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Še več novic o novem Xbox-u:

The console will launch in "early November", seasoned Microsoft analyst Paul Thurrot has revealed. These details have been independently backed up by The Verge.

Named just "Xbox", Microsoft's machine will be "expensive" and cost around $500 (roughly £326, although likely higher in the UK). A lower price $300 (£195) model will also be available with some form of subscription.

Regarding the console's rumoured "always-online" component, Thurrot reiterated what we knew already - that previous Microsoft design documents have mentioned the feature.

"Looking at some of the stuff I got a long time ago, it actually says 'must be internet-connected to use' in the notes," Thurrot claimed. "And that's all I have, but it does say that."

Thurrot's report also mentioned two other unannounced Xbox-branded machines. One, code-named "Yumo", was to be an Xbox device purely for entertainment apps, rather than games. The product has seemingly been canned to avoid confusing consumers.

The other machine is a new budget-priced Xbox 360 model, code-named "Stingray". Due for release later this year, the device will cost just $99 (£65). Thurrot suggested this may mean Microsoft's new Xbox would not play Xbox 360 games.

Vir: Eurogamer

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Hm, ali bo MS postavil igranje iger na drugi tir?

Microsoft is investing in TV in a big way with its next Xbox console as part of a fight for the living room. Multiple sources familiar with the company's Xbox plans have revealed to The Verge that Microsoft will introduce a feature that lets its next-generation console take over a TV and set-top box in a similar way to Google TV. We understand that the next Xbox will require an online connection to use the entertainment services, allowing them to be always-on for streaming and access to TV signals.

"Very similar to Google TV, but with Xbox gaming"

The functionality will work by taking a cable box signal and passing it through to the Xbox via HDMI, allowing Microsoft's console to overlay a UI and features on top of an existing TV channel or set-top box. We're told that this is a key part of the next-generation Xbox and that it will go a step further than Google's TV implementation thanks to Microsoft's partnerships with content providers. Extended support for various cable services will be rolled out gradually, but the basic functionality will be available at launch.

Coupled with this TV functionality, Microsoft's next-generation Kinect sensor will also play a role in the company's TV focus. The Verge has learned that the next Kinect will detect multiple people simultaneously, including the ability to detect eye movement to pause content when a viewer turns their head away from a TV. Microsoft is said to be using these capabilities as part of its UI and features for its TV plans.

"Xbox TV set-top box still in the works"

Microsoft recently announced its plans to sell its Mediaroom IPTV business to Ericsson. The sale moves Microsoft away from supporting and helping build out software that's used in over 22 million set-top boxes worldwide. It's also part of an effort by Microsoft to focus fully on its Xbox console for entertainment apps and TV services. We're told that the company is still planning to introduce its own low-cost "Xbox TV" set-top box, but that this will likely debut early next year rather than alongside the next-generation console.

Microsoft is currently planning an Xbox event for May where we expect the company to detail parts of its next-generation Xbox. A spokesperson for Microsoft refused to comment on this story.



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Evo, BC na Durangu kot 'add-on', beri preko prenovljenega Iksboxa

Getting to the point there are going to be two console as part of the redesigned “Xbox Line” of products. A repackaged and reoriented Xbox 360 unit and the new “Durango” gaming console, both designed to compete with more than Sony in gaming, but against Apple as well.

When the Durango (game machine) launches, it will not support backwards compatibility for 360 games out of the box. Instead, this functionality will come from the other unit that will be networked with the Durango to provide this (not unlike the DVD add-on for the original Xbox).

The purpose of the smaller Xbox unit is to compete with Apple TV, but also provides XBLA and 360 game support which will give it an edge over Apple TV. The rumors of “always online required” comes from the smaller Xbox unit which may not have a disc drive and like Apple TV it would require a network connection and internet to provide any real functionality. It may be possible they will design both consoles to be stackable.

Durango itself will also always be online like any other device (correct with rumors), but it will not be a requirement to play local content and it will not prevent playing used games.

