Dante Posted September 14, 2011 Share Posted September 14, 2011 (edited) Pri Rockstar-u (nič več pri Remedy Entertainment-u) razvijajo tretji del Max Payne-a. Prvotno bi moral iziti že leta 2009, nato so ga pa vsako leto prestavili na naslednje leto. Zdej pa menda res pride naslednje leto. Dogajanje je prestavljeno iz New Yorka v Sao Paulo (Brazilija) 8-12 let po dogodkih drugega dela. Max Payna, ki je sedaj "par" let starejši in naveličan življenja ponovno igra (sedaj ne le glasovno, ampak tudi vizualno, preko motion capture-a) James McCaffrey. Razvijalec: Rockstar Vancouver Založnik: Rockstar Games Datum izida: Marec 2012 >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpNSEsKEW4c Edited September 14, 2011 by Anduril Dodal delujoč link do trailerja. 1 Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
TriGGer Posted September 14, 2011 Share Posted September 14, 2011 Ja, pustimo se presenetit. Prva dva dela sta bila prav kul, ampak ga spet nekaj serejo. Zadnjič sem v enem članku videl zapisano, da bo mel špil nek over-the-top multiplayer. Evo, iz GT novic: It’s been a long time coming, but today Rockstar has announced that Max Payne 3 is expected to launch on the 360, PS3, and PC in March 2012 in North America and Europe. In addition, the latest installment will be the first title in the series to introduce a multiplayer experience that, along with traditional multiplayer modes, will also include a “deep reward and leveling system, persistent clans and multiple strategic load-out options” as Rockstar puts it. Kolk se jaz spomnim prejšnja dela nista mela multiplayerja, zato sem tudi zdaj pričakoval bolj kot ne singleplayer špil. Res ne vem zakaj morajo vsepovsod tiščat not multiplayer game mode, ko bi lahko naredili res konkretno zgodbo z močnim co-op načinom, mogoče več različnimi konci itd. Sej ne rečem, mogoče jim uspe nardit kaj pametnega, ampak mi zadeva ne diši kaj preveč. Pa še deli si vsaj približno release date z Mass Effectom, tako da jim ne bo lahko. Quote Link to comment
Dante Posted September 22, 2011 Author Share Posted September 22, 2011 Max Payne 3 Story Q&A <- Link "We wanted to make a game that would please fans of the originals and be accessible to newcomers." Upam, da bo bolj poudarek na prvem. Max finds his way to Brazil through an opportunity offered by Raul Passos, an old associate from his early days in the NYPD. Both he and Passos work as security for Rodrigo Branco and his family. ... In Sao Paulo, Max encounters a city, which will feel both very alien--he does not even speak the language--and very familiar. It's massive, super modern with a massive contrast between rich and poor, big gang problems, political corruption, and huge buildings. Not that different from the New York he knew. The game is very true to the original games in terms of gameplay, aesthetics, and visual and narrative themes, although [it's] updated to take advantage of the past nine years of game development. For us, noir is not about a place (and if it were, that place would surely be Los Angeles, not New York) but about a particular visual style and a kind of story and characterization telling that has a certain hard-boiled cynicism, plenty of twists, and a sense of decay and depravity. Yes, it has moved from a wet or snowy corrupt vision of New York to a sometimes wet and equally corrupt vision of a booming modern-day Brazil, but I don't think they are otherwise that different. Staying true to each core element of Max was always a major focus, and that's actually something that we discussed with Remedy during development, and they've been extremely supportive of our work. "…we've come up with what we think is an interesting interpretation of classic noir." As we start showing more of the game, you'll see that we aren't moving away from those styles and techniques at all, and we've come up with what we think is an interesting interpretation of classic noir. Noir is about much more than location; it's a visual approach and a thematic style. It's also a huge part of what makes Max Payne unique. It wasn't just the gameplay that was unique and new: Max's iconic internal monologue and the use of graphic novel cutscenes were also signature elements of the game. All these things are present in some way or other in Max Payne 3, along with several other elements from the original games. Although all have evolved significantly since the last game, as it would be odd if they hadn't! What looked great in 2003 sometimes does not always look so perfect in 2011. Max was always about an incredibly rich cinematic style of both presentation and gameplay, and we tried hard to make sure it still feels very cutting edge. While we've revealed the setting as Sao Paulo, the game stays true to all the fundamentals of the first two games, from the noir themes and visuals to James McCaffrey's iconic voice-over and even a version of the graphic-novel-style panels. Sao Paulo is the largest city in the southern hemisphere and every bit as dark, grimy, and at times depressing as New York. And