS owners from Wednesday 28th September

It was first announced as an upcoming freebie at this year’s E3, and Nintendo have just given it a concrete release date. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords – which is an updated port of the Game Boy Advance classic – will be available to download at no cost from Wednesday 28th September. A new single-player option will now feature for the first time, and two new areas (each featuring three additional levels) have also been added to the game. This free download is available to all owners of Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo DSi consoles. The offer ends on February 20th 2012.


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Hmmm, tale FF ritmična igra mi je vse bolj privlačna, čeprav sem klel čez njih, ko so jo napovedali :D

Upam, da bo tole kar uspešno, da potem vidimo polnopravni FF na Wii U. Bi bil že čas, da se serija vrne domov, tudi če bo multič na vseh treh platformah.

Nintendo bo zdaj kar najuril s temle 3DSom, škoda da pada v nepravem času zame :(.

Gears of War 3, MW3, Forza 4, Uncharted 3, Skyward Sword, Xenoblade... Za vse to treba met dnar :(

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This November, Nintendo is releasing a new system update for the 3DS handheld platform that will let capture 3D video as well. Thanks to the 3DS hardware, users will be able to show others their 3D video footage without the need for special glasses.

In addition, the upcoming system update will also extend the StreetPass Mii Plaza experience by providing new things to do for gamers who have already conquered all of its StreetPass challenges.

A gaming system can't survive on system updates alone, of course, so Nintendo is also releasing a couple of Mario games for the 3DS handheld just in time for the holiday season.

On November 13th, Mario will be making his official debut on the new handheld platform in Super Mario 3D Land. In this first-ever true 3D Mario platforming adventure, players can scout levels and find secrets before they play using the 3DS' built-in gyro sensor.

Less than a month later, on December 7th, Mario and his buddies will be racing towards the 3DS in Mario Kart 7. The latest entry in the Mario Kart series will feature a new optional first-person driving mode that is controlled using the gyro sensor. The game also introduces new playable characters like Lakitu and Metal Mario, and a tricks system like the one in Mario Kart Wii.


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  • vrhovni


Congratulations, 3DS owners. You just helped Nintendo beta test a product.

That (3DS Expansion Slide Pad) choice was a mistake. If you bought a 3DS early, you helped Nintendo discover that. You paid Nintendo to beta test a product for them.

Točno takšen občutek imam jaz o 3DSu. Mudilo se jim je in so slabo premislili zasnovo.

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Kotaku je najbolj pristranski medij ever. Njihovo pljuvanje po Nintendu in povzdigovanje Sonyja je res smešno. Pa naj si gre za 3DS, Wii, Wii U, ... vse je popljuvano z njihove strani.

Ravno prej sem prebral en dober komentar pod enim izmed člankov o 3DS-u: "Kaj pa, če bi kdaj napisali, kaj vam je VŠEČ na konzoli??"

Saj ne rečem, da je vse perfektno, ker to itak nikjer ni, ampak kar je preveč, je preveč.

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Gobica kot dodatek tudi meni ni najbolj povšeči, ampak dokler je igre ne forsirajo in je opcijska, me to ne moti. Kupil je ne bom.

Kar se tiče Kotakuja ... v bistvu je kar celotno Gawker omrežje kup komposta. Kar navsezadnje niti ni tako presenetljivo, saj gre v bistvu za blog.

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