A bo AdBox namesto Xbox? :D

za vse tl;dr

XBOX360 Mini device

- No disc drive, so it's essentially useless as a standalone XBOX for gaming, but good for TV functionality alone

- Requires an internet connection to function

- Access to the XBL marketplace and whatnot (so it can play downloadable titles)

- Will share some features of the Durango TV (IPTV) functionality (to combat Apple TV)

- Required to play 360 games, when connected with the Durango, can NOT play 360 discs when not connected


- The new 'new' XBOX

- Plays Durango games etc, uses Kinect functionality

- Will not play 360 games, you must hook up the Mini device once you insert a 360 disk to play (you put the 360 disc in the Durango disc tray, but it runs only when connected with the Mini)

- Requires an internet connection for TV functionality

- Plays used games (sanja svinja kukuruz)**

- Plays offline games (sanja svinja kukuruz)**

** po mojih infotih, ki se lahko motijo, a se do zdej še niso

Urejano od DrMiha



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Sej zato je rumor že nekaj časa, da naj bi bili 2 verziji Xboxa. Ena za multimedijo druga pa za igre. Samo dvomim da bo kaj na tem, ker bodo več na zgubi kot pa dobičku. Pa samo zmedo bi to ustvarilo.

dvomim. Kot vemo je xbox bil primarno ustvarjen da postane neka multinedijska konzola, igre so bile v mišlenju vedno sekundarne ampak se je potem pozornost prestavila na igre zaradi boljšega dobička. Xbox ni nikoli bil mišjen kot neka gaming konzola. Vedno je bil cilj microsofta ustvarit konzolo polno aplikacij ki bi jo imeli tudi ljudje ki niso gamerji. Vse bolj se mi zdi da bo to xbox 720.

Gapi x3.jpg

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Če ga bodo tako močno zabluzili v teh multimedijskih vodah, namesto da bi dali na sam vrh prioriteto igram, potem naj ta nov Xbox kar imajo. Edino kar jih tedaj reši, da se bo konzola kupovala tudi izven USA, je možnost uporabljanja teh dodatnih (neigračarskih) vsebin tudi izven USA... pa ne takšnih kot so jih do sedaj ponujali v na primer UK, ker to je premalo.

Trenutno lahko Sony sebi v prid obrne popolnoma vse, kar je trenutno znano o novem Xboxu. Upam da ima MS skrite adute...

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Adam Orth aka "always-on guy" je bojda dal odpoved:

According to a report on Game Informer, Adam Orth, the Microsoft creative director who last week upset some folks with his comments about always-online technology, is no longer with the company.

A source close to Orth tells Kotaku that Orth resigned from the company and was not fired.


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Pricurljale so novosti glede prvih next-box iger:

Microsoft is working on a number of launch titles for its new Xbox console. One of the first games to launch on the next Xbox will be Ryse, according to multiple sources familiar with Microsoft's Xbox plans. Microsoft originally unveiled Ryse at E3 2011, promising an exclusive Xbox 360 release with Kinect functionality. A release has never materialized for Xbox 360 and the company has remained fairly silent about the title's progress, noting that it was still in development in mid-2012 and again earlier this year. The Verge understands that Crytek, along with Microsoft Studios, has been rewriting the game to take advantage of its next-generation console, due later this year.


We're told Ryse is designed to be Microsoft's new Gears of War / Halo mega launch title. It's set in the Roman Empire period and uses deep Kinect integration to allow players to slash and kick at enemies. We understand that Ryse will take advantage of the new body tracking improvements in the next Kinect sensor. Ryse is part of four major launch titles for the next-generation Xbox. Sources tell us that a new Forza title with "super life-like" graphics will also be made available at launch, alongside a zombie game and a family game set on an island with Pixar movie-style graphics. We're told that the family game will utilize Kinect to scan a body and generate a virtual character in the game.

We understand that these four titles are a small selection of the launch titles for the next-generation Xbox. Third-party support is said to be strong in the first-person-shooter genre. Microsoft is also working on some improvements to Xbox Live, including a switch to currency over the Microsoft Points system.