while the favelas may be the most recognizable part of the city, the game explores a lot more of the surrounds, from the luxury high-rises of downtown to the favelas and beyond. And while Sao Paulo may be a more colorful place in the daytime, it's a very different story at night. The game will live up to the heritage of Max Payne; it's as dark and as twisted as ever. The only thing we changed was the story, which now takes place over a few weeks, and there are some levels set in the day. This was only because the story we wanted to tell could not realistically be told in a single night. There are, however, enough rain-sodden, pitch-dark nights in the game to satisfy the most ardent fan of dark and wet locations. Se malo preveč trudijo vleči paralele med Sao Paulom in New Yorkom? ...in prepričati fane enke in dvojke. The darkness and chaos of the city and its problems resonate well with Max's own inner demons. Alongside some amazing locations in Brazil, Max will also find himself in some familiar locations, but we'll share more about that later this year. New York? While a few years have passed, Max is not too much older than he was in Max Payne 2, and the scene of Max shaving his head comes at a pivotal point in the story that in many ways echoes similar moments in the earlier games.... In his own way, Max is probably the most tortured and put upon of all game heroes, and we really wanted to show the impact of all that suffering and angst on his hard-bitten but lonely personality and how that suffering has impacted his behavior. se pa ne spomnim, da bi me Rockstar kdaj razočaral...zdej pa tud menda ne bojo začel Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
MannyPacman Posted September 28, 2011 Share Posted September 28, 2011 Glede na to kolikrat so ga že prestavli in vse živo, raje vidim da sploh 3 dela ne bo. Ker močno dvomim, da bo dosegu nivo 1 in 2.Že to, da so lika čist spremenil in vse je bedno. Tako, da ta špil bo veliko razočaranje za moje pojme.Škoda:banghead: Quote Link to comment
Captain Obvious Posted September 28, 2011 Share Posted September 28, 2011 nejeverni tomaž in R* I trust Quote KA ME HA ME HAAAAAA Link to comment
Dante Posted September 30, 2011 Author Share Posted September 30, 2011 Dva videa z analizo prvega trailerja: >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qo1bIh5XNgc >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAbapd56OJA Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
Dante Posted October 4, 2011 Author Share Posted October 4, 2011 Zanimiv intervju z Matias Myllyrinne-om in Sam Lake-om (ki je napisal zgodbo za prva dva dela, in posodil svoj obraz Max-u v prvem) iz Remedy-ja. >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lod6L554GKg In še nekaj videov prvih dveh delov: >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEPKKGSedTI >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0-Fa9guupU >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jT0AwAOPog >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Cs6hCdSSM Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
Dante Posted November 12, 2011 Author Share Posted November 12, 2011 Rockstar on Bringing Max Payne Into the Era of Cover Shooters and Regenerating Health Max Payne 3 developer explains why it has adopted certain shooter trends and shunned others, and whether an open-world setting was ever a consideration. GameSpot: In your eyes, what's the one part of the third-person shooter genre that has changed most since Max Payne's last outing? How have you addressed that in Max Payne 3? Jeronimo Barrera: Cover is something that everybody worked to adopt, and it quickly became a staple of third-person shooters. For us, the direction early on was to make sure we had a great, intuitive cover system but not make it the central or core mechanic. It's only natural when trying to build a game around gunplay that the whole environment comes into play, and it would look silly if Max couldn't assume a position behind obvious cover points. One of the goals was to make sure that AI reacted appropriately to the player if they're behind cover. If you're caught by a thug flushing you out, it can be deadly. That led to further development of the shootdodge and the ability to vault over cover in the fast and fluid manner that characterizes the Max Payne games. In the end it feels and looks great and is a totally natural progression for the series. GS: On the other hand, one of the areas where you guys are bucking recent shooter trends is with the health system--it's not the popular regenerating health. What's the reasoning behind that particular design decision? JB: When we set out to make Max Payne 3, we had a few specific goals--to stay true to the fundamentals of the original games in both tone and in gameplay, but also to significantly update the series for the expectations of today's players in ways that felt fresh and new. We've worked hard to make the gameplay more sophisticated than other third-person shooters in many ways, from the work done on