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Watch Dogs

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Verjetno najboljša igra letošnjega E3 prihaja na PC, X360 in PS3, iz predstavitev je bilo videti poleg odlične grafike, da bo igranje mešanica med GTA, Syndicate in DeusEX igrami.



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Aja pa še tole WindowPhone :rock:



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Yaay! Taprava tema. Še enkrat lahko rečem, da so Watchdogsi zame Game of E3. Predvsem zato, ker gre za svež naslov, ki se je pokazal kr naenkrat, totalno nepričakovano sredi noči na Ubisoftovi in pa zato, ker me spominja na eno mojih najljubših iger, Mafio izpred 10 let.

Ok, res smo zaenkrat videli samo slabih 10 minut gameplaya, ampak vseeno so nekatere stvari jasno vidne. Lahko bi rekli, da gre za "GTA klona," meni pa se vseeno zdi, da je taka oznaka malo pretirana. Res gre za podoben sandbox način igranja, tu pa se podobnosti končajo. Watchdogsi zgledajo precej bolj umirjeni in počasni, najbrž po večji poudarek tudi na skrivanju in zlivanju z okolico, torej bo ključ ostati neopazen. Tudi za streljanje, krajo avtomobilov in podobne kriminalne dejavnosti se mi zdi, da bodo bolj potisnjene v ozadje in jih bomo uporabljali le v skrajni sili oziroma takrat, ko bo to pač potrebno. Tukaj mi pride Mafia spet v spomin. Če se spomnite, je bila situacija takrat (beri leta 2002, 2003) precej podobna. Mafia na eni strani precej bolj počasna, veliko večjo mero realizma in odlično zgodbo, na drugi strani pa GTA 3 s hitrejšo, bolj svobodno igro. Težko torej rečem, da bodo Watchdogsi GTA klon, ker se bodo najbrž od GTAja razlikovali v veliki meri.

Rad bi še na hitro preletel high pointe in low pointe tega prvega videa. Kot prvo vsekakor zelo polno, živo in dinamično mesto. Zdi se, da ima vsak pešec neko svojo osebnost, da nihče ne vandra brezglavo po ulicah. Animacije so res življenjske, od efekta vetra na razne plašče, smeti ipd. do recimo reakcije ljudi ob tisti "nesreči" na koncu. Isto animacije med pogovori, obrazna mimika, voice acting in to, vse zgleda ful dobro in dodelano. Baza informacij o ljudeh, s tem mislim tisti del, ko s telefonom išče svojo tarčo v galeriji bi tudi lahko bil kr zajeten in zanimiv. Plus še bog ve koliko stvari bomo lahko počeli, ko nam bo pod roke prišlo kaj druga kot mobilni telefon oziroma tablica. Gunplay po drugi strani ne deluje ravno sveže, pač ravno toliko, koliko je potrebno. Res upam, da ga ne bo preveč in se bo konflikte reševalo na kake druge načine. Bolj kot to pa me skrbi vožnja, ki je v tistih zadnjih par sekundah zgledala precej leseno, nekako na nivoju serije Saints Row. Če je vse ostalo tako dodelano, potem upam, da tudi med vožnjo ne bo za vsako menjavo prestave iz izpuha bruhnil dim in da se avti ne bodo vozili kot gokarti. In bog ve kaj se bo zgodilo, če boš povozil pešca.


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GTAju itak nihče ne more vzet primata third person sandbox kriminalščin, ker je pač tolko uveljavljena serija. Institucija z zgodovino. Pa sej niti nočem nekih dobesednih klonov, itak so dovolj že razni Saints Rowi, pa Just Cause pa to. Sej pravim, to bo nekaj drugega. Zaenkrat zgleda sila obetavno, vožnjo bojo pa že znali popravit. Pa tisti ogenj iz auspuha mi gre tudi na kurac. Oh well.

Aja, a je kdo slučajno opazil, da je bil konec E3 videa drugačen? Namesto, da se tip odpelje z avtom tam pobegne peš po ulici, nakar prevzamemo vlogo nekoga drugega, ki stoji na stolpnici in ga poskuša zaščitit. Mogo bi ga nekje poiskat...

Urejano od TriGGer


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GTAju itak nihče ne more vzet primata third person sandbox kriminalščin, ker je pač tolko uveljavljena serija. Institucija z zgodovino. Pa sej niti nočem nekih dobesednih klonov, itak so dovolj že razni Saints Rowi, pa Just Cause pa to. Sej pravim, to bo nekaj drugega. Zaenkrat zgleda sila obetavno, vožnjo bojo pa že znali popravit. Pa tisti ogenj iz auspuha mi gre tudi na kurac. Oh well.

Aja, a je kdo slučajno opazil, da je bil konec E3 videa drugačen? Namesto, da se tip odpelje z avtom tam pobegne peš po ulici, nakar prevzamemo vlogo nekoga drugega, ki stoji na stolpnici in ga poskuša zaščitit. Mogo bi ga nekje poiskat...

pokazalo je da je igra multiplayer.

Vožnjo bi res lohk popravli ampak zdi se mi da itak slabš vožnje kot pri GTA 4 nism vidu še nikjer. Fail od Faila

Gapi x3.jpg

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Watch Dogs na PS predstavitvi je bil pognanjan na PCju:

The problem Sony faced was that final PS4 development hardware is still relatively new and third parties in particular probably would not have had time to move their existing projects onto the system. So games on display at the PlayStation Meeting - like Watch Dogs, above - were running on PC instead.