The Verge

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kdaj si bojo prišli gor kako nepraktičen je kinect za igre? NE MOREŠ HODIT IN SE OBRAČAT JEBEMTI MICROSOFT!!!!! Kaj nam pomaga neka supr dobra kamera kinect 2.0 če je še vedno isti princip kar pomeni da se ne premikaš ali obračaš in samo mahaš okrog z rokami kot nek retard. Praktično lahko delaš stvari ki jih delaš na gumbih A,B,X in Y. Kar pomeni da imaš malo boljšo kontrolo kot na Atariju in slabšo kontrolo kot na NES. Bravo. Itak je kinect bolj mišljen za navigacijo po dashboardu in ne za igre. Ponovno pozornost bolj na multimedijo kot igre.

drgač pa glede always online. Zadeva enostavno ni niti iz njihove strani niti iz naše dovolj stabilna da bi delovala. Seveda bojo vseeno kakšni die hard fanboyi(Samotar trololo) našli način da bojo rekli da je to pozitivna stvar :D. Iskreno povedano če je always online grem direktno na ps4... seveda vse skupaj leta 2015 verjetno. Niti ene pozitivne stvari ni ki bi lahko prišla iz tega. Kolkokrat vrže EA serverje dol pri fifi in izgubiš tekmo? Kolkokrat call of duty jebe povezavo. Kaj zdaj nas misli to še ko story igramo jebat v glavo al kaj?

Urejano od Gapi x3

Gapi x3.jpg

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Zaenkrat se mi zdi, da z vsako izdano podrobnostjo več Xbox tone globje. Lahko da ne bo tako, vseeno je treba počakati na uradno predstavitev, ampak vseeno se mi zdi da vse te stvari samo poslabšujejo podobo. Kinect integriran v praktično več kot polovico iger, pa še štorija da mora biti vedno povezan z xboxom in da mora biti ta vedno online. Halo ?!? Pa saj nismo v kameni dobi? Po mojem bo PS kar lepo profitiral.


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The long-rumoured Xbox Mini will be a $99 (£60) device that doesn't have a disc drive, but can be used to access all your existing digital downloads (including XBLA and Games on Demand games, along with music and movies we'd assume), and you could hook it up to the Xbox 720 (or plain old 'Xbox' as it's now being called) to access all that content through the new interface and controller. At this point using your disc-based 360 games on the new machine seems unlikely but ideally there'd be some way to piggy-back the system.



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MS predolgo čaka s predstavitvijo novega Xboxa in si dela samo škodo. Enostavno jim je preveč pobegnilo na internet in sedaj si delamo vsak svoje utvare v glavi, ki ni nujno da so pravilne.

Sedaj se jim je res že veliko dreka nabralo na glavi, kar bo sigurno vsaj malo vplivalo na slabši izid konzole.

Naj raje povedo kaj imajo in se zadeve razčistijo. Bojda komaj maja, če se ne bo datum ponovno prestavil (tako kot se je že) in bo konzola predstavljena komaj na E3. :eye:

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MS predolgo čaka s predstavitvijo novega Xboxa in si dela samo škodo. Enostavno jim je preveč pobegnilo na internet in sedaj si delamo vsak svoje utvare v glavi, ki ni nujno da so pravilne.

Sedaj se jim je res že veliko dreka nabralo na glavi, kar bo sigurno vsaj malo vplivalo na slabši izid konzole.

Eh to ziher ne bo vplivalo na slabši izid konzole. Glej apple, kjer folk že pol leta prej vn pošilja neke neumne govorice, potem pa vsako napravo, ki vn pride takoj prodajo, pa čeprov ni to kar so ljudje pričakovali iz govoric.


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Apple si lahko to privošči, medtem ko MS pa enostavno ne. Apple je Apple.

Glede na vse komentarje na internetu in g. Ortha aka Mr. Always-on, si je veliko ljudi že naredili slabo mnenje glede naslednjega Xboxa. Tako da še vseeno sem mnenja, da do neke mere bo tale pozna predstavitev vplivala na slabšo prodajo konzole.

Največ pa je itak odvisno od njihove predstavitve zdaj maja. Če bodo znali zaigrati na prave strune uporabnikov in potegnili še kakšnega asa ali raje kar dva iz rokava, potem se nimajo česa bati.