targeting and animation to the new ways we've implemented bullet time, but painkillers are one of the fundamental elements of the series and play a major role in Max's story as well as gameplay. We also wanted to encourage players to be strategic in their approach to combat spaces and not to rely on cover as simply a point to sit and regenerate health. Max Payne is about the beauty of the gunplay itself, in knowing when to launch yourself into an area, finding the right lines of attack, and perfecting bullet time kills. Regenerating health would have an impact on the game's natural rhythm. GS: The first trailer shows more than a few instances of Max getting up close and personal with his enemies. While Max had a basic melee attack in Max Payne 2, how much more in-depth will hand-to-hand combat be in the next game? JB: Max has access to new melee moves in Max Payne 3 which allow you to take down enemies in close quarters, and these are all contextual depending on the weapon you're wielding at the time and your relationship to the enemy. Max will kick lower enemies, head-butt an enemy if you don't have a weapon, or disarm opponents if you're out of ammo. Max will also make creative use of the butts of weapons to pistol-whip enemies in close for a coup de grace GS: The Max Payne series popularized the bullet time mechanic, and for a while there it seemed like every other game was using some variation of it. What has been the biggest challenge in bringing back bullet time in a way that doesn't feel worn out? JB: The original Max Payne game was the first time players had seen real, functional slow motion in video games, and it was visually stunning. These days, many games include some superficial form of slow-motion gameplay as one feature among many to mark off a checklist, but in the Max Payne series, bullet time is a core element of gameplay, both strategically and aesthetically. Gunplay has to be both hectic enough for bullet time to make strategic sense, and beautiful at any speed, so the entire game is built around the many ways in which bullet time is implemented. Our challenge then was to make modern bullet time feel integral to the game's design, and we feel we've achieved that in the pacing and design of each level. Enemy AI can be extremely overwhelming in real time: precise, deadly, and smart, flanking, using projectiles, and flushing players out of cover if you stand still for too long. The use of skill-based multipliers to increase bullet time regeneration means the better you group your shots into vital areas, the quicker your bullet time meter will replenish, allowing you precious extra seconds to size up your next move. We wanted to keep that same wow factor of the first time you saw bullet time, and we've achieved it through the combination of bullet time and Natural Motion's Euphoria system to power character behaviors. Every time you go into bullet time and shoot enemies, you're going to see them react differently. Another way that Euphoria upgrades Max's behavior is how aware Max is of his environment at all times, but especially during shootdodges--rather than a canned dive animation, Max will respond to the world around him as he dives, bracing for a fall with his arm or ducking his head where necessary. GS: One of the most memorable scenes from the last press demo was of Max firing shots with one hand while holding onto a moving crane hook with the other. Can you give us a sense of how frequently these cinematic moments occur? JB: Those cinematic moments are another example of the way we've updated bullet time for Max Payne 3. There will be many points throughout the game where areas of the environment will automatically trigger bullet time in order to create these cinematic set pieces. These are not simple quick-time events--you have full control of Max as a character, with full reticle movement in order to precisely target each enemy, and you'll transition in and out of these completely seamlessly. GS: How much have you tried to incorporate story into the gameplay? Will players get a sense of Max's personal ups and downs in the way the game plays? JB: Definitely. We put a lot of effort into blending story and gameplay as seamlessly as we possibly can, and Max's personal journey is at the heart of the game. Given the story-driven nature of the game, it's not easy to discuss without quickly heading into spoiler territory, but we'll be jumping around within Max's timeline in a way that will allow every twist in the story to fully reveal itself in a way that lives up to Max's journey so far. GS: Given that Max Payne 3 is the first game in the series that Rockstar has developed in-house, did you ever consider adapting the Max Payne gameplay into the open-world style Rockstar is so well known for? JB: Max Payne has a long, acclaimed history and is more than capable of standing alone as a third-person action shooter on its incredibly sophisticated and cinematic blend of story and gameplay, and that is the kind of game we set out to make, alongside our ambitions for competitive multiplayer within the Max series through Max Payne 3. We love our open worlds, but we have one or two other games that cover that territory for us. Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