Vir: Eurogamer

Urejano od matej1990
dodan vir

PSN & Xbox LIVE: NowickySLO


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Datum izida igre je potrjen za Evropo za 21. november za letošnje leto za PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U in PC ter za PS4 ob izidu.

Najnovejši napovednik za igro:


Ter še štiri različne izdaje omenjene igre:

Details of the Watch Dogs collector's editions are as follows:

The Dedsec Edition (available at select UK retailers)


Physical content:

  • A 23cm Aiden Pearce Figurine
  • Steelbook
  • DedSec Collector box
  • Watch_Dogs Artbook: artworks and illustrations that inspired the game
  • Original soundtrack of the game
  • Watch_Dogs map of Chicago
  • Set of 4 collectible cards: discover Watch_Dogs iconic characters through augmented reality
  • Set of 3 exclusive badges

Digital content: 3 single payer missions with up to almost 60 minutes of additional gameplay:

  • Palace Pack: A police raid is planned on the luxury palace of an Internet mogul. His impressive databanks have intimate details on thousands of people...including Aiden Pearce. Break inside, wipe those hard drives and escape before the raid begins. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ULC mission: investigation bonus allows gamers to unlock more investigative opportunities inside the network databanks, and ATM hack boost which boost the cash rewards when hacking bank accounts.
  • Signature Shot: A biometrics weapon has been smuggled into Chicago for a captain of the Black Viceroys gang. The weapon only works for the first person who holds the gun. Breach a stronghold, steal the package and be the first to hold the weapon. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ulc mission: black viceroys gang colours outfit and biometric assault rifle.
  • Breakthrough Pack: A secret gathering is underway. The Chicago Club is negotiating power with Corporate CEOs. The Club has hired scramblers to block surveillance devices. Drive around the city to find the scramblers and take them out. Retrieve all names from the meeting and upload their images to the world. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ULC mission: vehicle expert perk allowing players to get free vehicles from underground car contact and earn discounts on select cars.

The Vigilante Edition (available exclusively at Game in the UK and GameStop in Ireland)


Physical content:

  • Vigilante Collector box
  • Aiden Pearce's cap
  • Aiden Pearce's mask
  • Original soundtrack of the game

Digital content: 1 single payer mission:

  • Palace Pack: A police raid is planned on the luxury palace of an Internet mogul. His impressive databanks have intimate details on thousands of people...including Aiden Pearce. Break inside, wipe those hard drives and escape before the raid begins. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ULC mission: investigation bonus allows gamers to unlock more investigative opportunities inside the network databanks, and ATM hack boost which boost the cash rewards when hacking bank accounts.

The Uplay Exclusive Edition (available exclusively via the Uplay website)


Physical content:

  • Exclusive Steelbook

Digital content: 3 single payer missions with up to almost 60 minutes of additional gameplay:

  • Palace Pack: A police raid is planned on the luxury palace of an Internet mogul. His impressive databanks have intimate details on thousands of people...including Aiden Pearce. Break inside, wipe those hard drives and escape before the raid begins. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ULC mission: investigation bonus allows gamers to unlock more investigative opportunities inside the network databanks, and ATM hack boost which boost the cash rewards when hacking bank accounts.
  • Signature Shot: A biometrics weapon has been smuggled into Chicago for a captain of the Black Viceroys gang. The weapon only works for the first person who holds the gun. Breach a stronghold, steal the package and be the first to hold the weapon. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ulc mission: black viceroys gang colours outfit and biometric assault rifle.
  • Breakthrough Pack: A secret gathering is underway. The Chicago Club is negotiating power with Corporate CEOs. The Club has hired scramblers to block surveillance devices. Drive around the city to find the scramblers and take them out. Retrieve all names from the meeting and upload their images to the world. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ULC mission: vehicle expert perk allowing players to get free vehicles from underground car contact and earn discounts on select cars.

The Special Edition (available exclusively at Game in the UK)


Digital content: 1 single player mission:

  • Breakthrough Pack: A secret gathering is underway. The Chicago Club is negotiating power with Corporate CEOs. The Club has hired scramblers to block surveillance devices. Drive around the city to find the scramblers and take them out. Retrieve all names from the meeting and upload their images to the world. Rewards unlocked upon completion of the ULC mission: vehicle expert perk allowing players to get free vehicles from underground car contact and earn discounts on select cars.


Urejano od japanboy


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Že nekaj časa iščem, pa še nisem našel odgovor na tole izdajo igre za PS4.

V opisu piše, da je na voljo dodatnih 60 minut igre na PS4. A mogoče kdo ve, če so v to izdajo zajete misije Palace Pack, Signature Shot in Breakthrough Pack. Najbolj me zanima Signature Shot in ne bi rad preplačal dodatnih 50 funtov za Deadsec samo zato da bi imel to misijo.


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Igra je prestavljena v pomlad 2014 za vse verzije konzol za katere je bila najavljena.

Ubisoft has announced that all versions of Watch_Dogs have been delayed until Spring 2014.

We know a lot of you are probably wondering ‘why now?’ We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune every detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.

Po mojem mnenju je GTA tista, ki je "krivec" za to. Ker nekaj je bilo omenjeno o tem pred časom.


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