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Vse to govorice so reklama za M$ in več ko bo zanimanja, več folka bo pričakovalo njihovo predstavitev. Neko mnenje si bom pa vsaj jaz naredil, ko bo predstavljen. Sej ne rečem, da mi ni všeč, če bom vedno ga mogu met povezanga ali, da ne bom mogel kupiti rabljenih, samo trenutno vse to jemljem kot govorice in se kej preveč ne sekiram. Ga pa nestrpno pričakujem in ga bom mogoče kupil celo ob izidu, če ne bo cena pretirana. Letošnji E3 bo pester, kot že dolgo ne :)


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Res je, ampak menim da je to bolj slaba reklama. Sedaj se bo več pričakovalo od njih na E3 oz. že na njihovi pre-E3 konferenci. Če jim ne uspe prepričati kupcev in spreobrniti sebi v prid trenutnih govoric, potem bodo imeli hude težave.

Letošnji E3 zna biti eden boljših! Bitka konzol dveh velikanov! :hyper:

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Ja res, letos bo E3 zakon :P Kazanje mišic :) Drugače pa sem sam bolj naklonjen xboxu zaradi njegovega OSa, pa še zame en velik faktor je to, da skor vsi kolegi, ki majo konzolo majo xbox. Sem pa že rahlo nestrpen kak bo nov xbox, pa tut čakam, da za PS4 pokažejo kej bolj konkretnga


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Govorička, da bo X720 imel zastonj Live!? Khmm ni blo ne!

"There's simply no way on earth that Microsoft would ever consider forfeiting 46 million $60 a year subscriptions, even if it would put them on equal footing with one of the PS3′s [PS4?] selling points," he said. "This is also on top of the cut they take from everything sold on Xbox Live, and the ads they sell which are plastered all over the dashboard."



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Te govorice so zdaj že malo mučne... pa še cel mesec je do MS konference... Komaj čakam, da se oba 2 tabora že enkrat jasno in konkretno izrazita kako in kaj. :puppy:

Drugače pa: ko 1× vidiš kaj vse ponuja PS+ (predvsem kar se iger tiče, ostalo jemljem samo kot še dodatni plus), potem se enostavno smejiš Live naročnini. :yes:

Še posebej so nadležne reklame, ki enostavno Gold naročnikom NE bi smele biti vidne... Da ne omenim, da imajo nelogično oglaševanje, kjer delajo reklamo za konkurenco:


Res bravo MS... reklama za mobitel, kjer je nameščen android (HTC One), namesto WP! :duh: Sicer sta MS in HTC v partnerstvu, ampak vseeno... HTC ima tudi zelo dobre WP telefone. Nekako je logično, da oglašuješ svoje izdelke na svoji storitvi in ne konkurence. :tepen:

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Kolikor berem mal vtise folka po tujih forumih, vedno bolj dobivam občutek, da večina folka v času PS+ in zastonj pc online špilanja dojema, kakšen nateg je dejansko Live. Vedno več folka zelo izrecno najavlja, da pač Livea financirali bodo več ne, pa naj se MS milo rečeno jebe. Se ne bi čudil, če bi jih eventualna odločitev, da še vedno obdržijo plačljiv Live, na koncu pošteno brcnila v rit glede upada uporabnikov v naslednji generaciji .. pa še prav bi jim bilo. :plan:

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NextBox bo predstavljen 21.maja na posebnem eventu, ob 19 po našem času. Tko da verne duše skenslajte mašo takrat.

Medtem pa Nintendo šafla osebje - Iwata bo prevzel še NOA po svoje okrilje. Tko da je samo še vprašanje cajta, kdaj bodo še NOE pripojili pod njegovo komando.



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Še najava od Major Nelsona:

On Tuesday May 21st, we’ll mark the beginning of a new generation of games, TV and entertainment. On that day, we’ll be holding a special press event on the Xbox campus and we invite you to join us via the live global stream that will be available on Xbox LIVE and

On that day, we’ll share our vision for Xbox, and give you a real taste of the future. Then, 19-days later at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in Los Angeles, we’ll continue the conversation and showcase our full lineup of blockbuster games.




Aja, pa Nintendo se ne bo udeležil E3 konference! Več v Wii U temi...

Urejano od matej1990

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