Speexy Posted November 12, 2011 Share Posted November 12, 2011 Še vedno dobivam tisti občutek ob gledanju trailerja in slik, da bo tisti glavni srčni beat igranje v NOIR stilu izpuščen v 3ki in bo noob friendly igra ... Ne vem, ne vem... Quote Amicus Omnibus, Amicus Nemini... Link to comment
Dante Posted November 18, 2011 Author Share Posted November 18, 2011 Design and Technology Series: Creating a Cutting Edge Action-Shooter >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3KK0Z-rzlw 1 Quote We don't quit playing because we grow old. We grow old because we quit playing. Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted November 19, 2011 admins Share Posted November 19, 2011 Top šit! Rockstar enostavno ne zna naredit slabe igre. Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
MannyPacman Posted November 19, 2011 Share Posted November 19, 2011 Jaz pa mislim, da bo to prvi špil RS, ko bo šov v franže. Če si nov v tej igri pol se ti en bo zdelo. Ampak če pa spremlaš od prvega dela. se pa men tale del zdi totalni fail. 1 Quote Link to comment
Speexy Posted November 19, 2011 Share Posted November 19, 2011 Jaz pa mislim, da bo to prvi špil RS, ko bo šov v franže. Če si nov v tej igri pol se ti en bo zdelo. Ampak če pa spremlaš od prvega dela. se pa men tale del zdi totalni fail. Agreed. Čeprav te "tekoče animacije" ljudi so mal popravili začetni vtis... Še kdo želi temačno Noir zgodbo postavljeno v New York ali Chicago? Quote Amicus Omnibus, Amicus Nemini... Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted November 19, 2011 admins Share Posted November 19, 2011 Ne vem no, meni je pa ravno to plus, da se razvijalci ne držijo vsega iz prejšnjih delov kot pijanec plota. Grem raje še 1× igrat prejšnje dele, kot pa da ponovno plačam že videno in igrano. Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
MannyPacman Posted November 19, 2011 Share Posted November 19, 2011 Upajmo, da so ta del šli delat, ker majo dejansko materiala za dobro udarno zgodbo in da ni spacana neki skup, samo zaradi tega, ker sta prejšna dva dela pokasirala tako dobre ocene in pohvale ljudi. Upajmo, da ni glavni motivator za 3 bil izključno samo denar in slava na prejšnih delih. Ampak glede, kak dolgo že pacajo ta špil in ga prestavlajo in vse živo, se bojim, da je glih slednje razlog. Quote Link to comment
Rakolazagiz Posted November 21, 2011 Share Posted November 21, 2011 Najavil so Special Edition http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/19661/announcing-the-max-payne-3-special-edition.html Quote Link to comment
mistress3riple Posted November 24, 2011 Share Posted November 24, 2011 tudi tukaj bo multiplayer??? sedaj pa že pretiravajo, da jo dajo v vsako igro Quote Link to comment
MannyPacman Posted November 24, 2011 Share Posted November 24, 2011 To je trend zadnjih let pri špilih, da je MP tist faktor zaradi katerga folk najraje kupuje špile. Ker SP se da piratsko dobit, med tem, ko za MP rabiš orgnial igro, če želiš igrat. Mogoče je to tudi eden od načinov razvijalcev, kako omejiti piratstvo. Quote Link to comment
mistress3riple Posted November 24, 2011 Share Posted November 24, 2011 mene mp igre ponavadi odvržejo od nakupa. vendar se jih je sedaj težko izogniti. imam tako ali tako preveč nedokončanih iger samo zaradi mp Quote Link to comment
SlashSpeed Posted November 25, 2011 Share Posted November 25, 2011 Dokler intergracija MP-ja ne vpliva na kakovost same igre, mene ne moti, nevem kaj imate toliko proti? Imate vsaj malce več od igre. Quote Link to comment
mistress3riple Posted November 25, 2011 Share Posted November 25, 2011 kako imaš lahko več od igre, če ima mp in ga ne maraš igrati? pa še ach. ne dobiš in imaš še eno nedokončano igro na spisku. Quote Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted January 17, 2012 admins Share Posted January 17, 2012 Igra je prestavljena iz marca na maj! Take-Two has announced that it has today decided to delay the release of Max Payne 3 by two months from March to May, 2012. Vir: ShopToNews Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
admins matej1990 Posted March 15, 2012 admins Share Posted March 15, 2012 >http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69iDdW4lGCA Quote PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO Link to comment
N7 Ozi Posted May 18, 2012 N7 Share Posted May 18, 2012 že kdo kej špila? sem bil v milerju dons. samo švabske verzije. škoda. Quote Link to comment
miham Posted May 18, 2012 Share Posted May 18, 2012 že kdo kej špila? sem bil v milerju dons. samo švabske verzije. škoda. Se dostikrat zgodi da so v milerju igre multi language. Nazadnje kupil tam Catherine, škatlica je bila v nemščini, nikjer ni pisalo da je več jezikov, dam v PS3 in igra laufa v angleščini. Quote Link to comment
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